Han Xiyuan soon saw the person who came, this person's name was Han Fushou, and he was the housekeeper in Han Xiyuan's house.

Han Fushou brought the devastating news that his two brothers had all been killed in the battle to hold the fortress of Jiangyin.

Han Xiyuan's cheap father, Han Jingxing, has a total of three sons and two daughters, and two of them have been killed in battle, and Han Xiyuan will inevitably move up the throne next.

And next, Han Fushou's words surprised Han Xiyuan.

Because, Han Jingxing actually scattered all his family wealth, pulled up an army, went out of Sichuan and Chongqing Province, and was marching in the direction of Jianning City.

"Young master, when my lord heard the news that you might still be alive, he sent me to look for you immediately. At

the beginning, Han Jingxing thought that Han Xiyuan had already died in battle, so when he received the news that his other two sons were also killed, he shouted out directly.

"Sons have sacrificed their lives for the country, and Lao Tzu will follow suit. A

week ago, Han Jingxing heard that Han Xiyuan might still be alive, so he directly ordered Han Fushou to dress up in disguise and go to the magic capital at all costs to confirm whether Han Xiyuan was still alive.

"It's old, and it's uncomfortable.

Han Xiyuan said, but it was not a taste in his heart.

Today's Han Jingxing is sixty-five years old, and at that time, sixty-five years old was basically a few years old.

"Young master, my lord asked me to give this to you.

Han Fushou took out a stack of papers from the inner cuff, Han Xiyuan took it, and found that it was the title deed of the Han family's ancestral house, which was the only thing that the Han family could not sell.

"Young master, let me tell you, to serve the country with your body, if you have to go to the house for the third, he is willing to do it for you. I hope you can find a way to escape from the magic capital. At

the beginning, Han Jingxing saw Han Xiyuan's face from the newspapers along the way, and saw the content of the recovery of the demon capital, and he boldly guessed that Han Xiyuan had not died in battle.

In addition, Han Jingxing also instructed Han Xiyuan to communicate more and leave some hope for the Han family, Han Xiyuan listened to all this and asked Zhou Xinghui to settle Han Fushou.

I have to say that if he hadn't been reborn into this body, and Han Jingxing had already left Sichuan and Chongqing Province, it would be Han Jingxing's family of four fathers and sons, all of whom served the country with their bodies.

In fact, in this era, it is very common for a family of brothers and sons to go into battle, because they understand that if they do not carry their guns to the battlefield, then the wives and children behind them will have no one to protect them.

There are many realities of loyal martyrs who follow, but they still follow one after the other.

After asking Zhou Xinghui to settle Han Fushou, Han Xiyuan picked up the counteroffensive plan that Zhou Xinghui had just handed over, and he looked back and forth twice, and there were still eight days left before the task of holding Jianning was completed.

He looked at the direction of the drawer again, there was the vulture plan in the drawer, and when he raised his head, there was a map of the Great Qianmin Republic, he looked in the direction of Jianning City, hesitated for a long time, and then stood up.

"Jianning City, you must hold on.

He muttered in his mouth and walked out of the room, he was going to start commanding the army and marching towards Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to solve the crisis in Jianning.

At this moment, in the area of Niushou Mountain, a Sichuan-Chongqing division that was originally guarding here, after a day of fighting, most of the soldiers were lying in the trenches, and their dead comrades-in-arms were lying beside them, and the soldiers of Fusang attacked one after another, and their soldiers fell one after another, and they had no time to carry the corpses.

A Sichuan-Chongqing soldier smoked a dry tobacco, and then handed it to a soldier with gauze wrapped around his eyes, the soldier was shot in the abdomen, the blood could not stop, and he wanted to taste the taste of dry tobacco before he died.

The soldier, who was just seventeen years old, took a puff and immediately coughed. And every time he coughed, a tingling pain hit, but unfortunately, before he finally died, he couldn't open his eyes and take another look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

"Lao Ge, you have touched the girl, what is it like. The

other nested in a corner of the position, and from time to time poked his head out to see if the Fuso soldiers on the opposite side of the position had attacked.

At this time, it was the time for the Fusang army on the opposite side to eat lunch, and the Sichuan-Chongqing division on Niushou Mountain didn't even drink a few sips of basic water, they ran all the way from Sichuan-Chongqing Province and had already learned to endure hunger.

"Yes, Lao Ge, what's it like?" The

soldier who had just smoked a dry cigarette ignored the two people in front of him, and used his rough and mutilated fingers to sort out the comrades he had just lost, not so much comrades-in-arms as sons.

"The bombers of Fusang are coming, get down quickly!!"

Lao Ge was about to speak, and their battalion commander immediately shouted.

They hurriedly hid in the improvised dug dugout.

This time, Yamakawa Yugu, commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army of Fuso State, dispatched 113 Type 93 twin-engine light bombers and 55 Type 93 twin-engine heavy bombers to bomb the first line of defense outside Jianning City.

Both types of bombers are imitations of the Junkers K37 twin-engine light bomber.

Yamakawa Yugu had previously mobilized nearly 100 Type 93 twin-engine light bombers, but after the bomber bombing, the offensive effect of the soldiers of Fuso was not significant, and there was even a shameful record of not taking a position in a day.

Therefore, he has transferred all the bombers that the current air force can mobilize today, and he must take the first line of defense outside Jianning City before the sun sets today.

In this way, it is possible for him to complete the task of taking Jianning City within three days issued by the country.

After bombing, 55 Type 93 twin-engine heavy bombers also used three 7.7 mm MG machine guns installed on the bombers to fire frantically at the underground positions, and some soldiers thought that the bombing was over, and hurriedly crawled out of the improvised air-raid shelters.

Because after the bomber bombing is over, it will be followed by the attack of the Fuso soldiers, and the bombs dropped by the bombers, the rammed earth will bury the bomb shelter, making the air in the bomb shelter very insufficient, and some simple air raid shelters will collapse directly, burying the soldiers directly in it.

The commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army, Yamakawa Yugu, was giving an order to attack the commander of the Dagu Wing attacking Niushou Mountain, Amway Daihisa.

"Dajiujun, please tear the first hole for our army in Niushou Mountain. "

Hai, Your Excellency, Commander, I will not let you down. "

The first line of defense outside Jianning City, the weakest place is Niushou Mountain.

The reason is naturally simple, the Sichuan-Chongqing division that sticks to it here is too backward in weapons and equipment.

And Fan Ha'er, the commander of the Sichuan-Chongqing Division who is sticking here, has called Tang Zhisheng many times to ask for help, and this Tang Zhisheng said perfunctorily every time that reinforcements will arrive soon.

With the withdrawal of the last Type 93 twin-engine heavy bomber from the battlefield, the attack of the Dagu Wing was directly started, and the Dagu Wing was very abnormal.

Because, in the normal offensive of the Fusang Army, it is necessary to mobilize 13 field artillery pieces and 8 to 10 Type 97 mortars to bombard the position.

And the Dagu Wing gave up the artillery bombardment, each soldier took off his helmet, tied a white turban on his head, and in the center of the turban was a red sun, the squad leader, Cao Chang took the lead in the charge, and suicidally attacked the position on Niushou Mountain.

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