Jianning City, Municipal Government, War Department.

Now in the war hall, it is a pot of porridge, and all the positions of the first line of defense outside Jianning City are telegrams asking for help, as well as scarce weapons and ammunition, asking for weapons and ammunition assistance.

"Commander-in-chief, Van Ha'er of Niushou Mountain has sent another telegram asking for help, and this is the third time he has sent a telegram today.

Zhao Shenchang handed over a telegram, Tang Zhisheng didn't even read it, and put it aside.

Because of the Condor Project, he has no troops to send to help.

"Commander-in-chief, judging from the current battle situation, it will be difficult for the first line of defense outside Jianning City to last until noon tomorrow. If that's the case, the pressure on us will be even greater.

Zhao Shenchang saw that Tang Shengzhi did not speak, and continued.

The original defense plan was to hold the first line of defense outside the city of Jianning until noon tomorrow.

"Send the police in the city to the front line to deliver ammunition, and as for Niushou Mountain, put the regiment from Sichuan and Chongqing Province on top.

Tang Zhisheng played with the jade wrench on his right hand with his left hand, and at present, he could only draw out these troops.

"Commander-in-Chief, theoretically, there is no problem with this arrangement. But the head of the regiment from Sichuan-Chongqing Province was Han Jingxing, Han Xiyuan's father. At present, there is an order from the top to protect this person. In two days, the military commander will come to pick up people.

Zhao Shenchang opened his mouth to remind, of course Tang Zhisheng understood, and he spoke again.

"Then detain him, and then send that regiment up, those miscellaneous troops, stay in the city to fight, maybe it will cause me a lot of trouble. "

Tang Zhisheng looks down on miscellaneous troops very much, so the troops stationed in the first line of defense outside Jianning City are all miscellaneous troops, and the regular army is all left by him.

He believed that the miscellaneous troops did not obey orders and were weak in combat, and that staying would only cause trouble.

"Commander-in-chief, then I will secretly detain Han Jingxing.

After Zhao Shenchang finished speaking, he went down to make arrangements.

Tang Zhisheng saw the moment when Zhao Shenchang left, and continued to look at the sand table in front of him, and suddenly the officer on the side stepped forward and pulled out a military flag, which was the direction of Qinglong Mountain.

This also indicates that the position of Qinglong Mountain has been lost, and the three brigades responsible for defending Qinglong Mountain are the 388 Provisional Brigade, the Provisional 324 Brigade and the Provisional 107 Brigade, and these three brigades are naturally also miscellaneous troops.

And the reason why they were broken through was because the 731 troops specified by the emperor of Fusang had already reached the area of Qinglong Mountain.

This time, the 731 unit also carried nearly 100 poison gas bombs, and when the commander of the Fuso Army in charge of the attack, Masayoshi Kuroda, heard the news, he directly transferred more than half of them to the positions around Qinglong Mountain.

The soldiers who stuck to this area had just experienced the bombing of bombers, but now they were attacked by poison gas bombs, and they had never seen this kind of poison gas bombs, and many soldiers inhaled a large amount of poison gas in a short period of time, causing direct death.

There were also quite a few soldiers who inhaled poison gas, and although they did not die, they directly lost their combat effectiveness.

The attacking Fuso soldiers, wearing gas masks, launched a fierce attack at the moment when the gas of the gas bombs had not completely dissipated.

In this way, the positions around Qinglong Mountain were directly occupied by Fusang soldiers.

With the loss of the position of Qinglong Mountain, the Fusang army in Chunhua, Qixia Mountain, and Wulong Mountain also concocted the means of using poison gas bombs in the same way, although the number of poison gas bombs was insufficient at the moment, but it still brought a lot of casualties to the defenders in Chunhua, Qixia Mountain, and Wulong Mountain, and some of their positions were also lost one after another.

As for the position of Niushou Mountain, in the end, the division commander of the Sichuan-Chongqing Division, Fan Ha'er, directly led the garrison company to the top, and only reluctantly retreated the advance of the Dagu Wing, and at eight o'clock that night, a regiment sent by Tang Zhisheng to support also rushed to support.

At this moment, a force is slowly driving out of the territory and heading in the direction of Suzhou.

Han Xiyuan asked Zhou Xinghui in the morning if he had completely dealt with the Fusang spies lurking in the Demon Capital, and Zhou Xinghui shook his head.

Previously, Han Xiyuan asked for help from several Green Gang bosses, and he also relied on the help of the Green Gang bosses to form an intelligence department.

At present, this intelligence department has secretly arrested and tortured six Fusang soldiers lurking in the magic capital, but the six Fusang agents without exception have not confessed to other spies.

In this way, Han Xiyuan originally wanted to fight a surprise war, and that could only be to drive the army out at night.

The dispatch was the 1st Brigade of the 369th Division, Han Xiyuan personally went out, and Li Longjie was in charge.

The Second Brigade will be responsible for supporting and receiving the cities captured in the first round, which will reduce the non-combat attrition of the First Brigade, ensure the combat capability of the First Brigade, and speed up the advance of the First Brigade.

The Third Brigade stayed in the Demon Capital, and Zhou Xinghui was also left to sit in the Demon Capital, and at present, Zhou Xinghui can be in charge of himself, and he already has a good relationship with Du Yueming.

The 1st Brigade currently consists of three reinforced regiments, one tank regiment, one field hospital, one heavy artillery regiment, and one baggage battalion, totaling 11,698 men.

The soldiers of the 1st Brigade were all armed with a Mauser 98k rifle and six M24 grenades, each regiment was equipped with a charge company, and the charge company fighters were all armed with an MP40 submachine gun and a Sauer M38H pistol and twelve M24 grenades.

Because, all the BMW R12 heavy motorcycles were allocated to the First Brigade by Han Xiyuan, so that the First Brigade quickly broke away from the territory of the magic capital.

The front tank regiment has twenty T-26 light tanks and twenty Leopard medium tanks, and ten M3 armored reconnaissance vehicles have advanced to the forefront, but because it is late at night, Han Xiyuan's side does not have enough flashbangs.

"Order the soldiers to camp on the spot, and at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, launch an attack on time against the Fuso army on the opposite side.

Han Xiyuan was at a commanding height, looking at the position of the Fusang army opposite by moonlight, and the position of the Fusang army was heavily guarded at the moment.

With the lessons of Han Xiyuan's several breakdowns, the Fusang army began to increase the number of sentinels, and even added new codes.

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