Tang Zhisheng gave the order and was about to take a military jeep to the front to inspect, which was also an incentive for the soldiers, after all, the commander fought side by side with them.

At this moment, an officer of the military command strode over, followed by eight soldiers, he knocked on Tang Zhisheng's door, walked in, and saluted Tang Zhisheng.

Tang Zhisheng saluted the officer in front of him, then took the document in his hand and carefully flipped through it several times.

Then it was handed to Zhao Shenchang, and the military commander who had just arrived delivered the documents and left here.

"I didn't expect that we finally had the time to fight back.

Tang Zhisheng stretched out his fist at this moment and waved it in the air, he had waited for this moment for too long.

"Commander-in-chief, King Wan and King Gui want to use Jianning City as bait this time to surround the Fusang soldiers outside the city, and Commander-in-Chief Chen will actually fight this time. Commander-in-chief, the people in Jianning City have been saved. At

this moment, Zhao Shenchang is the most excited.

The content of the document that the two of them just read was a battle plan, with Jianning City as the point of holding on, and holding Jianning City for three days.

The king of Anhui will mobilize 180,000 soldiers to adopt a strategy of encirclement of the Fusang soldiers from the north side of Jianning City, and the king of Gui will mobilize 100,000 troops to adopt the strategy of encirclement of the Fusang soldiers from the south side of Jianning City.

Jiang Zhiqing also mobilized 170,000 central troops this time, commanded by Chen Tumu himself, to support Jianning City, and after the troops of King Gui and King Wan completed the siege, they attacked the Fusang troops from inside Jianning City.

This is the first time that the three parties have worked together, in order to repel the Fusang soldiers who have penetrated deep and surround the heart of the country, Jianning.

"Your Majesty also stopped the Condor Project, which makes me most pleased, you and I don't have to bear the infamy of the ages this time, and we can fight a war with the Fuso soldiers in front of me in a dignified manner.

Tang Zhisheng laughed out loud at this moment, but he also knew that it would be easier said than done if he wanted to hold Jianning City for three days, or even longer, under the attack of 50,000 Fusang soldiers in front of him.

"Commander-in-Chief, I beg to be sent to the front to supervise the battle.

At this moment, Zhao Shenchang took advantage of Tang Zhisheng's happiness and made a request.

"Chief of the General Staff, call officers from the brigade commander level and above, and in an hour hold an operational meeting in the operations hall.

Of course, Tang Zhisheng understood what Zhao Shenchang meant, and he was also going to propose to let the headquarters of each brigade advance by 500 meters at the combat meeting in an hour, which would definitely make it more likely that the headquarters would be hit by the artillery of the Fusang soldiers.

However, this will inevitably motivate the soldiers, and the garrison company of the brigade headquarters can be reinforced at any time.

An hour later, a meeting was held in the war hall of Jianning City.

In the direction of Suzhou, Han Xiyuan also held a small meeting briefly.

This small meeting is naturally to count the number of casualties, the prisoners of war that have been captured, and Han Xiyuan has also killed a lot of Fusang soldiers in the magic capital before.

At present, Han Xiyuan only needs to kill another 800 Fusang soldiers to upgrade, and according to the data reported by each regiment, the captured Fusang soldiers are as high as 1,000, which makes Han Xiyuan directly order each regiment to gather all the captured soldiers.

In addition, he ordered the soldiers of the 1st Regiment, now facing the direction of Suzhou City, to order the telegraph operator to send a telegram to the 2nd Brigade, so that the 2nd Brigade could immediately come up with reinforcements.

After doing all this, Han Xiyuan habitually picked up the MG42 general machine gun and strafed, he was used to this kind of strafing madness at the moment.

When many Fuso soldiers saw this scene, they secretly scolded Han Xiyuan for not following the Geneva Treaty, but Han Xiyuan still pretended not to hear.

He always believed that these Fuso soldiers were not human at all, and since they were not human beings, they were not eligible for the Geneva Treaty.

Of course, Han Xiyuan left a lot of gun holes in these Fusang soldiers, and he also felt a little pity in his heart, he is currently occupying Suzhou and the magic capital, so he must build here next.

And if these two places are to be built, a large amount of free labor will be needed, and these fallen Fuso soldiers are tantamount to the best free labor.

Moreover, Han Xiyuan has thought about how to use these Fusang soldiers, he is going to directly let these Fusang soldiers work for eighteen hours a day, as long as they are provided with one meal a day, and all the cotton clothes on these Fusang soldiers are now stripped away, let them wear thin shirts and work in the cold weather, if they are unfortunately infected, Han Xiyuan will not give medicine, if they can resist, then live, if they can't resist, then directly throw the stove as fuel.

Congratulations to the host for his promotion to the rank of major. Congratulations

to the host for obtaining a platinum chest. Han

Xiyuan only killed 800 Fusang soldiers this time, and Han Xiyuan did not kill the rest of the Fusang soldiers.

After doing all this, it was already seven o'clock in the morning, Han Xiyuan yawned, and then directly got on the military jeep and went to Suzhou City, and the first regiment had successfully taken Suzhou City.

Han Xiyuan, who was sitting in the jeep, looked at the system page in his mind, and when he saw it, he was directly excited and sleepy.

Because he found that after he was promoted to the rank of major, the purchase limit of goods in his system store was all refreshed, which means that he can buy all the goods, and the number of 7.62mm bullets that can be purchased at present has directly become unlimited, and he looks at several other types of bullets, and even the purchase limit of shells is also an inverted 8, which represents infinity.

In this way, Han Xiyuan is equivalent to unlimited bullets and unlimited shells, and he can get nearly 10,000 junior soldiers, with the blessing of these commodities, Han Xiyuan can form a junior soldier brigade, and the weapons in the system warehouse can let the brigades in his hands complete the reorganization work.

"Hmm, let's drive some aircraft carriers!" Han

Xiyuan pondered silently, at present, he is too weak in the navy.

Congratulations on getting the Junkers ---88 Bomber card. Congratulations

on getting the Königsberg-class cruiser card. Congratulations

on getting the S-35 Cavalry Tank card. Congratulations

on getting the Beginner Warrior Augmentation Card. Congratulations

on getting the No. 1 Light Tank card. Congratulations

on getting the Black Widow Fighter Card. Congratulations

on getting the M1 Howitzer card. Congratulations

on getting the Ranger aircraft carrier. Han

Xiyuan's mind kept sounding with mechanical sounds, and finally stopped on the Ranger aircraft carrier, and Han Xiyuan breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The platinum treasure chest, sure enough, there are eight cards.

Subsequently, Han Xiyuan directly used all eight cards.

Junkers ---88 bomber (unit price is 1,000 Chinese dollars, limited to 100 units per month.) S

--35 cavalry tank (unit price of 1,000 Chinese dollars, limited to 100 units per month.) No

. 1 light tank (unit price is 1,000 Chinese dollars, limited to 100 units per month.) M1

howitzer (unit price is 1,000 Huaxia coins, limited to 100 units per month.) Black

Widow fighter jet (unit price is 1,000 Chinese coins, limited to 100 units per month.)

At present, in the system store, the original purchase limit of 20 T-26 light tanks, Tiger heavy tanks, and Leopard medium tanks, the M3 armored reconnaissance vehicle purchase limit has all become 100 units, and the M2 howitzer and M24 mortar, the purchase limit has become 100 units.

Ranger aircraft carriers (unit price is 100,000 Chinese dollars, limited to two per year.)

Königsberg-class cruisers (unit price 50,000 Chinese dollars, limited to six per year.

At present, the number of Bismarck Dreadnought battleships is mentioned at nine, and the purchase limit of the aircraft carrier Akagi is also mentioned at two.

Han Xiyuan did not hesitate, he directly bought all these new goods.

In the end, he used a junior warrior booster card he had just obtained, and he silently thought about critical hits in his heart, because if there were more soldiers this time, then he would naturally have more chances of winning.

"It's only a five-fold increase, which is really a pity. "

This junior warrior amplification card has been increased by five times by one thousand, which directly raises Han Xiyuan's purchase limit for junior warriors to fourteen thousand three hundred.

Han Xiyuan bought the extra 5,000 restricted soldiers just now and put them in his system warehouse.

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