At ten o'clock in the morning, Han Xiyuan stepped into the city of Suzhou, and the soldiers of the first regiment were already under martial law in the whole city, so on both sides of the street were junior soldiers standing guard with guns.

Now that Suzhou City has just been taken, there are still many remnants of Fusang in the city, and of course there are also remnants of military command.

Han Xiyuan took a military vehicle directly and went to the headquarters in the city.

He met Zhou Xinghui in the headquarters, and Zhou Xinghui was instructing a regiment of soldiers to complete the pacification of the people in the city as soon as possible.

And in order to appease, some people of high moral standing in the city, as well as big people from all walks of life in the city, must invite them one by one, talk with them properly, and let them cooperate with the military management of the army.

"The division commander, a station commander who claims to be a military commander, asks to see you.

As soon as Han Xiyuan stepped in, Han Dali, the platoon commander who accompanied the guard, stepped forward to speak to Han Xiyuan, Han Xiyuan nodded, and then spoke.

"Let him wait in the side room.

Han Xiyuan was still going to meet Zhou Xinghui first, and then he met Zhou Xinghui.

"Zhou Xinghui, what's the current situation?"

Han Xiyuan sat down and took a sip of hot tea.

Zhou Xinghui immediately briefed Han Xiyuan on the current situation, at present, the first regiment of the first brigade has occupied Suzhou City, while the second and third regiments are advancing in the direction of Huzhou, and at the junction of Suzhou and Huzhou, the second and third regiments encountered the Fusang soldiers who were originally coming to support, and are currently exchanging fire.

The second brigade is passing through the area of Jishou Mountain and moving in the direction of Suzhou City, and they will take over the position of the first round.

The First Regiment is currently only resting in Suzhou City for a whole day, and in Suzhou City, the soldiers of the First Regiment adopt military management, adopt a curfew system, and also adopt some policies to reassure the people in Suzhou City, and Zhou Xinghui has temporarily imprisoned all the officials in the city.

He was going to collect the opinions of the people in the city about these officials, and then decide whether these officials would stay or not.

"This is indeed a problem, we have a lack of talents who can govern the local area, but we also have to prefer a shortage to an indiscriminate, a good official, can solve the local problems. A corrupt official can corrupt a management team and throw a region into chaos. An enemy official, that can put us to death.

Han Xiyuan heard Zhou Xinghui mention the current scarcity of officials, and he was also a little helpless, after all, he can only summon some war talents at present, and for the scarcity of management talents, Han Xiyuan is not so urgent.

His idea, if there is a shortage of officials, then continue to use military management.

"Yes, division commander, I will definitely lay a good foundation, and I will definitely not let our management have a traitor, a corrupt official.

Han Xiyuan handed over the burden of screening officials to Zhou Xinghui, and Zhou Xinghui also patted his chest and promised Han Xiyuan.

"Some new recruits can be recruited from the territory of Suzhou, and these recruits will be incorporated into the baggage battalion, and I am ready to expand another reinforced brigade. In addition, order a regiment to block off the area around Qigu Mountain, where I will go tonight.

As soon as Han Xiyuan said this, Zhou Xinghui naturally understood what he meant, this was to open the call of junior warriors.

"Division commander, the establishment of this reinforced brigade is to prepare for the use of troops everywhere. When

Zhou Xinghui heard that he was going to establish a reinforced brigade, his eyes unconsciously saw the place in Wuxi, as long as he took Wuxi, he could go directly to Jiangyin Fortress.

If the Jiangyin fortress is taken, it will be equivalent to cutting off the connection between the Fusang army outside Jianning City and Jiangsu, Zhejiang Province, and even Anhuai Half Province.

And if that's the case, Han Xiyuan will be enough to close the door and wipe out the Fusang soldiers stationed in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, so as to take the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province.

"It seems, Zhou Xinghui, you already have a new battle.

When Han Xiyuan walked in, Zhou Xinghui kept comparing and drawing on the map in front of him, and Han Xiyuan knew that Zhou Xinghui was making a new battle plan.

"Division commander, when I entered Suzhou City, I came to this headquarters, and a lot of materials have not been destroyed. I saw a copy of the battle plan of the Fuso country. According to this battle plan, conservative estimates show that there are still two brigades and regiments in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and there are still seven cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. If you wait until the 2nd Brigade arrives, plus the 4th Brigade, which is about to be newly expanded by the division commander. I will grasp that within half a month, I will take all Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. And if you want to take Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, you must cut off the connection between Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province and the Fusang soldiers outside Jianning City.

Zhou Xinghui first hung up a map, and then kept gesturing with his hands.

Han Xiyuan also approached, he looked at the horizontal and vertical strokes on the map, and then spoke.

"If you follow your plan, you can really completely bring Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province into our management within half a month. Even, as long as we want, we can also eat the three western cities of An Huai Province. "

Yes, Commander. So, that's a great opportunity for us. However, I think that Suzhou City has been taken by us, and the soldiers of Fusang Kingdom who are attacking Jianning City will inevitably return to Huzhou and Jiangyin. And we must quickly take the Jiangyin Fortress.

Zhou Xinghui also hurriedly responded, and Han Xiyuan stood up and patted the dust on his body after hearing this, and then spoke.

"Then I'll go and see the stationmaster of the military commander in a moment, and then go to Qigu Mountain. Zhou Xinghui, you still have to work out a more detailed battle plan as much as possible. "

Division commander, are you talking about the military commander who escaped from the Fusang military camp?"

Zhou Xinghui asked tentatively, and then explained.

Yesterday, the first regiment entered Suzhou City, and there was still a brigade of defenders stationed in the city, and the soldiers of the first regiment began to eliminate the defenders of this brigade.

In the end, this middle-aged man solved the problem, he single-handedly killed five Fusang soldiers who were guarding him, and then ran out.

Because this middle-aged man claimed to be the stationmaster of the military command, but he had no evidence, he was temporarily detained by Zhou Xinghui.

And this middle-aged man has been clamoring to see the commander of their army.

"It's really incredible to kill five Fuso soldiers with guns with their bare hands.

Han Xiyuan sighed, and then explained that Zhou Xinghui hurriedly sent soldiers to Qigu Mountain to blockade, and he took a few soldiers to go in person to meet this legendary military commander stationmaster.

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