The stationmaster of the military command is generally the rank of colonel, and the director of the military command is the rank of major general, and in the later period, the director of the military command is exceptionally promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

"You are the commander Han who came from the magic capital?"

Han Xiyuan had just walked in, and the military commander stood up and saluted Han Xiyuan.

"I heard that you want to see me by name, and I'm standing here right now, and you can say whatever you want.

Han Xiyuan saw the hand stretched out from the opposite side, but did not stretch out his hand, the big man in front of him, dressed in a tunic and not touching a trace of soil. There was no sign of torture on his body, and such a person walked out of the military camp in Fusang with his bare hands.

This person's identity must not be simple, and there is another possibility, this person is a traitor.

"Division Commander Han, I was formerly Jiang Zemu, the stationmaster of the Northern Hebei District of the military command, and I am currently working as an errand under Zi Meigong, who admires Master Han's talent very much. I was going to let me go to the magic capital to meet Master Han, but I didn't expect that we would meet in Suzhou City.

Jiang Ze Mupi didn't smile, and slowly revealed his intentions.

The Zi Meigong in Jiang Zemu's mouth is the defected Jiang Weijing.

"So, you're going to make me a traitor? And do you think that if you say this, you still have a chance of getting out of here alive?"

Han Xiyuan was about to take out the Sauer M38H pistol on his waist, he was merciless to this kind of traitor.

"Master Han, now Zi Mei Gong is just a delaying tactic, succumbing to the Fusang Kingdom, and when Zi Mei Gong's power grows, Zi Mei Gong will inevitably hold high the banner of the War of Resistance.

Jiang Zemu said, seeing the pistol Han Xiyuan took out, he subconsciously took a step back.

"The plan to delay the army? I think he really wants to be a dog, and the ambition he made when he was young is probably forgotten at this moment! In your next life, choose a good master.

Han Xiyuan didn't give Jiang Zemu more chance to defend himself, he directly pulled the trigger and shot Jiang Zemu directly.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Zemu in front of him would give him a bright feeling, but now it seems that he is a traitor again, and he is still dead.

"I didn't expect that there were traitors within the military command, and there may be capitulationists at the top of the Republic of China. "

The military commander is equivalent to the brocade guard of the Ming Dynasty, and there are traitors in such a department.

Han Xiyuan ordered a few soldiers who were originally following him to drag Jiang Zemu in front of him down, chop it up and feed it to the dogs.

Then he turned around and got into a military jeep and went to Qigu Mountain, where he summoned all the 14,300 junior soldiers stored in the system warehouse, as well as 11,000 Mauser 98k rifles, 3,000 MP40 submachine guns, and 500 MG42 general-purpose machine guns.

At present, the purchase limit of the Mauser 98k rifle has been directly increased to 50,000, while the purchase limit of the MG42 general-purpose machine gun has become 5,000.

As for the 7.62 mm bullets, as well as the 9 mm bullets, Han Hee Won directly summoned nearly a million rounds.

In addition, the current purchase limit of intermediate fighters has also been increased to one hundred, so Han Xiyuan summoned another hundred junior soldiers, and Han Xiyuan adopted the principle of using half to keep half, and put fifty intermediate soldiers into his garrison company.

His purpose in doing this was very clear, that is, this reinforced brigade was commanded by a hundred middle-level soldiers, which was really too wasteful, and he would definitely continue to expand the army in a short period of time, and these fifty middle-level soldiers would inevitably become his officer reserve.

Subsequently, Han Xiyuan summoned 400 medical soldiers and 400 sappers for the Fourth Brigade, and the current purchase limit for medical soldiers and sappers has been increased to 1,500.

In addition, Han Xiyuan summoned 50 military vehicles and 3,500 BMW R12 heavy motorcycles, and the purchase limit of BMW R12 heavy motorcycles was directly increased to 15,000.

At present, Han Xiyuan does not need to think about the issue of oil at all, because rice, flour and oil are currently without any restrictions on purchases.

Even, Han Xiyuan is ready to directly send oil to the outside if he is short of money in the future, but the Republic of China is still labeled as oil-poor, after all, several famous oil fields in later generations have not been exploited.

Thinking of those oil fields, Han Xiyuan inadvertently looked in the direction of the northeast, which is currently under the control of the Fusang State, and under the support of the Fusang State, a national patriarch in the Northeast was made the emperor and established a puppet dynasty in the northeast region.

"In the future, I must lead our army to recover the northeast region.

Han Xiyuan clenched his fists, the 300,000 garrisons in the Northeast region before, in the face of the sneak attack of Fusang State, actually did not fire a shot, and directly withdrew from the Guanwai, handing over the Northeast region to others.

This incident made Han Xiyuan angry, and what Han Xiyuan couldn't understand the most was why he retreated so simply.

Even, according to the investigation of some scholars in later generations, at the beginning, Fusang was only a tentative attack on the northeast region at the instigation of some officers, and as long as the garrison in the northeast region launched a counterattack at that time, the Fuso country would certainly not invade the overall situation.

In this case, at least the Northeast region will not fall so soon, of course, the matter has come to this point, and the current situation can only be changed as much as possible.

Subsequently, Han Hee-won summoned another hundred T-26 light tanks, one hundred No. 1 light tanks, and Leopard medium tanks.

There are also a hundred M2 howitzers, a hundred M24 mortars, a hundred Flak 41 Type 50-mm anti-aircraft guns.

"Wang Zhiming.

Han Xiyuan shouted in front of him Wang Zhiming, the commander of the Fourth Brigade.

"Here, Commander.

Han Xiyuan instructed Wang Zhiming to complete the reorganization of the Fourth Brigade in the shortest possible time, and then the garrison of the Fourth Brigade was placed outside Jianning City by Han Xiyuan, Han Xiyuan also rushed back to Jianning City in a military jeep, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening when he returned to Jianning City, and he instructed the soldiers in Jianning City to carry the 50,000 bags of flour and 30,000 bags of rice that he had just summoned.

In the area occupied by the Fusang army, the Fusang soldiers plundered their food, which made the people in Jianning have to tighten their belts to live, and Han Xiyuan is currently preparing to let the people in the city have enough to eat.

Therefore, he instructed the soldiers to gather the people to come out to receive food, and by the way, they could also compare the information on the people in the city with the household registers, and also screen out a large number of people whose identities were in doubt.

Originally, the people in Jianning City, after the continuous harassment of the Fusang soldiers in the past two days, were living in panic all day long, but at this moment, Han Xiyuan and his troops appeared, posted notices to calm the people, and the soldiers knocked on the door from door to door to deliver food to them, which directly comforted their panicked mood.

Back at the headquarters in Jianning, Han Xiyuan saw that a room was still lit, although most of the government departments in Suzhou City had been connected to electricity, but that room was obviously lit with oil lamps.

In fact, in 1882, the Republic of China already had electricity, but the price of electricity was too high, and some governments still used oil lamps, and even in the past 100 years, they used oil lamps for lighting.

"Who is in that room having a meeting?" Han

Xiyuan asked the guards on the side.

"Division commander, it's the chief of the general staff who is in a meeting with some high-level figures in Jianning City. The

guard quickly responded to Han Hee-won.

The meeting started at three o'clock in the afternoon, but it lasted until nine o'clock in the evening, and that was because Zhou Xinghui was making rules for these people.

The most explicit of these is that there is no need for opium to appear in the boundaries of Suzhou, and that brothels and casinos must be officialized, which will inevitably cut off the financial resources of these people.

In addition, Zhou Xinghui also made it clear that they must sell the excess land to the state in the form of redemption.

This request directly took the lives of these people, and they must have been slow to speak, and they have been consumed so much that it has been directly consumed until now.

"How is

the meeting going?" Han Xiyuan took a document from the guard's hand, which was the content of the meeting topic that Zhou Xinghui had prepared earlier, and it was going to be handed over to him when Han Xiyuan returned.

"Division commander, those high-level figures are all goods that do not buy oil and salt, and the chief of the general staff has been grinding for several hours, and they still don't move.

The guard immediately spoke to Han Xiyuan, Han Xiyuan nodded, these contents are directly asking for the lives of those high-level people, and they must be given a dose of fierce medicine, he thought, and pushed the door directly.

In this room, there are fifty-seven pigs, and the reason why they are pigs is simply because they are all fat and big-eared.

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