Han Xiyuan had just arrived at the war hall, and Ge Shunda, Zhuge Xun, and Zhou Xinghui were already waiting for Han Xiyuan here.

"My lord, the head of the German Empire, invites you to visit the German Empire.

Ge Shunda was the first to speak.

This time, Adolf not only invited Han Xiyuan, but also Mussouri of the Silver Wolf Empire.

This is also the first meeting between the three parties, mainly for the establishment of an alliance after that.

In addition, what makes Han Xiyuan excited is that the third World Cup that will be held in Paris is about to be held, and he vaguely remembers that this World Cup ended with the victory of the Silver Wolf Empire.

The World Cup is being held in June, and it is currently the middle of February, and Han Hee-won wants to get a chance to participate in the World Cup.

Of course, there is not much selection required at this time, because there are only 15 teams in this World Cup.

"It seems that the exploration team of the German Empire has already explored for oil in the Middle East.

Han Xiyuan looked at the map of the Middle East and already had confidence in his heart.

"Yes, my lord, according to the report of our intelligence agents in the Middle East, the exploration team of the German Empire only stayed in the Middle East for three days before leaving the Middle East. "

The German Empire's exploration team did not stay long because they were secretly going to the Middle East, and they were sampling for exploration, but the local exploration was enough to shock them.

They directly reported to China the estimated amount of oil reserves in the Middle East, and this news directly made Adolf determined to form an alliance with Han Xiyuan.

"In addition, the prince previously asked to support a force in this region of Myanmar. We at the Secret Service have found a suitable candidate.

Ge Shunda said, handed over a document, Han Xiyuan looked through it, it was a person named Zhang Fuzhi.

"This Zhang Fuzhi was born as a bandit and was later absorbed by the Burmese government, but this person has ambitions and is bent on returning to the motherland with the northern part of Myanmar.

Ge Shunda slowly introduced Zhang Fuzhi, and Han Xiyuan nodded slightly after reading it.

This region of Myanmar has always been the most chaotic area, and most of the northern part of Myanmar is inhabited by Daqian people, so this Zhang Fuzhi wants to return to the Republic of Daqian.

"Well, support is support, the Secret Service must keep an eye on this person, we can't raise a group of white-eyed wolves.

Han Xiyuan thought for a moment and spoke, the white-eyed wolf in his previous life was more difficult, but it made the motherland pay a lot of price.

"Yes, my lord. Mr. Qian is ready to return to China, and the intelligence agent of our secret intelligence agency is in the American Eagle Empire, and he has even become acquainted with Mr. Lu Hefu and Mr. Lu Heshen. The two gentlemen, at present, are still not ready to return to China, but the two gentlemen, they are ready to devote themselves to study for the time being, and they are even more prepared to dig up some talents from the American Eagle Empire for our Great Dry Republic of China.

Han Xiyuan was extremely excited about the two names mentioned by Ge Shunda, these two are great contributors to modern development, and Han Xiyuan admires them very much.

"I ordered the intelligence agents of the Secret Service to persuade the scholars who had gone to study in the U.S. Eagle Empire according to the official records of the past few years to persuade these scholars to return to China.

Han Xiyuan realized at this moment that the great cadres and scientists of this era were the backbone of the country after that, and most of them went to study in the U.S. Eagle Empire.

Han Xiyuan has used 50 intermediate scientists and one senior scientist, as well as nearly 1,000 junior scientists, to establish the First Science University of Beidu, referred to as Beijing University of Science and Technology.

Therefore, Han Xiyuan believes that the quality of education at Beijing University of Science and Technology will not be worse than that of the American Eagle Empire.

"Lord Wang, my special intelligence bureau has arrested three high-ranking spies of Fusang in the territory of the Northern Capital, and according to their confessions, Fusang has sent eighteen ninjas to assassinate you. At present, I have set up an ambush in the place where I received them, according to the confessions of the three high-ranking spies, and I have come this time in the hope that the army can support me. "

After this period of healthy development, the number of agents of the Secret Service has broken through to 8,000, and it is still increasing.

The reason for this is a benign development is that Han Hee-won requires these agents to have faith, and Han Hee-won has not established any party at the moment.

However, his requirement for his subordinates is to be loyal to himself and defend the territory.

But after all, it is a secret service department, and the firepower configuration is far inferior to that of the army, so Ge Shunda came to ask for help.

"Well, you go to find Wang Zhiming and ask him to send troops to cooperate with your actions.

After Han Xiyuan finished speaking, he asked Ge Shunda to go down and make arrangements.

"Zhuge Xun, has the official system

of Dongshan Province and Beihe Province been established?" At the beginning of this month, Han Xiyuan purchased 80,000 junior governance talents and 1,000 intermediate governance talents, all of which were placed by Han Xiyuan in Beihe Province and Dongshan Province, as for their original officials, Han Xiyuan was useless.

"Lord Qiqi, at present, the official system of the two provinces has been gradually established, but the rewards of some meritorious officials in these two provinces, my Qilin Pavilion has objections. "

Previously, after the Fusang soldiers in Dongshan Province and Beihe Province withdrew, those officials naturally surrendered in Kaicheng, and the puppet government had also formed a lot of armies, and Han Xiyuan did not receive any of these armies, and disbanded them directly.

And for these officials who surrendered in Kaesong, as well as officials who had been respected before, they even asked to be officials.

For these people, Zhuge Xun didn't know where to put it.

For these people, a reward of money is sufficient. There are no idlers in my land. Zhuge asked, how is the establishment of the Jiangnan Bank in the twenty-seven cities? In addition, to what extent has the newly established Construction Bank and the Social Security Bank of Qilin Pavilion been promoted?"

Originally, Han Xiyuan's current official system was already very bloated, and it was really unnecessary to accommodate some rice buckets.

In addition, Han Xiyuan considered that most of the people in his territory had no money in their hands, so Han Xiyuan was ready to set up a social security bank, which was dedicated to releasing the currency issued by Jiangnan Bank, and it was distributed free of charge.

Han Xiyuan has been committed to improving the quality of life of the people in his territory, and each city has set up free food and money gates, and Han Xiyuan announced that these gates will not be closed within half a year.

This means that the people can get food and clothing within half a year, and Han Xiyuan also distributed some mechanical farming tools and grain seeds for free.

These measures are all aimed at saving the economic development of the area occupied by Han Xiyuan as much as possible.

Because, these areas were previously occupied by the Fuso State, and they were all frantically plundered by the Fuso State.

As for the China Construction Bank, it is naturally for the construction and development of the territory, and the establishment of these banks at present requires continuous capital input, and in the past three to five years, it will inevitably be out of a state of loss.

However, Han Hee-won believes that as long as the people's lives can be lifted out of pre-war poverty, he is willing to pay.

After all, there is still a large amount of gold in his system warehouse that has not been taken out.

"At present, 18 of the 27 cities have established branches of Jiangnan Bank, and as for the Construction Bank and the Social Security Bank, they are currently being rolled out in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. "

At present, the economy of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces has basically recovered, and after the inspection of enterprises in Fusang, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have begun to resume the production of goods.

Therefore, it is the safest to start practicing in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

"The progress of the China Construction Bank can be slowed down, but the speed of the social security bank must be accelerated, and there are still many people in our territory who are facing a situation where there is no money available.

Han Xiyuan reminded that after the reform of the New Deal, the people have abolished the traditional title and secondment relationship.

However, the buying and selling of human beings is also endless.

"How did you Qilin Pavilion talk with a few businessmen of the U.S. Eagle Empire? And the three U.S. Eagle Empires that the Special Intelligence Bureau handed over to you before, have they been trained?"

Three days ago, several businessmen of the U.S. Eagle Empire, mainly Coca-Cola Enterprises, had an interview with Zhuge Xun and others, and Zhuge Xun and the others chose to allow several enterprises to enter the inland market, but they had to pay taxes in accordance with the corresponding rules.

As for the three merchants of the U.S. Eagle Empire that the Special Intelligence Agency was looking for before, they must go through a series of packaging, and Han Xiyuan is ready to summon 100,000 boxes of moxicillin in the near future, which are enough to open the door of the U.S. Eagle Empire.

In addition, Han Xiyuan also purchased five large cruise ships for the transportation of this batch of medicines, these five large cruise ships are flying the flags of major empires, and there is no need to worry about the attack of Fusang State.

Zhuge Xun also finished reporting to Han Xiyuan, so he left here under Han Xiyuan's instructions.

Then, it was Zhou Xinghui on the side.

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