Zhou Xinghui did not speak, but handed over a document, which was called the Tiance Army Reorganization Plan.

Han Xiyuan has been canonized by Jiang Zhiqing as the Tiance Army, so Han Xiyuan already has his own banner, and the establishment of various armies, Han Xiyuan is not ready to use the number assigned by Jiang Zhiqing before.

Instead, he was ready to form his own system and reorganize all his army into the Tiance Army.

The Tiance Army is initially preparing to establish 18 corps and 36 reserve brigades, totaling 1.2 million.

"Well, just take advantage of the fact that there has been no fighting recently, and complete the reorganization of the troops as soon as possible. In addition, it is still necessary to form the rudiments of a group army on the basis of the six armies.

Han Xiyuan took a look at this adaptation plan and was quite satisfied.

However, this reorganization plan did not establish the concept of a group army, and then Han Xiyuan would inevitably plan a group army in the theater.

"Yes, my lord. The

main reason why Zhou Xinghui did not put forward the concept of a group army was that a general staff department had been established, and the general staff department had direct jurisdiction over the command of various armies.

In addition, the battle plans of all armies must be sent to the General Staff Headquarters for discussion, and only after discussion will they be submitted to Han Xiyuan's desk.

"Select some people who are good at football in each army and form a team.

Han Xiyuan hesitated for a moment before speaking.

In the previous world, the reason why the country's football in the early stage was strong was that those players were all from military backgrounds, and Han Xiyuan did not seek to win the championship in this World Cup, after all, the smell of gunpowder in this ball game was very strong, but he also wanted to win the runner-up.

With such a large population, it's not difficult to find a few who can play football.

"Yes, my lord. Is the prince preparing to go to the German Empire this time?" Zhou

Xinghui heard Han Xiyuan mention that there was no war recently, and he had to form a team, so he naturally thought of the invitation of the German Empire and the third World Cup in Paris, the capital of the Prussia Empire in June.

"The German Empire is an indispensable ally of ours, and I should go to the German Empire before the war is in full swing.

Han Xiyuan believed that once his army stepped into the borders of the four northeastern provinces, the inevitable war would be waged against Fusang and the Tsarist Empire.

Facing the threat of two major powers alone, Han Hee-won needed the support of the German Empire at that time.

Moreover, the day of the blitzkrieg on Poland is getting closer and closer, and Han Xiyuan thinks that he may be able to gain some additional benefits from it.

"Lord Wang, are you considering expanding the mansion?" Han

Xiyuan had married three in one go, but Zhou Xinghui still thought that it was a little less.

After all, Han Xiyuan still has no son, and for these generals, it is an unstable signal.

"What's the matter? Jiang Mingli, the former governor of Dongshan Province, and Tong Yantang, the governor of Beihe Province, came to you again to find an errand?"

Han Xiyuan subconsciously asked, he had previously married the daughter of the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province and the daughter of the governor of Anhuai Province at the suggestion of Zhou Xinghui, which was also to appease the people and make his rule more solid.

Recently, the Secret Service reported to Han Xiyuan that the governor of Dongshan Province and the governor of Bac Ha Province had close contacts with Zhou Xinghui.

"That's right, and I think the prince should think about broadcasting seeds. "

Actually, there is no problem with Zhou Xinghui's concerns, the previous vassal kings in various places were seven or eight aunts, and when they captured a city, they naturally had to go to the kiln.

But Han Xiyuan did the opposite, and even when he arrived in the Northern Capital, his first order was to close the Eight Great Hutongs in the Northern Capital.

As for the 1,200 prostitutes in the eight major alleys, all of them were registered by Han Xiyuan, and in doing so, he was curbing the secularization of the kiln.

However, he understands that even if this is implemented, there is still a private sector, and Han Xiyuan can't control it.

"Well, then let the two of them send their daughter to the Secret Service, where they will be screened, and then sent to my house. "

Han Xiyuan is the most careful about the screening of his pillow person, because he doesn't want to be assassinated by the pillow person.

In addition, he also clearly requires that his wife must be knowledgeable and knowledgeable and familiar with the cultures of various countries, which is also because this is the standard of the mother of the nation.

"Lord Wang, it's time to take pictures.

Han Xuhu, who was outside the door, knocked on the door and reported to Han Xiyuan, who looked at Zhou Xinghui again.

"Zhou Xinghui, you can go and hand over to the diplomatic ambassador of the German Empire, and I will go to the affairs of the German Empire. Finalize your departure time as early as possible.

Han Xiyuan handed over the matter of going to the German Empire to Zhou Xinghui, and then looked at the progress of the completion of the main task of his system, which has now reached 980,000 people, and this task can be completed soon.

Then he tidied up his clothes, and the photo he was going to take today was to be published in the world's newspapers.

He was dressed in a military uniform, and a month ago, Han Xiyuan ordered the logistics department to restructure the military uniform according to the military uniform of the German Empire.

He carried the rank of general on his shoulders, his right hand rested on top of his left hand, and his left hand rested on a saber, which was placed upright.

With a serious expression, he was crowned as a strong man in the Far East, and he naturally accepted this title with a smile.

Subsequently, he took a photo of many generals in the crowd, under the stars holding the moon, Han Xiyuan holding a world map.

After taking the photo, Han Xiyuan took a military vehicle directly to the nineteen warehouses in the northern capital and released 100,000 boxes of moxicillin in the system warehouse.

After he did all this, he returned to his residence and saw his wife Song Wanyi waiting at the door.

Song Wanyi is known as the head of the three goddesses of the Republic of China, not only because of her glory, but also because she is proficient in the six Chinese languages, and her literary achievements are also extremely high.

Therefore, Han Xiyuan was ready to go to the German Empire this time, so he asked her to go with her.

He told Song Wanyi about it directly on the bed, and Song Wanyi was very surprised when she heard it.

And the next day, a newspaper appeared to surprise her even more.

The newspaper carried the headline "Rising Star of the Empire, Strong Man of the Far East." "

The newspaper is the two photos taken by Han Xiyuan yesterday, and at present, the major empires have intentionally or unintentionally stripped Han Xiyuan's power out.

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