The major empires intentionally or unintentionally separated Han Xiyuan's forces from the Great Qian Republic of China, and this intention was naturally to split the Great Qian Republic of China, on the other hand, it was also in the hope that there would be civil strife in the Great Qian Republic of China, which has been their usual routine since ancient times.

The reason why they used such a trick was that they were afraid of the strong rise of the Great Qian Republic of China, but they were powerless to pose a threat to Han Xiyuan.

Han Xiyuan saw the subconscious reaction of this newspaper and chuckled.

"In a few days, there should be a few more people coming in the house.

Han Xiyuan lightly instructed Song Wanyi on the side, and hurriedly got into the military jeep and went to the building of the government affairs department, where Zhou Xinghui and Ge Shunda were waiting for Han Xiyuan early.

"My lord, I have now negotiated with the ambassador of the German Empire, and you will be on March 17. In addition, the diplomatic ambassadors of the major empires have come to the northern capital and ask to meet you.

Zhou Xinghui reported to Han Xiyuan.

At present, because Han Xiyuan not only bombarded the Imperial Hotel in the Demon Capital Phu Concession, but also ordered the garrison brigade of the Demon Capital to create friction in the joint concession of the Eagle Empire and the American Eagle Empire.

The diplomatic ambassadors of the major empires heard that the Tsarist Empire had reached an agreement with Han Xiyuan to transfer the concession territory of the Tsarist Russian Empire in Tianjin, just like ants on a hot pot, and wanted to see Han Xiyuan immediately, thus showing their unwillingness to back down.

"March 17th, can you form a team in such a short period of time?"

Han Xiyuan thought for a moment, feeling that this time was a bit tight, and he was going to lead this team to the Western Continent together.

"Please rest assured, it is not difficult to find a dozen or so who can play football among the hundreds of thousands, I have already selected candidates yesterday, and now I have entered training.

Zhou Xinghui patted his chest and said that this was not a difficult thing for him.

"Lord, now Your Majesty has summoned the major vassal kings to gather in Jianning City, and the purpose is unknown.

After listening to Zhou Xinghui's report, Han Xiyuan immediately looked at Ge Shunda on the side, and Ge Shunda immediately opened his mouth to report.


Han Xiyuan paused when he heard this, then nodded and continued to walk forward.

Now, with Han Hee-won's troops expelling the soldiers of Fuso from Guannai, the war between the major feudal kings and Fuso has basically stopped, and even the people no longer have faith in continuing the war.

Therefore, this Jiang Zhiqing thinks that the external trouble has been solved, and he must start to deal with some internal affairs.

And the internal affairs of the family must be these vassal kings, especially Han Xiyuan, the king of Wu.

Jiang Zhiqing gathered a group of ministers to offer advice on the handling of these vassal kings.

At first, Jiang Zhiqing thought that the king of the northwest, the king of Anhui, and the king of Gui should be co-opted to establish a military group, so as to restrain Han Xiyuan.

However, Dai Liming put forward a different idea, he thought that the major vassal kings at this moment were all avoiding Han Xiyuan, and King Gui did not occupy Dongshan Province according to the original partition plan, so King Gui's attitude was very unclear.

He Yingqi on the side put forward a rather absurd plan, that is, to divide the region and rule in an attempt to plunge the Great Cadres and the Republic of China into a situation of splitting.

Of course, the reason why He Yingqi dared to take the risk of making such a plan was naturally instigated by the U.S. Eagle Empire behind him.

Jiang Zhiqing also had some objections to this suggestion, but he couldn't bear it, and after the meeting, the diplomatic ambassador of the U.S. Eagle Empire, Edward Man, was lured.

Edwardman traveled to the Demon Capital to look for Han Hee-won, but heard that Han Hee-won had already gone to the Northern Capital. In addition, there are still riots in the United Concession, even in the Tianjin Concession.

Therefore, the U.S. Eagle Empire saw Han Xiyuan's attitude thoroughly, and the privileges of the concession could not be kept, so the U.S. Eagle Empire turned to the government of the Republic of China.

Therefore, if the diplomatic ambassador Edwardman is sent to Jiang Zhiqing, the other vassal kings, the American Eagle Empire, will also work hard to win it.

The purpose of the U.S. Eagle Empire is to create a split in the Great Qian Republic of China, so as to block the development of Han Xiyuan.

Burrimante, a strategic scholar of the U.S. Eagle Empire, had already predicted that the rise of the Great Qianguo would be unstoppable and could only slow down the pace of their development.

The other purpose of the U.S. Eagle Empire is to win more benefits in the Great Dry Republic of China.

Edwardman told Jiang Zhiqing that the U.S. Eagle Empire would provide support for the Republic of China with two billion U.S. Eagle coins, and would also send military experts to the Republic of China.

This intention is very clear, that is, to let the Great Cadres and the Republic of China hide the front, fake splitting, and real civil war.

Han Xiyuan, who was sitting on the chair, was playing with the ring in his hand, and he had already ordered Ge Shunda to figure out the intentions of the imperial court in the shortest possible time.

"Zhou Xinghui, what do you think is the purpose of the imperial court to convene the vassal king this time?"

Han Xiyuan hesitated for a moment, and then asked Zhou Xinghui, Zhou Xinghui stared at the map of the current Great Qian Republic of China, and was still studying the strategy of going north in the future, and when he heard Han Xiyuan's inquiry, he immediately opened his mouth to respond.

"Lord, now that the war has slowed down, the court is wary of us everywhere, I think this time the court summoned the vassal king is just a cover, to test our attitude, is the most important.

Zhou Xinghui believes that the imperial court is testing whether Han Xiyuan dares to go to Jianning City, if Han Xiyuan is willing to go, it can be regarded as obeying the orders of the central government, and if he does not go, he must have a rebellious heart.

"Lord Wang, it has been investigated.

As soon as Zhou Xinghui's words fell, Han Xuhu led Ge Shunda in, Ge Shunda said, and handed over a document.

After reading the document, Han Xiyuan hesitated for a moment, and then spoke to Zhou Xinghui.

"Now, in my name, send a telegram to the major vassal kings, inviting the major vassal kings to gather in the northern capital, and the time is set for three days. In addition, in all our newspapers, the content of His Majesty's coming is coming. In addition, I have ordered all armies to urgently transfer soldiers for training, and I will launch a huge military parade in the northern capital. "

Zhou Xinghui must not let the Great Qianguo fall into a state of division, and the time set by the imperial court is seven days later.

Han Xiyuan's move was considered to be a draw from the bottom of the kettle, and then he opened his mouth to Ge Shunda.

"I don't care what the price the Secret Service pays, this Edwardman will never get out of Jianning City alive.

Now, Jiang Zhiqing has returned to Jianning City.

"Yes, my lord.

Ge Shunda immediately went down to prepare, he was the busiest, because tonight he had to personally direct the net collection operation against the ninja killers sent by Fusang Country.

"Send a telegram to Wang Zhiming, abandon the reorganization plan, and transfer troops on a large scale to the border between Xishan Province and Bac Ha Province. "

This time, Han Xiyuan mobilized the soldiers of eight armies to threaten the direction of King Gui, King Anhui, King of Northwest, and even Jianning City, his purpose was very clear, to create a military threat, so as to coerce them to come as scheduled.

"It seems that the rise is harder than I thought.

Han Xiyuan looked at the world map in front of him and sighed, he originally thought that as long as there was strong force, he could defeat the major empires, but the endless means of the major empires made him a little powerless.

Congratulations to the host for completing the main quest, a million soldiers. Congratulations

on obtaining the Starlight Chest. Open

the main quest Half of the country (occupy half of the land of the Republic of China), task reward, star treasure chest.

Just as Han Hee-won was thinking, there were three mechanical sounds, and a new Star Treasure Chest appeared, which made him feel excited.

Because, once the Star Treasure Chest appears, it will be a powerful transformation for him.

Seeing the new main quest, he was stunned for a moment, and he understood that he had to take that step.

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