The old man was sitting in the reception room, and the three of them were sitting there, bored and drinking tea.

One of them was wearing a kimono, with his hair tied to his waist and a pair of white pupils. The man with aristocratic aura was the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Tennin.

One of them was wearing a black cloak and black sunglasses, with two bugs crawling on both sides of his face. The man with a very low sense of presence was Shide Aburame, the head of the Aburame clan.

The other one had an afro, two streaks of red paint on both cheeks, and was wearing a sleeveless windbreaker. This was Hiruzen Inuzuka, the head of the Inuzuka clan.

Not long after, Hiruzen Sarutobi came in, followed by an Anbu.

The three of them stood up: "Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand and sat down cross-legged: "Everyone, sit down, sit down and talk."

After everyone sat down, Sarutobi Hiruzen took the document from the hand of the Anbu behind him. He signaled the Anbu to go out, and after the Anbu went out, he handed a copy of the document in his hand to each of the three clan leaders and said: "I asked the clan leaders to come here because we need to set up checkpoints at the border of the Fire Country and increase patrols in the country. The document is a specific plan. The three clan leaders take a look first." He drank tea quietly. No more words.

The reception room was extremely quiet for a while, and only the sound of "whoosh" and "whoosh" of turning pages of documents was heard.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waited quietly. By the way, he studied the panels of these clan leaders.

The three clan leaders are all elite jonin positions. Looking at the panel, only Hyuga Tennin has touched the edge of Kage-level strength. Hyuga Tennin has a skill mastered by the primary body. There is also a skill, the White Eye. Mastery-level skills can bring out strength beyond that of a jonin, plus the bonus of the Byakugan. It can bring out the combat power of a normal Kage-level. The Hyuga clan leader is similar to the Uchiha clan leader, both of whom have reached the Kage-level strength through years of fighting or years of practice. The three-dimensional attributes are relatively normal.

The other clan leader is an ordinary elite jonin, but with the blessing of insect control and beast control, he should not be underestimated.

Aburame Shide was the first to finish reading the document and said nothing. He looked at the other two and put down the document and drank a sip of tea.

Inuzuka Xun also finished reading and put down the document, exchanged glances with Aburame Shide but did not speak. I don’t know how they communicated through the sunglasses.

Finally, Hyuga Tennin also put down the document and looked at the two clan leaders. It seems that he wants to use the Byakugan to see through their thoughts.

It was still Hyuga Tennin who spoke first: "We Hyuga can cooperate with this plan." He looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with his eyes, wanting benefits.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pretended not to understand his hint and said; "It is a blessing for Konoha that the Hyuga clan leader can cooperate with the village's plan. Do the other two clan leaders have any good suggestions for this plan?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the other two clan leaders.

"As a clan of Konoha, our Inuzuka clan has the obligation to cooperate with the village's plan, but our clan is small and weak and has limited power, so the help we can provide is very limited." Inuzuka Xun

This is wanting benefits but not willing to contribute.

"What about the Aburame clan?" Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked at Aburame Shitoku.

"Our Aburame clan can cooperate with the plan of the Hokage, but I am afraid that the Uchiha clan will not let go at that time. And our Aburame clan is a small clan, and it can't be compared with the Uchiha and Hyuga clan." Aburame Shitoku hesitated.

"You clan leaders are overthinking. I communicated with Uchiha Setsuna a few days ago. Setsuna was very understanding and went to the Iron Country yesterday. Besides, the expansion of the Guard Department is a bit large this time, and the Uchiha clan is far from enough. So I came to you clan leaders." Sarutobi Hiruzen explained.

"I want the Central District Guard Team and the Minister of the Guard Department." Hyuga Tennin said bluntly

"Then my Aburame clan will take the Customs Guard Department." Aburame Shide.

Finally, Inuzuka Xun said: "In this case, I, Inuzuka, will be responsible for the patrol guard team."

Are the three families going to divide the Guard Department? What are you thinking?

"Did the three clan leaders not read the plan I gave you carefully? The plan is not written like this in class." Sarutobi Hiruzen threw the plan in his hand on the step.

"Don't be excited, Lord Hokage. No matter how perfect the plan is, there will be variables. Lord Hokage can adjust the plan according to local conditions." Daily Tennin said indifferently.

"What Senior Tennin said makes sense." Inuzuka Xun agreed.

"If Hokage-sama is not satisfied, we can discuss it again." Aburame Shide.

"My dear seniors, I am from the Sarutobi clan. My teammates all have their own clans. In order to avoid suspicion, I did not let our clans participate in the reorganization of the guard team this time. This is to ensure fairness. It is not to watch the three clan leaders divide the fruits.

In my opinion, the future guard department will belong to the village, not to any family or clan. I will never accept the division of a department in Konoha by several families. Why did I choose your three families? It is because the reconnaissance ninjas in the guard department are most suitable for fulfilling the duties of the guard department in the future." At this point, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped and drank a sip of water to moisten his throat, and then continued:

"If a single family or a few clans control the guard department, there will be loopholes in the duties of the guard department. Family ninjas are too single, and it will be difficult to deal with problems. For example, the three families all rely too much on their own family secrets. , or blood limit.

In your opinion, that is your family's livelihood, your inheritance, and glory. But in my opinion, they are all loopholes. Even a diversified family like Uchiha has considerable loopholes. Ninjas can specialize in one aspect, and a family can specialize in a certain secret technique, but the village cannot do that. The village must have no weaknesses.

The future responsibilities of the Guard Department are very important. The diversity of ninjas must be guaranteed so that they can undertake the important tasks of the Guard Department. The selection of captains and team leaders at all levels of the Guard Department must be open and transparent. Of course, the director is temporarily appointed by me. For the time being, I want Uchiha Jing to be the director.

As for the future, the Guard Department will maintain the rule of the competent being promoted and the mediocre being demoted. This is my expectation for the Guard Department. "

"Can Lord Hokage tell me what the powers of the Guard Department are?" Aburame Shide asked curiously.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about the duties of the police in his previous life and then said: "In my opinion, the police force should have

First, prevent, stop and investigate illegal criminal activities; the main scope of this work is temporarily only within Konoha Village.

Second, prevent and crack down on ninja sabotage activities; this is mainly reflected in patrol police.

Third, maintain the public security order of the ninja world and stop the behavior that endangers the public security order of the ninja world; of course, according to the convention of the Five Kage Association, our Konoha police force maintains the scope of the Fire Kingdom and the Grass Kingdom

Fourth, maintain public security order in border areas. This is also to prevent ninjas from other countries. Enter the Land of Fire and carry out sabotage."

Hyuga Tennin thought for a while and said: "I understand what Lord Hokage said. As a ninja of Konoha, I also hope that Konoha will develop in a good direction. But I am now the head of the Hyuga clan, and I must consider the Hyuga clan. If I rashly confront Uchiha, I think it would be irresponsible to the family."

Aburame Shitoku also said with a wry smile: "Yes, Lord Hokage, as a Konoha ninja, I fully support the village's plan, but we have to consider the family."

Inuzuka Xun also said something similar. That is to say, as Konoha ninjas, they can obey Konoha's orders, but as clan leaders, they have to get some benefits for the family.

"I know that the three clan leaders have to consider the family, but didn't the clan leader Uchiha Setsuna consider the family?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the three clan leaders with a creepy look.

"Didn't the Uchiha clan leader expect that the village might have to adjust the Uchiha? But he still accepted the commission to be the ambassador to the Iron Country. So the head of the reorganized guard department is Uchiha Kagami." In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know whether Uchiha Setsuna had thought of this step, but it didn't stop Sarutobi Hiruzen from bringing him up.

Seeing that the three of them still had no reaction.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "There are many families in Konoha. Everyone knows that in addition to the secret techniques of investigation, Konoha also has various types of investigation ninjutsu. I believe that many families will want to replace your positions."

Hyuga Tennin; "Ninjutsu has its advantages, and secret techniques have their advantages. If we train investigation ninjas now, it is estimated that it will be difficult to form a force in a short period of time. The Hyuga clan is the Hyuga clan of Konoha, but we also need to give an explanation to the clan to convince the public. We have no intention of hindering the Hokage from implementing policies."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't speak for a long time. He knew that there were too many family ninjas in Konoha. The difficulty of doing things is really beyond words. The head of the Uchiha clan was transferred away, and solutions were given as much as possible to quell the opposition of the Uchiha clan. It can be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen did all the previous things, but they just wanted to benefit the clan and blackmail the village.

"Let's put it this way: the head of the security department is still Uchiha Kagami, the captain of the central security team will be decided by Hyuga, the patrol security team will be decided by the Inuzuka clan, and the customs security team will be decided by Aburame. But we agreed that no matter which team of security guards it is, the people of our clan will be in charge.

The number of members should not exceed 30%. In addition, to maintain the diversity of the ninja team, the elites of the family should be sent out to do things. Don't send some old, weak, sick and disabled people to embarrass Konoha. And the competition mechanism of Konoha Guard will not change. Don't blame me if your people can't hold the position of captain in the future. The head of the Guard Department will also compete for the position, and the period will be five years. After five years, all Konoha ninjas can compete for these positions. "

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen who finished his words with a tired face.

The three clan leaders looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with an apologetic look.

"Sorry to trouble you, Hokage-sama. We will definitely do a good job of the guard team."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand tiredly to indicate that they could leave.

No words were spoken.

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