Soon, the reorganization plan was introduced, and the reactions of various tribes were mixed.

The Uchiha tribe was in a state of excitement.

"Is the Third Generation going to unite the three clans to deal with us?"

"Let's go and ask for justice from the Hokage."

"The Third Generation is the disciple of the Second Generation, and he really wants to deal with me, Uchiha."

"Where is the clan leader? Let's go find the clan leader."

"The clan leader went to the Iron Country as an ambassador."

"Then find the elders."

"Let's go and find the elders together."

"Don't we have a clan member who is also a disciple of the Second Generation? Why is this happening?"

"It must be the Senju clan that is suppressing us, Uchiha."

At this time, an Uchiha jonin arrived, "What are you arguing about? What are you arguing about? The sky hasn't fallen yet? Aren't there still elders when the clan leader is not here? The elders are ready to hold a clan meeting. Now all the jonin follow me, let's go to the clan meeting."


Clan meeting scene

Uchiha Jing had already arrived, dozing off in his seat, ignoring the noise around him.

Someone in the meeting hall whispered: "It's so noisy outside, why is Jing acting like nothing happened?"

"He is the assistant to the Hokage, and he is very busy all day long. He only came to the clan meeting because the elders notified him and asked him to attend. Look, he was so tired that he fell asleep."

"He is the assistant to the Hokage, why would he suppress the Uchiha?"

"Maybe there is an inside story, and it may not be what is said outside."

"Shh, stop talking, the elders are all in, and it will start soon."

The Uchiha elder stood up from his seat and said: "The clan meeting officially begins, where is Jing? Is Jing here?"

Someone pushed Uchiha Jing, and Uchiha Jing woke up with a start. He quickly cheered up.

The first elder saw Jing and asked, "Jing, you know why this clan meeting is held today. Explain to us what's going on. The Third Hokage wants to suppress us. He has sent all our guards away."

"There is no suppression. Don't just follow the crowd. The guards will be expanded into the Guard Department, which is several times larger. Our family may not have enough manpower. That's why we introduced people from other families. We will also introduce ninjas from other families later." Uchiha Jing said.

The second elder asked angrily, "Why are so many clan members expelled from the guard team?"

"Aren't there more than 10 people? The second elder should ask them why they were expelled. They don't complete their usual patrol tasks. I checked the log of the guard team. They are absent for more than 10 days a month on average. What are they doing? Eating the family's empty salary. The family's parasites. In the future, the guard department will be directly under the Hokage, and there will be people from other families in it. Aren't they embarrassing other families? I have the documents to expel them. Signed, what questions do you have, Second Elder?"

Second Elder: "They are all clan members after all, do you really not care about the family relationship? I don't think you are capable of being a good minister, I ask the Council of Elders to remove Jing from the position of minister."

At this time, the first elder said: "Now the guard team is not our Uchiha, it is directly under the Hokage, we have no right to remove people appointed by the Hokage."

Uchiha Jing added; "Now the clan is getting more and more unbridled, all kinds of things can be done, there are people who eat empty salaries today, and what will they do tomorrow What? Now the people in the village are increasingly resentful of the clan, and it's all these people's fault. "

The second elder still argued: "They are just some civilians, why bother with them?"

Uchiha Jing also said angrily; "Yes, they are all civilians, but they are also civilians of other families. They have ninja brothers, relatives and friends. Do we Uchiha want to offend every Konoha family?"

"Yes, I am the assistant of the Hokage, but I have been cleaning up the family's ass for the bad things you did. Why didn't anyone come to you? It's not that I pleaded with the Hokage, what do you think?"

"I didn't expect that the son of the elder would be such a person."

"Yes, Jing has worked very hard at the Hokage's place, and it's really not easy to worry about such things when he returns home."

"In fact, we Uchiha haven't lost much, Jing is still the head of the security department. And we can also compete for the security department in the future. In the past, they were all relatives of the clan's high-level officials."

The wind direction at the clan meeting changed instantly, and the second elder's line began to be criticized.

At this time, the third elder came out and said: "Jing, the clan leader will definitely not agree with the Hokage doing this."

Uchiha Jing: "Do you think the clan leader is

Why aren't you in the village at this critical moment? The clan leader is saving face for you. Great elder, please appease the clan members. I am the assistant of the Hokage. How could I let the clan suffer? I have something else to do here. I will go first." Uchiha Jing hurried out.

"Yes, I said that. Our Jing is the assistant of the Hokage. How could I watch the clan suffer?"


Walking out of the clan, Uchiha Jing was sweating coldly. Those words above were taught by Sarutobi Hiruzen. After he finished speaking, he could only find an excuse to slip away.


In the reception room of the Akimichi clan leader's house, the Nara clan leader, the Yamanaka clan leader, Nara Shikako, and Akimichi Tofu were all there.

The Nara clan leader Nara Shikadai said to Akimichi Tofu: "Tofu, do you know about the reform of the guard department? ”

Chief Akimichi: "Qufeng has been at home recently and has not visited the Hokage for several days. I said, Qufeng, you are the assistant of the Hokage, why do you stay at home all the time?"

Qifeng Akimichi said helplessly; "I don't understand these government affairs, and I can't help much. Hiruzen has no travel missions recently. What should I do if I don't stay at home? I know a little about the reform of the Guard Department. It is mainly because there are not enough scouting ninjas, so Hiruzen found the three families of Hyuga, Inuzuka, and Aburame. But I know that Hiruzen is not happy with these three families. It seems that they forced Hiruzen to give them the captain positions. "

Nara Shikadai laughed: "Their clan leaders are not very good. Think about it, Uchiha took the Minister of the Guard Department. According to the plan of the Third Hokage, the other captains must not be Uchiha. Although the Third Hokage said fair competition, I guess the Third Hokage will definitely give one to each of the three families for the healthy development of the Guard Department. You see, these three families actually coerced the Third Hokage. It was originally given to them, but they tried to take it by trickery. How can the Third Hokage be happy? They will definitely be held accountable later."

Akimichi Qufeng said: "Look, government affairs are so tricky, so I don't want to participate in government affairs."

The Akimichi clan leader angrily slapped Akimichi Qufeng on the head; "You are not sad, but Uchiha Kagami became the head of the Guard Department. You are also the Hokage's assistant, and you only have a title now, nothing else. The Third Hokage can't be so partial to one and the other."

Nara Shikadai stopped him: "Hey, hey, hey, not necessarily. Qufeng's way of handling it is correct. It is the best for our three clans. He only does what the Third Hokage tells him to do, and ignores other things. This kind of non-power-loving is the most rare, so I recommended my Lu Xin to go for training, and he was directly arranged to be the Hokage's secretary. Lu Xin, please tell me. "

Nara Shikashin thought for a while and said: "The Third Hokage is a person who clearly distinguishes between public and private. He puts all his thoughts on the village and does not take too much care of the Sarutobi clan. I feel that the Third Hokage is a very generous person. He has his own plan for the village and always has unexpected ideas. Look at the Five Kage Association, the Raikage apologized and paid compensation. Look at the current reorganization of the guard team, it feels that every step has a deep meaning.

I also learned that the strength of the Hokage should not be underestimated. In the early stage of the Five Kage Association, it is said that the Raikage and the Tsuchikage teamed up to beat the Raikage and capture the Eight-Tails. Brother Qufeng should know about this."

Everyone's eyes instantly looked at Akimichi Qufeng

Akimichi Qufeng smiled awkwardly: "Yes, Hiruzen's strength has improved rapidly recently, and he has developed several new ninjutsu, but it is not so exaggerated later. The three Kages fought for a while, and then the Tsuchikage flew into the air, and then Hiruzen knocked the Raikage away and then sealed the Eight-Tails. I don’t know the details, because I went to capture the Tsuchida of Kumogakure at that time. ”

“You also participated in the battle? Why didn’t you come back and tell me?”

“At that time, as the Hokage’s guard, I must have taken action. If you didn’t ask, how could I say it?”

“Okay, just keep this attitude, Takefu. The Third Hokage is still a very emotional person."

Due to Shikadai's explanation, the Ino-Shika-Chou clan now has a good impression of the Third Hokage. They all became happy and toasted each other.


Let's look at the Hyuga clan

Hyuga Tennin explained to the elders and hid in his clan leader's room, thinking about the gains and losses of this matter, watching the people from the main family assigning who would be the captain outside. Hyuga Tennin felt depressed. He vaguely felt that he had done something wrong. On the Hyuga side, there is the relationship between the main family and the branch family, and the relationship between Hyuga and Konoha. The main family leads the branch family, and Konoha leads Hyuga. For the main family, I am in a good mood and can give it to you, but you can't snatch it from me. It's wrong for you to snatch it, and I may not give it to you.

Oh, I did something wrong. I should repair my relationship with the Third Kage in the future.

On the Inuzuka clan side, the clan members are all happy. The clan can enter the important department of the village. They must celebrate for getting so many benefits.

"In the future, we will be the police of the patrol guard team. Haha, the whole Fire Country is within our patrol range. What a cool thing."

"Then you should quickly cure your Huimaru. You need to bring a dog with you for patrol. Your Huimaru has been injured for a month, right? Will heal soon?"

"Soon, soon, I will definitely be able to catch up with the patrol."


The Aburame side did not make any moves. They still did what they usually did. Aburame Shitoku arranged for the family ninja to report to the guard department and did not care.

Each family has their own thoughts on this matter. This turmoil has touched the hearts of the entire Konoha.

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