The new situation is getting worse.

Regardless of the disturbances outside, the reorganization of the security department was still carried out step by step.

More than a month has passed in a flash.

The entire security department is structured from top to bottom. At the top is the minister Uchiha Kagami, who is only responsible to the Hokage and is in charge of all the actions of the security department. Then there is the director of the political department, Mito Kado En. That's right, this was created by Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is responsible for guiding the ninjas below and correcting their thoughts. Of course, this is a part-time job, and it will be sold after the right talents are cultivated.

Below are the operations department, training department, and logistics department. The ninjas in the operations department cover a wide range, and they are basically part-time. They all have positions in the Konoha headquarters. For example, a shameless Third Hokage was registered in the Operations Department, which resulted in most of the clan leaders, elders and other powerful combat forces in Konoha being registered in the Operations Department. If there is a problem with the customs team or the patrol team, these people will be responsible for support.

The Training Department, as the name suggests, is to train newcomers. New ninjas must pass the dual assessment of the Training Department and the Political Department before they can take up their posts. Not every ninja knows how to work in the Guard Department, so they must be trained. Training, training, and training rules were created by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The Logistics Department, originally Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to create the Equipment Department, but found that ninjas all brought their own equipment areas to perform tasks, so he set up the Logistics Department for transition, and integrated all the functions of the office system, financial system, etc. into the Logistics Department, and then split them one by one when they mature in the future.

Then there are the three brigades below. Among them, the customs department is responsible for guarding the various border passes of the Land of Fire. The customs brigade is divided into 5 squadrons, each squadron is divided into several teams, that is, normal ninja teams. The original plan was that each team should have a jonin, but there were not enough jonin, so they could only guarantee that each team had at least one elite chunin or special jonin. A ninja team of 4 people is responsible for guarding a checkpoint, and multiple adjacent checkpoints belong to the same squadron. Each squadron is responsible for the checkpoint work in one direction of the Fire Country.

The ninja team stationed at the checkpoint will check every caravan and ninja coming to the Fire Country from other countries. It is prohibited to transport dangerous goods, explosives, and high-destructive ninja tools, etc. If the customs inspection is passed, a pass scroll will be issued. The pass scroll is compiled with Konoha's exclusive code, which will contain information about the goods, the time of entry, and how long it will stay in the Fire Country. What to do, etc.

Because it is not yet mature, it only inspects the goods and ninjas. If the goods and ninjas pass customs, a customs clearance fee will be charged. The customs clearance fee for goods is 1,000 taels. Due to a Hokage's laziness, the current customs clearance fees and other issues are extremely rough. There are many loopholes. In the words of a Hokage, there is no sound system, and there is no perfect thing. As for the loopholes, they can be fixed when something goes wrong in the future. Now the system is in its embryonic stage, and it is not good to have too many clauses and restrictions.

The patrol system is to patrol the territory of the Land of Fire. If you find abnormal ninjas or caravans that you think have problems, you have the right to intercept and check and check the customs clearance documents. If the documents do not match, the goods will be detained. They will be expelled. In addition, a stronghold will be built on the side of the designated avenue to guard it, and the passing caravans will be randomly checked.

You can also go for a walk in the wild when you have nothing to do. If you find ninjas who do not belong to Konoha, you can ask them to show their customs clearance documents. If they don't have them, they will be detained and explain their origins. As for taking action, congratulations, the surrounding patrol teams will come over as soon as the signal is sent.

The Central District Guard is the area that the Uchiha Guard was responsible for before, but it has added the responsibility of patrolling the barrier and guarding the gate of Konoha. A certain crazy Hokage actually set up a team of Jonin to guard the gate in order to maintain his reputation. The Central District Guard is also responsible for supporting the patrol system. So the people in the Central District Guard are rotated. After all, they are in Konoha, and they may go home after patrolling the streets.

Many people in the Uchiha Guard were basically rotated out to perform patrol tasks and customs tasks.

A patrol team just left the gate of Konoha, jumping on the ground and trees. They are a team that just finished the assessment at the training center. The captain is an elite Chunin of Uchiha named Uchiha Ryosuke, who is 18 years old this year. He used to be a senior member of the guard. Yes, he is just an ordinary member of Uchiha. Being able to enter the former Uchiha Guard proves that he is particularly outstanding and hardworking, and being a senior member means that he has no upper-level connections.

The Guard Department Manager

After the reorganization, he was selected as the team leader. Now he is sent to a certain area in the southwest of the Land of Fire to perform patrol missions. The team members are Inuzuka Kusa, a female Chunin. A 26-year-old ninja from the Inuzuka clan, her ninja dog is called Akawolf. Shimura Kaze, a 17-year-old Genin, a ninja from the Shimura clan. Another one is the civilian ninja Kusano Yuto, a 20-year-old Genin.

After more than a day of rushing, we finally arrived at the mission location. At this time, the team rested on the side of a road, eating dry food to replenish some water. Several people also chatted a little.

"Captain, your cloak is so beautiful. I don't know when I can wear this kind of cloak." Kusano Yuto said to Uchiha Ryosuke enviously.

"Work hard, work hard to improve your strength, work hard to increase your combat literacy, and you will become a captain one day. At that time, the village will give you a captain's cloak." Uchiha Ryosuke said with a sense of superiority, but finally restrained those superiority.

Kusano Yuto was discouraged and said, "It's so difficult. I'm a civilian ninja. No matter how hard I try, I don't have the advantage of family ninjas."

Uchiha Ryosuke looked at him and comforted him; "Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Look at me. I used to be an ordinary member of the Uchiha Guard. I had no one to help me. The captains and squad leaders were all relatives of elders and jonins. But I never gave up. I have been working hard to practice and strengthen my strength. I have tried my best to read various books and scrolls to make myself as strong as possible. Look, am I not the captain now? If I had given up before and didn't work hard to practice, I might have always been a genin. Will it be my turn to be the captain? Even if I am working hard now, maybe I will be a jonin one day. I also have the opportunity to be a squadron leader."

After listening to Uchiha Ryosuke's chicken soup for the soul, not only Kusano Yuto, Inuzuka Kusa, and Shimura Kaze were also greatly shocked. Everyone is full of hope for the future again.

At this time, Uchiha Ryosuke pointed in a direction and said, "Look, our task is to patrol and inspect the entire territory of the Land of Fire. There is a caravan over there, let's go up and check it out, it can also be regarded as a practice. You all know the patrol regulations of the training department, right? There are more people on the other side, let's go up together. Be tactically prepared."

I saw a caravan slowly approaching in front.

At this time, Uchiha Ryosuke's team jumped in front of the caravan, and the guards of the caravan immediately drew their swords vigilantly. Uchiha Ryosuke took out a token and said; "Konoha Patrol Guard, Fifth Squadron, 3rd Squadron, I am Captain Uchiha Ryosuke, and now I need to conduct a routine inspection on you. Please cooperate, please show your pass, cargo information and other relevant documents."

"Is it so difficult for a caravan to do business now? You have to pay the customs fee first, and now there are several rounds of inspections on the road. Come here, here are the documents." A person who looks like the person in charge of the caravan came up, and it seems that he has been accustomed to it.

Uchiha Ryosuke took the documents and pass, and then Inuzuka Kusanagi's red wolf barked. Uchiha Ryosuke handed the documents to Inuzuka Kusanagi for inspection, and then he checked the pass himself. He made a seal, untied the scroll, and read it carefully.

From the Iron Country to the Fire Country Kikyo City... Iron Mine... Entering the Customs... Year... Month... Day... Below is the signature. The pass is the 3rd checkpoint of the Customs Second Squadron, and there is also an inspection mark of the Second Patrol Squadron. There is a problem. Kikyo City is in the northwest of the Fire Country, and the Patrol Fifth Squadron where Uchiha Ryosuke is located is in the southwest. It is impossible for the Iron Country to go to Kikyo City here, right?

Uchiha Ryosuke turned his head and looked at Inuzuka Kusanagi, "How is it? Is there any problem with the document?" He made a tactical gesture of asking for help in a hidden corner.

Inuzuka Kusanagi nodded calmly to show his understanding. Then he said, "Well, no problem. Everything is normal." Then he handed the document to Uchiha Ryosuke.

Uchiha Ryosuke said to the head of the caravan: "The procedures are fine. Do you mind if I do a random check on the caravan?"

"No, no." The smile was revealed, as if he was more active than himself.

Uchiha Ryosuke looked a little creepy. Could it be a trap? It's better to be careful.

Inuzuka Kusanagi said: "Captain, since there is no big problem, we will go over to eat first. You can check slowly if you are starving." With Shimura Feng and Kusano Yuto, they went into the woods.

Uchiha Ryosuke made a sullen expression, "Okay, you guys eat quickly. I'll do a simple check and come back." This means that you need to ask for help quickly. The problem is quite serious.

Uchiha Ryosuke followed the head of the caravan to conduct a random check. Originally, 5% of the samples were randomly selected for inspection. As a result, the head of the caravan cooperated inexplicably and had to check each car one by one. Half of the time had passed, and only half of the inspection was completed. According to the patrol regulations, this random inspection would not exceed 10 minutes, but Uchiha Ryosuke did not mind. It was just a delay.


There was a dog barking in the woods, and Uchiha Ryosuke held the caravan leader hostage and flashed out of the caravan with a body-flash technique. Three teams of ninjas appeared in the guards, two of which were Chunins, and one was led by the squadron leader Inuzuka Yujie.

Inuzuka Yujie jumped to the front with a heroic look and showed the squadron leader's sign and shouted to the caravan: "Konoha Guard Department, patrol team fifth squadron leader Aburame Yujie, your caravan violated the Konoha Guard Trade Regulations, and now you are detained and punished according to the Guard Regulations. Please cooperate." The gray giant dog beside him also barked twice in cooperation.

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