The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was full of stars.

Chapter 3 I want to be Hokage

In the morning, the sun had not yet risen, and the air seemed to still have the coolness of the night. The streets of Konoha were empty. Occasionally, there were early risers washing in the yard, and there were also dusty people registering at the gate of Konoha. Then they disappeared in a hurry. The whole village was in an orderly state.

Sarutobi Hiruzen came to the meeting room of the Hokage office building early, took out the scroll and put it on the table. Sarutobi Hiruzen put his hands on his forehead and looked thoughtful. The team of five people stood separately at the back and lined up.

The door of the meeting room opened and closed, and the patriarchs of the major families arrived one after another. They all looked at the scroll on the table without saying a word, watching everyone come. Sarutobi Hiruzen signaled Danzo to close the door, then stood up with his hand on the scroll and faced the clan leaders: "Clan leaders, it has been 10 days since the news from the front line came back. Have you come up with any countermeasures now?"

"What do you think of the death of the second generation?" The Nara clan leader said.

"Their second generation Raikage is also dead."

What does the death of their second generation Raikage have to do with us? It was caused by people from their own village."

"Then ask them to give an explanation."

"Explanation? How to explain? If you ask me, just beat the people of Kumogakure into submission. If they are not defeated, they will not give any explanation." This is the Uchiha clan leader.

"You said it was easy. Fighting doesn't cost money? Don't need people? We have been fighting for several years and many of the little guys in the clan have died."

"At most, I, Uchiha, will go first? Then each of your families will send a few hundred people. "

"Don't fight at every turn. This is a war, not just rushing in casually. ”

“How many people do you have in each family now? Anyway, there are not many people in my family. I can’t fight anymore”

Looking at a group of clan leaders arguing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said directly: “All clan leaders, all seniors. Take a break, take a break. Listen to me for a few words.” Then he paused, looked at everyone and continued to say: “The second generation Senju Tobirama asked me to be the third generation Hokage before he died in battle. I was very scared and afraid that I couldn’t do it. For so long, all the seniors and clan leaders have not discussed a charter. So I think it is necessary for me to take this responsibility. I will go to the front line to end the war and find an explanation for the teacher’s death.” After speaking, he looked at the clan leaders

For a long time, the meeting room was quiet, as if they were frightened by this sentence.

“Just you kid, you still want to be Hokage? Sarutobi family, your family wants to be Hokage? Have you asked us Uchiha? Master Hashirama is from the Senju clan, and the second generation is also from the Senju clan. It's my turn to be the Hokage, right? I'm optimistic about our Kagami, who is also a member of the Hokage Guard. "The head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Setsuna, retorted.

"This is the second generation's last wish." The head of the Sarutobi clan was unhurried. He is also Sarutobi Hiruzen's uncle, Sarutobi Ugan.

The Uchiha Kagami behind him stepped forward and said, "I follow the teacher's will, and I don't think I have the ability to lead the village. I am willing to assist Hiruzen."

"We Hyuga will not participate."

The head of the Mitomon clan, Mitomon Akane, hurriedly said, "I think our family's Yan is not bad. Everyone knows that Yan has assisted the second generation in handling documents in recent years. After all, he has experience, right."

"Who among the members of the guard team has not helped the second generation to handle documents except the little fat man of the Akimichi family? Our Danzo often helps the second generation with Anbu tasks. "The head of the Shimura clan, Shimura Hiroshi, said

"Although our little fat boy has never helped the second generation to obtain documents, he is also an important member of the guard team and has covered the second generation in battle many times. He often handles the work of being the last one to leave. Even if he has no credit, he must have worked hard." The head of the Akimichi clan quickly refuted.

The head of the Nara clan, Nara Shikadai, continued: "Although Tofu does not participate in the handling of affairs, it is undeniable that his work in the Hokage Guard Team is qualified. Whether it is the second generation or the future third generation, Tofu is an indispensable subordinate and partner."

The head of the Yamanaka clan echoed: "Yes, yes, Tofu is still very reliable."

This means: no matter who becomes the Hokage, your Akimichi Tofu has to assist the Hokage, right? Who among you is not a smart person, who can't hear it?

"That's right, our Koharu is also an important subordinate and reliable partner of the Hokage. "The chieftain of the Tsunetsugu clan also echoed.

The remaining chieftains who did not have their own prominent figures looked at each other, and finally the chieftain of the Inuzuka clan stood up and said, "Who will be the fire

Shadow is not important, what is important is to solve the war. Solve the current problems encountered by the village. "The remaining clan leaders also nodded.

"Dear clan leaders, I went to see Lord Mito yesterday, and Lord Mito gave it to me." Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed to the scroll on the table. "Lord Mito wants me to use it to protect the village. I will lead people to end the war and go to Kumogakure to ask for an explanation, but what identity should I use to end the war? Go to them to ask for an explanation? Captain of the Hokage Guard? I'm afraid not. The second generation Mizukage, Hozumi Gengetsu, and the second generation Tsuchikage, Mu, died together. Soon their disciples, Tantai Guliang and Ohnoki, succeeded the third generation Mizukage and the third generation Tsuchikage respectively. The second generation Raikage was killed by Kinkaku and Ginkaku. A few days ago, there was also news that his descendants inherited the titles of the third generation Raikage and Ai. What about us? Konoha is the first hidden village in the ninja world. There has been no result for more than 10 days. Isn't this being ridiculed? ”

“Where does the title of the first hidden village come from? The ninja world has always had the title of the five major hidden villages.” Someone whispered.

So there is no such title... Haha, so embarrassing, Sarutobi Hiruzen blushed and quickly made up for it, “Whether there is this title or not, in my heart we are the first hidden village. We are the first in terms of high-end combat power, economy, etc. How can we not be the first hidden village?”

“Haha, kid from the Sarutobi family, I like to hear this sentence. We are the first hidden village. What level are they? They are on par with us. At the beginning, those families in the Land of Water were driven into the sea by me, Uchiha.” Uchiha Setsuna was very excited.

“So we must be the first hidden village that deserves the title, instead of being like a pile of loose sand, without a leader. Remember that at the beginning of the war, the other four major hidden villages besieged my Konoha. Now if we drag our feet, it will definitely attract the covetousness of the other four countries.”

“Since Lord Mito has expressed his position, why don’t we go through the procedure of taking office as Hokage. Sooner rather than later. What do you think? Nara Shikadai looked at the clan leaders.

"Let's go through the process." Yamanaka clan leader

"I agree." Akimichi clan leader



Many clan leaders of small clans also agreed, and finally looked at the three big clans.

Hyuga clan leader looked at the other clans and slowly said, "Then let's do it as soon as possible."

The Senju clan leader, who had always had little presence, said, "Mister Mito made the decision on behalf of our Senju clan." Then he looked at Uchiha Setsuna.

"What are you looking at? I didn't say I disagreed. I said that after becoming Hokage, I would resolve the war as soon as possible. "Seeing that all the clan leaders agreed, Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief. It was not easy. The next step is to absorb all kinds of ninjutsu and experience from the Sealed Book as soon as possible. Both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

Finally, everyone's eyes were cast on Sarutobi Hiruzen, who turned around and looked at his friends expectantly. "I will definitely live up to the expectations of all the predecessors, but it is difficult to make a boat alone. I need the help of my friends. Kagami, Danzo, En, Tofu, Koharu."

"We are a team." This is En and Kagami

"I will not lose to you in handling affairs." Only Danzo can say this.

"I listen to you." This is Tofu and Koharu.

Seeing them like this, the Senju clan leader said happily: "In the future, Konoha will be entrusted to you. I hope you can lead Konoha to a new height. You all prepare. I will send a letter to the daimyo. "After saying that, he pushed open the door of the conference room and walked out. The sun outside the door had already risen, shining through the door frame, casting a golden glow on the ground. It seemed to represent that Konoha had entered a new era from this moment on.

After all the clan leaders had left, Sarutobi Hiruzen said to his friends; "We succeeded, and the next step is to take over the power of Hokage, and we can make our own voices, and we will guide the giant ship of Konoha to ride the wind and waves in the torrent of the times. "

Uchiha Kagami was secretly happy in his heart. The Hokage was his teammate, so he would serve as a bridge between the village and the family. He would handle the conflicts between the family and the village.

Akimichi Tofu was thinking: Hiruzen is the Hokage now, and the three families have completed their mission. I will only be a guard in front of Hiruzen in the future, and those troublesome things can be handed over to others.

Shimura Danzo was thinking: Damn it, my teammate is the Hokage, and I will be the second to none in Konoha, and there will be at most four equals. I just want to ask who else is there?

Mito Kado En was thinking: We did it, and this era will be ours to paint, and we will paint a thick stroke in this era. Leave our mark.

Utatane Koharu was thinking: Hiruzen is going to be the Hokage, and as his teammate, I can't hold him back, I want to appreciate the charm of this era with them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking: I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, will be the Hokage now. I must change the tragedies of my past life. I must change my teammates and let them fight for my ideals. As for the Darkness of Konoha, he must not appear again.

The six of them had their own thoughts in their minds, and smiled at each other. Then they strode out of the meeting room.

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