The third generation of Hokage was born in 1917.

Chapter 4 Daily Life of the Third Hokage

In Konoha Village, an Anbu hurried into the Hokage's office building, accurately found the Hokage's office, knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside. "Come in." The Anbu came in and said, "Third generation sir," and then presented a small scroll. There was a clear Kumogakure mark on the scroll. Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was wearing a divine robe behind the table, waved his hand, and the Anbu went out and closed the door.

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened the scroll, which was a diplomatic speech from the third generation of Kumogakure. It had been 7 days since the last meeting, and the inauguration ceremony had just been held yesterday.

After the last meeting, a diplomatic letter was sent to Kumogakure in the name of the Third Hokage, severely questioning the Second Hokage for signing an alliance agreement in the Land of Lightning and being attacked by Kinkaku and Ginkaku of Kumogakure. This time, it is probably their reply.

After a careful look, the general meaning is that the Second Raikage of our Kumogakure Village has died, and the Third Raikage is now in power. We are willing to abide by all reasonable diplomatic policies of the new Raikage, but Kinkaku and Ginkaku are Kumogakure rebels. We have nothing to do with the attack on the Second Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently; 'It's a very common excuse. For those barbarians in Kumogakure, it's probably just as normal as the diplomatic letter. It seems that I have to go to Kumogakure again. ' He called the lower panel.

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Body: 12/12

Spirit: 135/135

Element: 76/76

Skills: Primary physical mastery, advanced combat mastery

Energy level: Intermediate fire mastery, intermediate earth mastery, advanced water mastery, advanced energy mastery, advanced thunder mastery, intermediate wind mastery, intermediate seal mastery, intermediate illusion mastery

Skills: Primary fire and earth fusion: meteor shower

Primary earth and water fusion: mudslide

Since getting the seal scroll, Sarutobi Hiruzen has started to selectively study some ninjutsu. Originally, he wanted to study Flying Thunder God, after all, he was about to go to the battlefield. Flying Thunder God can attack or defend. However, Flying Thunder God is not a little difficult. It also needs to be combined with sealing techniques. It is difficult to achieve success in a short period of time, so I can only choose to make up for my own strengths. After mastering fire and earth to intermediate level, I also mastered water to advanced level.

At that time, I had a sudden idea and wanted to see if I could fuse the two attributes. After two days of research, I came up with a skill: Fire and Earth Fusion, Water and Earth Fusion. As for the meteor shower, it was because I read a novel in my previous life and thought that meteor showers were very cool, so I wanted to see if I could come up with this skill, and I really did it. The effect is to summon one or more meteorites with fire from the air to smash into a range. The fewer the number, the greater the power of a single meteor.

With this successful experience, I remember watching anime in my previous life, Wood Release seemed to be the fusion of earth and water, or the fusion of earth, water, and yang. I thought it would be no harm to try it, but as water was only an advanced mastery, I only came up with the mudslide skill in the end. The effect is to summon a bunch of mud fluid from the ground to impact the opponent. The skill effect is related to the terrain.

'These two skills are offensive. Thinking about going to Kumogakure next, hey, it's not easy to fight. Kumogakure is all warrior ninjas, and I'm a mage ninja. I guess with my mere 12 points of body, I'll be finished if they get close to me, especially the thrust ninjutsu inherited from their Raikage. I have to find a tank to go with me. Let's take Kaze, a full-time tank, who should be able to withstand a few hits. With Kagami, let's see if he can drive a Gundam. I'll also take Koharu with me to treat her when she gets hurt. I am a master planner. ' Sarutobi Hiruzen thought secretly.

Then he shouted to the window: "Come in."

An Anbu appeared in front of him with a flash body technique, "Third-generation sama."

"Go, call Danzo, Kagami, Kaze, En, Koharu and the others."

"Hi" The figure disappeared instantly.

After a while, the team gathered in the Hokage's office.

"Huruzen, is there anything wrong? Now everyone is here." Shimura Danzo asked.

Holding the scroll on the table, Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head and said, "Last time we sent a diplomatic letter to Kumogakure, there was a reply. It's a normal diplomatic evasion. I think it's better to communicate face to face than to argue back and forth on the diplomatic letter. I'm going to go to the Land of Lightning." After that, he handed the scroll to Shimura Danzo.

Danzo took the scroll, opened it and looked at it, and said, "Last time, the teacher was attacked because he signed an alliance agreement with them in the Land of Lightning." Everyone understood what he said. Danzo closed the scroll and gave it to Mito Kado En.

"Indeed, now Kinkaku and Ginkaku are...

Declared a traitor. Currently active in the Land of Lightning, we must be on guard. "Uchiha Kagami quickly reminded.

After reading the scroll, Mitomon En: "Kumogakure is capable of destroying Kinkaku and Ginkaku's troops. Now the Third Raikage, under the pretext of having just ascended to the throne and handing over power, allows them to operate in the Land of Lightning. Maybe there are other ideas, such as recruiting them."

Tatene Koharu, who has always had little presence, expressed his opinion: "It should not be recruited, after all, Kinkaku and Ginkaku killed the Second Raikage, who was his father." Akimichi Tofu still did not express any opinion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while and said: "Could it be that the Third Raikage only wants to kill Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and then recruit the troops. After all, the troops led by Kinkaku and Ginkaku are 1/5 of the military strength of Kumogakure. They don't want their strength to be damaged and cause the covetousness of surrounding countries. In this way, it seems that going to the Land of Lightning is not safe, so let's go to the Land of Iron. Since we have gone to the Land of Iron, let's hold a Five Kage meeting, how about it? |”

Mitomon En "Will they agree to hold the Five Kage Summit?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought and replied, "They should. Now Iwagakure and Kirigakure can't fight anymore. Everyone will feel bad if the loss is too great. Now they have to stand off for the sake of face. They should only need a step to agree. If Kumogakure really needs to delay time for them to rebel and recover the troops of Kinkaku and Ginkaku, they will agree. As for the Sand Village of the Wind Country, the other four countries have gone there. The second generation Kazekage Shamon should not be so short-sighted. How about adding insurance? Make the momentum bigger this time and publicize it under the banner of ending the war. After so many years of fighting, all countries are exhausted. Whoever doesn't come will not be able to take the greater cause. This Five Kage Summit should be successfully held."

Sarutobi Hiruzen became more and more excited as he spoke, and looked up at everyone. However, seeing that everyone was looking at him in astonishment, Sarutobi Hiruzen hurriedly looked at himself, and there was nothing wrong. "What's wrong with you? Looking at me like this? "

Mitomon En suddenly laughed: "Such a detailed plan was handled by you in such a short time. How could we not think of it? No wonder you can be Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hands quickly: "No, no, no, I just thought of it by chance. Isn't this doing the job? I used to perform guard work and thought about guard-related matters. Now I am the Hokage and I have to consider the overall situation. You also need to change your mindset as soon as possible. Although you are not the actual Hokage assistants now, you must adjust your mentality as soon as possible and slowly take over this power from the hands of the older generation, from executors to commanders. "

"Who will go with you? "Shimura Danzo asked.

Before, we considered going to the Land of Lightning, so we considered the normal team configuration. Now going to the Land of Iron will most likely be a lot of wrangling and tug-of-war at the negotiation table, which requires a knife who dares to speak for his own interests, then Danzo, Danzo replaces Kagami? No, considering the special situation of Uchiha and Konoha, an Uchiha must show up and express his position to all countries. Uchiha is an important member of Konoha, so replacing the meat shield is not an option, so we can only replace Koharu.

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Kagami, Danzo, Takefu, go with me. Yan and Koharu stay in the village to handle affairs."

"Kagami, you go and send a letter to contact the five hidden villages. Danzo, you must communicate with the Land of Iron about the venue of the Five Kage talks and other matters, and ensure that the talks proceed normally. Takefu, you go to prepare the necessary supplies for the team's trip. Yan, you and Xiaochun spread the news: The third generation Hokage of Konohagakure in the Land of Fire, felt the great pain brought by the war, and now wants to invite the other four Kage to go to the Land of Iron to discuss ending the war. We will set off for the Land of Iron in three days. Everyone, see if there is anything missing. "

"What about the death of the second generation in the Land of Lightning?" Mitomon Yan.

"Yes, this matter must be handled properly. The ninja world needs to be deterred, and the village needs to be appeased."

"When the five Kages meet, I will find the Raikage, but we have too many expectations at the negotiation table. I will mobilize the Anbu to find Kinkaku and Ginkaku and determine their location. Even if we cannot take a large force to the Land of Lightning to capture them due to the current situation. It can also increase some bargaining chips at the negotiation table. "After a pause, Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "Yan, this matter is left to you. When you find it, send a message to me."

"Huruzen, you have divided all the things among us. Don't you, the Hokage, do anything? "Shimura Danzo said indignantly.

Ah, is that so? Uh, no, let me quibble, Sarutobi Hiruzen explained seriously, "I, I have finished processing the documents, and then I have to communicate with Mito-sama about some things. You also know that Mito-sama is the pillar of Konoha. Some things must be approved by her, and the matter of the Five Kage Summit needs to be informed to the Daimyo. "

"I see, I misunderstood you. Let's work hard for Konoha together." Uchiha Kagami.

"For Konoha."

"For Konoha."

"For Konoha."

"For Konoha."

"For Konoha."

"For Konoha."

"For Konoha."

Everyone said in unison and went about their own business.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt ashamed. Why did he become a middle school student for no reason? Hurry up and process the documents. Go to Mito-sama to pick up little Tsunade. Train her to be a caring little girl. Loli training plan.

That's right, take some time these days to take Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya as apprentices.

Don't forget that they have grown up crookedly in this life. They must be trained to be positive people, not pornographic, gambling, and drug-related. Train Orochimaru to be a scientific research ninja, so that he can learn research experience later.

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