The two of them were killed in a car accident.

Gradually, everyone in the Sand Village left, leaving only three young ones, Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Sumo, and Mitarai Naoto. They accompanied Sarutobi Hiruzen in the pit to guard Shukaku.

Nara Shikadai, Akimichi Tofu, Takumi, and Ebizo went to the reception room to continue the negotiations.

Chiyo followed Shamon to deal with the casualties in the village.

Chiyo asked in a low voice: "Teacher, aren't you going to leave someone there to accompany the Hokage?"

Shamon knew that Chiyo was a little worried about Sarutobi Hiruzen, afraid that Sarutobi Hiruzen would do something to Shukaku.

Shamon shook his head: "No, the Hokage has a wide vision and will not make a move on such a small matter. Besides, where can the Sand Village send out manpower now? It is better not to do this."

Sarutobi Hiruzen used earth escape to create a few stools, tables, etc., and chatted with Shukaku on the side.

"One-tail, how old are you this year? You still keep calling me your grandpa, your grandpa. Like a child who has not grown up."

"I'm Shukaku, and I'm almost a thousand years old. I'm not a child." It came from the seal, and Sarutobi Hiruzen heard it. This is Shukaku's immaturity. It is probably like a child of 8 or 9 years old.

"You are almost a thousand years old, why do you keep making trouble for Sand Village? They are so weak, why do you bully them? I can't stand bullying the weak the most." Sarutobi Hiruzen persuaded.

"No, they were the first to wrong me. I wanted to go out, so I told them the Sand Manipulation Technique. They didn't have the Sealing Technique, so I taught them the Sealing Technique I knew. They actually locked me in a small room and wouldn't let me go out. If they don't let me go out, do you think they should be beaten?"

So that's how they got their Magnetic Escape. They actually wanted to use the Sealing Technique of the Tailed Beast to seal the Tailed Beast. What were they thinking? If it was Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would probably do something even more excessive than this. But with different positions, Sarutobi Hiruzen still wanted to continue to fool Shukaku.

"Your name is Shukaku, right? And they betrayed their promise to you. I don't like this kind of people either."

A voice of agreement came from the seal, "I never regret what I promised to go out. But they promised to let me go, but they regretted it."

"Who specifically didn't keep their promise? I'll help you get revenge, I'll beat them up." Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to resolve the grudge.

"Reto and the others, and Shamon. Everyone else is dead, and now only Shamon is left." Shukaku's voice came from under the seal.

Sarutobi Hiruzen deliberately asked it: "If you want to take revenge on Shamon, just beat Shamon, why do you beat others? Being a human or a tailed beast shouldn't be like this. We should distinguish between gratitude and resentment, and shouldn't vent our anger on others."

This made Shukaku unable to do anything. Humans never reason with him. When they meet, they either tremble in fear or shout for war and killing. This is the first time they meet someone who reasoned with him.

Yuhi Makoto, Hatake Sumo, and Mitarashi Naoto, who were standing next to them, couldn't help laughing when they saw their Hokage fooling a tailed beast like this. But they covered their mouths in Sarutobi Hiruzen's knife-like eyes.

Shukaku's voice didn't come for a long time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "I don't know how your elders taught you, but my father taught me since I was a child that people should distinguish between gratitude and resentment, and should not involve other unrelated people because of revenge. You see, as people of the new era or tailed beasts, we should adapt to the times and become people or tailed beasts who are all-round in five aspects, right?"

After a long time, a weak voice came: "What is morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor?"

"How can Shukaku not know morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor? Then let me tell you. Morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor are divided into five directions

Moral is to cultivate the correct outlook on life and values ​​of ninjas, cultivate good moral qualities and correct political concepts of ninjas, and cultivate ninjas to form correct thinking Education that teaches you to think of ways to do things. For example, if you bully the weak because you want revenge, you are not moral enough.

Wisdom is to give ninjas systematic scientific and cultural knowledge and skills, and to develop their intelligence and non-intelligence factors related to learning. You see, if you want revenge now, you will fight and destroy the house. Etc., this is not intellectual enough.

Body is to give ninjas healthy knowledge and skills, develop their physical strength, strengthen their physique, and cultivate their willpower. As a tailed beast, you have passed this.

Beauty is to cultivate ninjas' aesthetics, develop their ability to appreciate and create beauty, and cultivate their noble sentiments and civilized qualities. This tells us that we should develop interests and hobbies, and not be lazy.

If they move, they will go to fight and cause destruction.

Labor is to cultivate ninjas' labor concepts and labor skills. It tells us that labor needs to be reasonably paid, just like what you and Reito said, you teach them sealing techniques and sand manipulation techniques. Ask them to let you go. Although they are immoral, in essence, these two things are not equal. It is unreasonable. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen told Shukaku about his previous life's morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, and added his own little thoughts. I guess Shukaku couldn't hear it.

Seeing that Shukaku was still silent, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only continue.

"Are you willing to be a good tailed beast with all five aspects of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor in the new era? ”

Here are Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Sumo, and Mitarashi Naoto. After hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, his eyes were full of stars. He took up a small notebook and wrote down Sarutobi Hiruzen's words as if he had found a treasure, and prepared to savor them slowly.

At this time, Shukaku's voice came from under the seal: "A long time ago, the old man also said a long speech to me, but I love to sleep and can't remember it. Maybe it's what you said about morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. I only remember telling me not to hurt humans.

But these people are too annoying. We are always woken up by various people when we sleep. There are always people who resent us. They are too weak. Sometimes when we turn over, they will die, and then seek revenge on us. It's endless.

Until more than ten years ago, a man named Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara said that we were too strong and wanted to capture us and lock us up. Then I was locked in a tea kettle and sent here. The people here couldn't lock me up. The man named Reito kept disturbing my sleep. I was very annoyed, so I gave them my own sealing technique. Later, they used my seal to lock me up, but it was ridiculous that they couldn't lock me up, so every time I woke up, I would make a scene. Later, the one called Shamon cheated me of my sand manipulation technique and refused to let me go. "

The voice in the seal continued: "Maybe it's been too long, I have forgotten what the old man said. I will also be a good child who is good at all five aspects of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor in the future."

Hearing that Shukaku no longer called himself "my uncle", Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled like an aunt.

"So many years have passed, and you haven't seen the changes in the world, so you won't be able to keep up with the times. How about this, I'll help you find someone to accompany you around and see, and travel around the world to understand this era first. Your body is too big, and people will be scared when you walk into human villages and towns. You tailed beasts are all virtual, I will build a room for you to live in this person's body, so that you can sleep while being taken around. Is it okay? It's just that the room is a little small, do you mind? ”

“You are a good person. No one has ever been so nice to me except the old man. Let me teach you a skill. Although you don’t have much Charaka, it is still more than others. I will teach you the Sand Manipulation Technique.” A muffled voice came from under the seal.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen fooling Shukaku, the three people on the side were stunned. As expected of the Hokage, Shukaku was willing to be sealed.

“Since you taught me the Sand Manipulation Technique, we are friends. Come out. It’s not polite to treat friends like this.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

“I’m afraid you will beat me again if I come out.”

“No, I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, never attack my friends. Besides, if I really want to beat you, your seal can’t stop me.”

“Then get out of the way. I’m coming out. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Yuhi Shinku and the other three made way.

The seal slowly turned into sand and disintegrated. Then it formed a tall raccoon cat.

Looking at the tall raccoon cat, Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Shimo, and Mitarai Naoto instinctively jumped back.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Shukaku, you scared my disciples."

"Sarutobi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Shukaku said as his body slowly shrank and gradually became the size of an ordinary person.

Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Shimo, and Mitarai Naoto excitedly said, "It's okay, it's okay, we are too sensitive." In fact, they were excited when they heard Sarutobi Hiruzen say that they were disciples. That was the Hokage. The Hokage said this on this occasion, indicating that he would accept them as disciples in the future, how could he not be happy. In the future, they will be disciples of the Hokage, which can be said to be a step to heaven.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the initiative to step forward and pull Shukaku: "Come, I'll introduce you. These are my disciples, they are Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Shimo, and Mitarai Naoto. I have three more disciples in Konoha, they are too young so I didn't bring them here, they are Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya. If you travel around the world in the future, take care of my disciples if you meet them. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen winked at them when he said this. The three of them understood.

The three of them all bowed and said, "Shukaku-sama."

Shukaku was so excited that he shook all over and a lot of sand fell off his body. It was the first time someone called him sama, it felt so good, no, I have to give them something, otherwise I can't show my status.

Shukaku said, "Since you asked me to beat you, then I will teach you a wind escape move, my wind escape move is very powerful."

The three of them couldn't help but said quickly, "Thank you, Shukaku-sama." This call of Shukaku-sama was more sincere than before.

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