The first step to the story is to learn from the past.

Shukaku first taught Sarutobi Hiruzen the details of the sand manipulation technique, and then began to teach Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Sumo, and Mitarai Naoto the wind escape technique.

"The so-called wind escape technique is to attack or defend by condensing wind attribute chakra, which has a cutting effect. The wind is everywhere, from a gentle breeze to a devastating typhoon............."


Sarutobi Hiruzen fell into deep thought after listening to their voices. Just now, Shukaku told him about his understanding of the sand manipulation technique. Sarutobi Hiruzen felt confused. He didn't know whether he didn't understand it or Shukaku's explanation was too profound.

Shukaku mainly said that to learn the sand manipulation technique, you must first learn wind escape, for example, you can use wind escape to shape a handful of sand into the desired shape.

But according to Shukaku, the magnetic escape of Sand Village is the sand manipulation technique. But magnetic escape and sand manipulation seem to have nothing to do with each other.

I opened the panel and took a look. There was nothing related to magnetic escape and sand manipulation on the panel.

Based on the knowledge of the previous life, shouldn't magnetic escape be related to electromagnetic force?

Isn't the best representative of magnetic escape Magneto? The application of magnetic escape by the third generation Kazekage is a little shallow.

Then why did Shukaku say that he learned the sand manipulation technique through wind escape?

What was unexpected.

Keep diverging your thoughts, wind → breeze → typhoon. This has nothing to do with magnetic escape either.

There are few prescriptions in the book.

Sarutobi Hiruzen patted his head and sat cross-legged.

Meditate and empty your mind.

Shukaku taught to start with wind escape and finally form the sand manipulation technique.

The Third Kazekage, Takumi learned the Magnetic Release from the Third Kazekage Shamon, and the Second Kazekage Shamon learned the Sand Manipulation Technique from Shukaku. Where did it go wrong? Oh, and there is the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, who should be Takumi's later student, but Rasa's technique is gold sand, while Takumi's is iron sand. What about Shamon? We learned earlier that Shamon seems to be ordinary sand, and Shukaku is also ordinary sand.

Shamon's ordinary sand → Takumi's iron sand → Rasa's gold sand → Gaara's ordinary sand.

Is there any connection between them?

I have to ask Shukaku to see if it can use iron sand.

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted Shukaku's teaching, "Shukaku, can your Sand Manipulation Technique control iron sand?"

"Yes, iron sand is also a kind of sand. I usually use the Sand Manipulation Technique without paying special attention to it. Maybe there are other sands in it, and I can't say for sure, but I can control them to release ninjutsu." Shukaku answered casually without paying too much attention.

It seems that we have to follow Shukaku's wind escape first. Sarutobi Hiruzen walked aside and continued to meditate.

In Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen had also read a lot of wind escape principles and experiences, but there was no movement on the panel.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to meditate and think for a long, long time.

Suddenly, a memory came to his mind from somewhere. It seemed to be what the teacher had said in physics class.

The formation of wind is caused by solar radiation heat. Sunlight shines on the surface of the earth, raising the surface temperature. The air on the surface expands due to heat and becomes lighter and rises. After the hot air rises, the low-temperature cold air flows in horizontally. The rising air gradually cools and becomes heavier and falls. The high surface temperature will heat the air and make it rise. This air flow is wind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen grasped the key point. Wind is caused by solar radiation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself: "Solar radiation... Solar radiation... Solar wind, solar wind is mainly charged particles emitted by the sun. Solar storm... Solar storm... Solar storm is caused by electromagnetic force, Shukaku's sand manipulation technique, isn't it electromagnetic force?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened the panel and took a look

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Body: 12/12

Spirit: 135/135

Element: 87/87

Skills: Primary body mastery, advanced combat mastery

Energy level: Primary wind control, advanced fire mastery, intermediate earth mastery, primary water mastery, primary seal mastery, advanced energy mastery, advanced thunder mastery, advanced illusion mastery

Skill: Primary electromagnetic application: (to be named)

Primary fire and earth fusion: meteor shower

Primary earth and water fusion: mudslide

Primary water and fire fusion: nuclear bomb

Sure enough, it appeared, skill: primary electromagnetic application, this one is to be named. Let's give it a name after the ability is tested.

What the hell is this primary wind control? Suddenly, from advanced proficiency, he skipped the mastery stage and went straight to control.

Let's try what this level of control feels like.

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes and slowly comprehended it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Zhan slowly floated up. He could do many things with the wind. For example, he could let the wind lift him up and float in the air. This was different from Ohnoki's floating. Ohnoki used the earth attribute to float up, probably to reduce his own gravity. Finally, he could fly again. Humans have always had a dream to fly in the sky and conquer the sky. Sarutobi Hiruzen was no exception. Since he came to this extraordinary world, he saw Ohnoki floating in the air all the time, which made Sarutobi Hiruzen envious. He always looked at Ohnoki with envy and jealousy, and couldn't help but think of catching Ohnoki and beating him up.

Everyone was fighting on the ground, but you were the only one who could pretend and float in the air all the time. Even as strong as the first generation Hokage, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, they fought on the ground. In the past, Sarutobi Hiruzen had always thought: The ninja world does not allow such a powerful existence. Now Sarutobi Hiruzen just wants to say: In this new ninja era, who still fights on the ground in the traditional way? Hahahahahaha.

After a while of fantasizing, Sarutobi Hiruzen calmed down and prepared to try whether this control level of wind could manipulate sand.

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his hands and sensed the wind between heaven and earth.

The wind blew in wisps, along with the chakra emitted by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Slowly rotating, well, there are a few small piles of sand on the ground, which are brought by the natural wind. I want to make them into the shape I need according to my heart.

The sand on the ground joined the rotating vortex one after another, and the vortex became bigger and bigger, slowly turning into a tornado.

The movement became louder and louder, waking up Shukaku who was concentrating on the class, Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Sumo, and Mitarai Naoto who were listening to the class with great interest, staring at the tornado slowly turning into a tornado, mixed with sand and turning into a sandstorm.

The violent air flow blew the clothes of the three people.

Shukaku spoke up: "Sarutobi, stop, the sand manipulation technique is not like this."

As Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly stopped, the tornado slowed down and became smaller, leaving only large and small piles of sand to prove that it existed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little unsatisfied. He could feel that although going in this direction was not Shukaku's sand manipulation technique, it was definitely a powerful ninjutsu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen could only ask: "What is your sand manipulation technique like?"

Shukaku scratched his head: "I can't tell, anyway, it's not like yours. Let me show you."

Shukaku stretched out his right hand, and there was a weak airflow in his palm, slowly rotating, left and right, up and down, as if every direction was blowing with the wind. Shukaku waved his left hand, and a handful of sand fell into his right hand. The sand danced in Shukaku's right hand and could form various shapes. Shukaku turned the sand in his hand into a human-shaped sand sculpture, and his face was Sarutobi Hiruzen, very lifelike.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also reached out and grabbed a handful of sand, trying to make it look like Shukaku. The sand was also flying around randomly, like a carving apprentice, cutting less here and more there, and finally it was almost formed. Sarutobi Hiruzen compared his own work with Shukaku's. Sarutobi Hiruzen's sand felt like grains of sand, and it would collapse immediately if he let go, while Shukaku's felt like it was cut by a knife and an axe, as if it was a whole.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Shukaku, how did you do it? So many sands fit together perfectly, like a whole?"

Shukaku hesitated and said: "In my opinion, they are not a whole. There is a big gap in the middle of each grain of sand. I control each grain of sand to move and form this shape."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked and said: "You control every grain of sand?"

Shukaku said blankly: "Yes, every grain of sand is controlled."

God, this Shukaku is so good at micro-manipulation, is he going to control molecules next? Atoms? Nuclear fusion? Should I tell it that there are also large gaps between molecules and atoms?

If I think like this, can the wind at the molecular level decompose the sand and dust into molecules and atoms? What would happen if it blew on a person? Would it decompose the person into molecules? Decompose into atoms?

I tried it when I thought of it, and Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a kunai from his ninja tool bag. Close your eyes and imagine that this kunai is made up of molecules, and there are large gaps between the molecules. A gust of wind blows over and blows these molecules apart. After a while, the chakra condensed in his hand was consumed, and he didn't feel anything unusual. Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his eyes and saw that there was no kunai in his hand, only a handful of fine iron sand.

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly realized that it was so scary. It was scary to think about it. It's better not to tell Shukaku. It's too cruel to hit people. It's not humane at all.

When I opened the panel, I saw that there was an extra column for skills. Wind control: (Unnamed) thought about it

, Sarutobi Hiruzen named this move Wind Control: Bone-Eroding Yin Wind.

In order to reassure Shukaku, Sarutobi Hiruzen tried Shukaku's sand manipulation technique again, and soon succeeded, but he was still not proficient. As time went by, he became more and more proficient. Sarutobi Hiruzen stood on the ground, and the sand moved with Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes, forming a sand bar. Suddenly, it hit the ground that had formed crystals, breaking the ground. The broken crystals instantly turned into sand and joined the sand bar. Sarutobi Hiruzen learned the moves of Gaara that he knew in his previous life and created a huge sand wave.

Shukaku said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Sarutobi, you learned it, you are much smarter than Shamon and the others."

Listening to Shukaku's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the primary electromagnetic application on the panel and fell into deep thought. Since Shukaku's sand manipulation technique is wind escape, how did this electromagnetic application come from?

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