The body is only 1 point, and the soul is actually a jonin, with 2 points of Yuan. At first, I suspected that it was cheating, but then I saw the skills, a bunch of them were all intermediate, so I maxed out everything taught in the ninja school. It turns out that she is a yandere.

It is not easy for an ordinary person to pass the high school graduation examination. Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the student and found that he was pale. He took the opportunity to feel his body. It was full of holes. How much suffering this child had to endure in order to become a ninja and graduate.

Seeing the third generation of Hokage in front of him hesitate after looking at him, Beiliuhu shouted in his heart, don't deprive me of the opportunity to be a ninja, don't, don't.

Looking at the uneasy Beiliuhu, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled like an old father: "Your name is Beiliuhu, right? From today on, you are Konoha's Chunin." He put on the forehead protector for him, and then said: "To be a good Konoha ninja, a strong body is inevitable. I see that your body is a little weak and needs to be adjusted. Come to my office after the graduation ceremony."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put on the forehead protectors for the students and returned to the podium.

The students below were all chattering and feeling uncomfortable. Sarutobi Hiruzen did not disturb the happy moment of these students. He found Uchiha Kagami who was representing the Konoha Guard Department to select people.

"Kagami's first batch of graduates are all good seedlings. Can you leave some for other departments?"

"Our Guard Department is in great need of people. Lord Hokage, you can see that our Guard Department is almost overwhelmed. We have a big family and a big business, and we need a lot of people. We wish we could keep all these people in the Guard Department, but it's not enough." Uchiha Kagami has been trained as the head of the Guard Department for several years. He is more worldly-wise and would even cry poor.

"Look at how many people there are in the Anbu. One battalion is not fully staffed. At least let the Anbu battalion be fully staffed. If you don't give the Anbu some people, it will be strange if Danzo doesn't cause trouble for you when he comes back." Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to set up the Anbu as soon as possible. After all, this is an elite force directly under his control. Moreover, Hiruzen Sarutobi felt that the previous reorganization of the Guard Department did not consider the consequences, and the customs and patrols were assigned to the Guard Department. Now it seems that this system is unhealthy and there will be risks. It is okay now, it is controlled by Uchiha Kagami, a teammate who knows everything about him, but what about the future? Will the power of the Minister of the Guard Department be greater than that of the future Hokage? Hiruzen Sarutobi plans to solve this problem as soon as possible. The framework of the Anbu must be set up, and the troops directly under the Hokage must be formed to protect Hiruzen Sarutobi's next reform plan.

"Then give the Anbu a squadron of people? The others go to the Guard Department?"

"You wish, aren't there other departments? I want to set up a Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently, but there are not enough people. There is also a medical department and a government department. My Hokage Office also wants to add some fresh blood."

"Then assign your disciples directly to the Hokage Office to help you," Uchiha Kagami said lightly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said distressedly, "It's easy to say, those little guys are tired of seeing me every day when they go home, and they probably want to run away this time. Alas, the children are grown up and hard to take care of. You see, they would jump for joy when I took them to eat ramen a few years ago. Now they have more and more ideas of their own."

"I see that your disciples are usually very well-behaved, especially Tsunade, who calls me Uncle Kagami every time I see her. How can there be so many things you say?"

"Then you can look at the assignment intention form they filled out later. They all want to go to the Security Department."

Time passed slowly as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Kagami whispered about the past, and it was time for the last step of the graduation ceremony, assignment.

There were three departments recruiting people for the graduation ceremony.

One was the Security Department, the largest violent agency in Konoha.

The second was the Government Affairs Department, the largest government affairs center in Konoha.

The third was the Anbu, which had the least momentum. The leader Danzo was sent to the Fire Trade Company, and only the squadron leader Hatake Sakumo was present.

Uchiha Kagami, Utatane Koharu, and Hatake Tsumabu stood at the front, representing the Security Department, the Administrative Department, and the Anbu respectively.

Most students were arranged by the school to fill out a distribution intention form a few days before the graduation ceremony.

Most students

I yearn for the work of the Security Department, because in recent years, only the Security Department has the most momentum, and the Security Department's patrol police brigade is the most enviable. They can travel the entire Land of Fire with pay. These graduates who may not have left Konoha want to see the outside world. But because of the PY deal between a certain Hokage and a certain head of the Security Department, the Security Department will definitely not want so many people. The rest will be assigned to other departments.

There are also many students who want to go to the Administrative Department. It is a place to serve ninjas, there are not so many battles, and you can live comfortably.

Only the Anbu has the least people who want to go. The Anbu rarely shows up in the village. They are all carrying out confidential tasks and appearing and disappearing mysteriously.

As expected, Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya all chose the Security Department. Kato Dan also chose the Security Department, but was assigned to the Anbu.

After all the assignments were completed, it was time for the three departments to speak.

Uchiha Kagami stepped forward and looked at the 68 people he had selected. That's right, he selected 68 people, leaving 23 people for the Anbu and 12 people for the Administrative Department.

The Administrative Department is full of civilians, so they don't need that many people. The rest are all in the Anbu.

"From today on, you are the ninjas of the Konoha Village Police Guard. Our Guard has the responsibility to protect the village and maintain public order, and also shoulders the important task of patrolling the country, and has the obligation to guard the checkpoints. Everyone must remember that we are the security force of the Hidden Leaf Village. Anyone who threatens the safety of the village is an enemy of our Guard. Do you have the confidence to protect the village with me?"


These graduates were very excited after the impassioned words, and they responded loudly to Uchiha Kagami.

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh that society still tempers people. The work of the security department in recent years has made Uchiha Kagami handle things more and more methodical. He is no longer the fool who had to ask Sarutobi Hiruzen to write lines for him when he went to Nanga Shrine for a clan meeting.

Utatane Koharu and Hatake Sakumo also spoke a few words on the stage, but they didn't make such a loud noise.

"Take it back from each department. Kagami will come to my office later." Sarutobi Hiruzen took Hiruzen away with him.

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