The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen landed on the rooftop of the Hokage Building and took Hiruzen into the office.

After sitting down, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Hiruzen and asked, "Hiruzen, your physical condition is very bad. You may not be able to perform some of the high-intensity training and combat missions of ninjas."

Hiruzen still had the relief and joy of passing the high school entrance examination on his face, but now he was worried again because he was the Hokage and had the right to decide whether a ninja should stay or go. Beiluhu said uneasily: "Hokage-sama, I will do my best to complete the tasks assigned by the village, even if it costs my life."

"The mission department will classify the tasks and will not let low-level ninjas take difficult tasks. The tasks assigned are all equivalent to the job level, so there are no tasks that require desperate efforts to complete. Can you tell me why you want to become a ninja at all costs? Can you talk to me?"

"Hokage-sama, I..."

"Don't be afraid, just say it." Seeing that he was still a little undecided, Sarutobi Hiruzen encouraged him.

"I have been..."

Listening to Beiluhu's story, a story that belongs only to Beiluhu unfolded in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen. Beiluhu's father was a wandering ninja in the Warring States Period. His strength was about the level of Genin, and he usually took some caravan escort tasks to make a living. Until one day, the Senju family and the Uchiha family announced the establishment of the Konoha Ninja Village. His father responded to the call and came to live in Konoha Village. He married and had children in Konoha Village. After more than 10 years, the war broke out again. As a registered ninja in Konoha Village, he would of course participate in the war. It is conceivable that a ninja born as a wandering ninja would be assigned some tasks in a village like Konoha where there are many ninjas. The more dangerous and difficult the tasks, the more helpless ninjas are often to do them.

As expected, in the second year of the war, Konoha's father died, leaving Konoha and his mother to depend on each other. At that time, Konoha was five years old and lived on a meager pension for several months. Prices were getting higher and higher, and life was getting harder and harder. His mother, who was from a branch of the small ninja clan, took him to ask for shelter from the family. The family did not blame the clan members for asking for help, but only guaranteed basic living. So his mother told him since he was a child: "The only way out is to become a ninja." At a young age, he kept this sentence firmly in mind. He also trained desperately, hoping to become a ninja, but he was born with a weak constitution. He was not suitable for being a ninja in his mother's family. He went to school for enrollment. He became a ninja with his strong perseverance and his excellent comprehension. Now he stands here after graduation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little moved. This was very similar to the examples of ordinary people struggling in his previous life. Sarutobi Hiruzen was willing to give him a chance. In the original work, his comprehension and creativity were very strong, but his body was not suitable for being a ninja. But it was no problem for Sarutobi Hiruzen here. There were too many ways to solve the physical problem.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly: "How about this, Hiruhu, I will transfer you from the Anbu to the Hokage's office first. I will find someone to take you for a physical examination. How can you serve Konoha in your sick state now?"

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Hiruhu, who had seen the dangers of the world since childhood, knew that Hokage-sama was helping him, and he nodded with tears in his eyes. He finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and inexplicably had different emotions towards Hokage-sama. From childhood to adulthood, he had never talked to anyone so openly. It was all his silent efforts.

After calling Sarutobi Shinya and handing Hiruhu's affairs to him, he devoted himself to the work of the Hokage.

After a while, Uchiha Kagami, the head of the Security Department, came to the Hokage's office.

"Sit down, drink some tea first." Sarutobi Hiruzen got up and closed the door and went to find tea, but was snatched by Uchiha Kagami.

"I'll do it myself. I've been a Hokage for so long, have you lost your skills in pouring tea?" Uchiha Kagami said unceremoniously.

Hearing his best friend's teasing, Sarutobi Hiruzen said helplessly, "There are so many things in the village, you know how busy you are, how can you have time to practice pouring tea? Usually when someone comes, it is Lu Xin or Shinya who pours tea. You are the head of the security department, do you still have time to drink tea?"

"Yes, of course? I threw all the things that the captain can handle to the three captains, and the things that the captain can't handle to the Hokage's office, so I have nothing to do, right?" Uchiha Kagami said with a smile.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also smiled and said, "You are really lazy. I think the security department is getting bigger and bigger now, and they are almost holding you up.

Empty, this won't work."

"Just empty it, I can't do those petty things, but the Uchiha clan is quite dissatisfied, but I don't care." Uchiha Jing didn't care.

"Last time we reorganized the guard department, and transferred the chief of the Setsuna clan to the Iron Country as an ambassador. He must have opinions about me. It's okay to have opinions about me, but what about you? After all, you also participated in it," Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Guess? He scolds you for not being a son of man every day at the clan meeting, but what's the truth? He doesn't support those opponents. In the past few years, I have continuously exerted my strength at the clan meeting, and the number of opponents has become less and less. Anyway, it won't become a big climate." Uchiha Jing said with a smirk.

This made Sarutobi Hiruzen a little embarrassed, but the thing had been done, and it wouldn't hurt to let others scold him. He could only smile and said: "Please apologize to the chief of the Setsuna clan on my behalf. I had to do it at the beginning."

"Okay, okay, he didn't take it seriously, so don't take it to heart. What did you call me for today?" Uchiha Jing put down his teacup.

"The Security Department has more and more things to deal with now. You still have to pay attention. Look at how many people are there in the brigade under the Security Department now? It's called a brigade, but there are at least 300 people, right? As the Security Department gets on the right track, there will definitely be more people added later. A brigade should have at least 500-600 people. Of course, the Central District Headquarters may not need so many people, but the patrol brigade will never have enough people. Look at the squadron leaders of the patrol brigade now. Most of them are from the Inuzuka clan, right? The Customs Brigade and the Central District Brigade are now basically occupied by their three families. "Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little distressed.

"This is inevitable, so what can we do? "Uchiha Jing said he was helpless.

"The three battalions of the current guard department are almost a replica of the previous Uchiha guard. Look at the people added to these three battalions. They were not on the village's ninja list before. Now that they find benefits, the ninjas that were hidden before are all taken out, including the Sarutobi clan. This is the ninja clan, sucking the blood of the village to fatten the family. "

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