The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"How about you issue a document not to allow non-family ninjas to work in various departments of the village?"

"No? I won't do that. I will increase the efforts later to make them put all the family ninjas in."

Uchiha Mirror looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen like a fool. Is this money aiding the enemy? You just said that this is wrong, and now you want to increase the efforts.

Looking at Uchiha Kagami's eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked: "Is the village short of ninjas now?"

Uchiha Kagami said: "There is a shortage of ninjas who can serve the village. There are many family ninjas, but not many of them are dedicated to the village."

"In other words, to solve the village's predicament, we just need to turn these family ninjas into registered ninjas in the village, right? So now let them send more family ninjas out to see how many of them are not registered, and then grab them all." Sarutobi Hiruzen made a scooping motion with his right hand.

"Will they wait for you to come out and get them? They are not that stupid, right?"

"I have a plan for this. What do you think about us giving subsidies to registered ninjas in the village according to their ranks when the time is right? Here's what I think. For example, those who graduate from elementary school in the ninja school are called reserve ninjas, and they will receive a rank subsidy of 1,000 yuan per month. Those who graduate from junior high school are called genin, and their rank subsidy is 3,000 yuan per month. Those who are promoted from lower-level ninjas to middle-level ninjas will receive a rank subsidy of 5,000 yuan, and then the rank subsidy of jonins will be 8,000 yuan per month. There is also a level of senior ninjas in important positions in various important departments, which is called senior ninjas for short, and the rank subsidy is 12,000 yuan. Finally, the level of assistant to the Hokage is called the junior ninja level, and the rank subsidy is 20,000 yuan. Finally, the Hokage will receive 30,000 yuan. Let every ninja in every position have a subsidy to improve their lives. Do you think those people are willing to be registered in the village or in the family?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little excited when he talked about this plan. This can be said to have changed the ecology of ninjas who rely on completing tasks to get bounties. He plans to slowly change the income of ninjas into three parts, one is the rank subsidy, one is the position salary, and the other is the task subsidy. This kind of income is more humane.

"It sounds good, but starting from the C-level task, each task has tens of thousands? Will your subsidies be a little too little?" Uchiha Jing was a little puzzled.

"This subsidy can be adjusted. When I planned this, I thought that sometimes you will get injured during the task, and you need to recuperate when you are injured. If you don't do the task, you will have no income. Many ninjas are the backbone of a family. How can a family live without income? Sometimes you can only do the task with injuries, which leads to many Genin and Chunin having many old injuries. These injuries will prevent them from realizing their potential and affect their lifespan, which is not good for Konoha. But with this rank subsidy, they can get enough rest and recuperation between tasks. And they will not fall into a vicious cycle due to lack of family income." Sarutobi Hiruzen introduced his original intention in detail.

"I believe your plan will be supported by most ninjas." Uchiha Jing thought of the wonderfulness of this plan and couldn't help but said loudly.

"I feel that this plan is not so perfect yet. Please give me more suggestions. This plan needs the support of the Security Department. And the timing is very important. I want to get all the hidden ninjas of the ninja clan to work for Tsuneko." Sarutobi Hiruzen still felt that there were loopholes in the plan and tried to make it perfect. Otherwise, it would be like the reorganization of the Security Department. Now the reorganization of the Security Department can be said to have failed. The huge Security Department was divided into three parts, each controlled by three ninja clans. It's back to square one.

"The Security Department will definitely support you. I am still the head of the Security Department." Uchiha Jing nodded affirmatively.

"It needs the support of the entire Security Department, not your support as the head of the Security Department. You have been sidelined, and the three families below may not listen to you. When the Security Department was reorganized, it was said that various positions in the Security Department would be competed again in five years. There is about a year and a half left, so you should be ready."

"Why was I sidelined? The Political Department of the Security Department headquarters is like an empty shell, and the Operations Department and the Training Department are all the same, except that the Logistics Department is still somewhat useful. Why are these departments like empty shells? This has to be said that our Third Hokage transferred the head of the Political Department, Yan, and other key departments as well." Uchiha Kagami looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen teasingly.

"I get angry when I talk about this,

At the beginning, I arranged people to help you build the framework in the Security Department. After the framework is built, you should arrange people to take over. Yan is the assistant of the Hokage, and there are so many things to do here. Look at the Security Department now, and you blame me. "Sarutobi Hiruzen's forehead showed a few black lines, which was a case of turning the tables.

"Actually, it's my fault. I'm not suitable for such a thing. I would rather fight on the battlefield than stay in the office." Uchiha Kagami said faintly.

This guy is shameless. No, he can't give up. Is there no leader in the Uchiha family? Hey, Uchiha family, Senior Setsuna seems to be cunning and treacherous. Can he come to be the head of the Security Department? But he is a family ninja. Will he create another Uchiha Security Department?

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked tentatively: "Kagami, what do you think about Senior Setsuna being the head of the Security Department? No, it's the Defense Department reorganized from the Security Department. I plan to change the Guard Department to the Defense Department, with the Minister receiving the treatment of a second-in-command. The Defense Department will be divided into the General Political Department, the General Operations Department, the General Training Department, and the General Logistics Department. The three battalions below will be upgraded to departments. The Central District will be called the Guard Department, the Patrol Battalion will be called the Patrol Department, and the Customs Battalion will be called the Customs Department. These three departments are independent of each other and are under the leadership of the Defense Department above. The three departments will have separate Political Departments, Operations Departments, Training Departments, and Logistics Departments. These four department-level departments will take over the business guidance of the superior general office and the personnel allocation of the subordinate departments. "

"Change again? It's uneasy to change it over and over again. I think after the change, it will be the same as it is now. "Uchiha Jing had a headache.

"It's different. After the change, there will be a big change. Each department is equivalent to the top level of Konoha. There is no direct connection between the Ministry of Defense and the three departments below, but it will be restricted by the Ministry of Defense. As for how to restrict, you, a fool, will definitely not understand. I believe that Senior Setsuna will understand. If you have a chance, go to Senior Setsuna to talk about it. When it works, you can be at ease to be your assistant to the Hokage. "Sarutobi Hiruzen explained tirelessly, with a little bit of inducement. He was not afraid that he would not be dedicated.

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