The story is about the past, and the present is about the future.

Seeing Danzo reading the manuscript with a Chinese-style speech in a serious manner, Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed in his heart.

This is really interesting. I don’t know if the ninjas present can understand it.

After Danzo finished speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen said with an unknown smile: "This is the case. Everyone, please talk about it."

Faced with the things that the Shimura family and the Utatane family and a group of small families did, which were revealed by the Third Hokage at the Jonin Conference, the major families felt sad and a little bit blamed. How could they dig into the village? It’s okay to dig, but they were discovered.

For the interests of their respective families, everyone also gave their own opinions.



Hyuga clan representative Hyuga Nobuaki spoke first: "Shimura clan and Utatane clan are so audacious! They dared to do such a thing, they must be severely punished!"

Uchiha clan representative Uchiha Setsuna also made a clear statement. "I agree with the Hyuga clan. This matter is very serious, and we must give an explanation to other clans."

First, the two great families of Konoha expressed that they would conduct a strict investigation. The two great families also have industries in the village. They are big and powerful, and they don't bother to occupy the property of the village, let alone to harm the village with those nobles. The great families of Konoha have to save face.

In the past, perhaps due to the policies of the second generation, they were also close to the village, but in the past two years, because the security department has more exchanges with the village, it is better to sell the third generation Hokage and the village. Yes, it is better to buy a Hokage.

The leaders of the Ino, Shika and Chou clans looked at each other, and finally Nara Shikadai spoke: "We are the Ino, Shika and Chou clans of Konoha. We firmly support the opinions of the village and the decision of the Hokage. We are ready to regroup and resolutely crack down on any acts that harm the village and all those who betray the village."

Listening to Shikadai's words, it was as if nothing was said. In a simple sentence, we stand on the side of the village, we follow the Hokage, and as long as you give the order, we will do whatever you want.

However, Uchiha Setsuna misheard and thought that he was going to send troops to quell the rebellion. How could he lag behind others? He immediately said in a loud voice: "Please give the order, Lord Hokage. 800 ninjas of my Uchiha clan are on standby. No matter who dares to betray the village, we will chase him to the ends of the earth and kill him."

Followed closely by the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Nobusumi: "My Hyuga clan can also form an army at any time."

The Inuzuka clan, which has occupied a large share of the guard department in recent years, and the Aburame clan have also expressed their willingness to send troops to quell the rebellion.

Among the several large clans, only the Sarutobi clan did not express it, but the Sarutobi clan did not need to express it, because the Hokage was their family, and whether they expressed it or not, they would follow the Hokage.

Then some ninjas from small clans who did not participate also responded. After all, the village has so many resources. If they take this opportunity to overthrow one of them, they still hope to get a share of the vacant share. Their thoughts are all on the surface.

And those small ninja clans who participated were scared. Now they were going to die and their clans were destroyed. They all looked at the head of Shimura Group 1, Shimura Hiroshi.

Shimura clan representative Shimura Hiroshi was a little panicked. What was going on? Making a big fuss? When did our Shimura clan betray the village? They are going to fight and kill, which is really scary. After all, our Shimura clan is a big clan that co-founded Konoha. You said you would cut it down, and you are really going to cut it down.

Looking back at Sarutobi Uegani, Sarutobi Uegani spread his hands, saying that he could not help. He had no choice but to force himself to say: "Dear clan leaders, don't target us. Since this matter has already happened, our Shimura family will be punished. We just hope that the village can show leniency to other clan members who did not participate in this matter." As he said that, his eyes drifted to Shimura Danzo, wanting him to help speak.

Danzo tilted his head to one side and ignored him. He should handle his own affairs by himself. Don't expect me to take the blame for you.

The head of the Utatane clan is Utatane Izawa, the face of the clan. In the absence of the former Hokage assistant Utatane Koharu, he was in a bit of a dilemma. He had no idea and could only follow the opinion of the head of the clan, Shimura.

Then he said, "I agree with what the head of the clan said."

This is to let him be dealt with. In fact, this almost achieved Sarutobi Hiruzen's goal. He glanced at Danzo and signaled him to announce the punishment.

Danzo was not afraid either. He stood up and said, "This incident is serious.

It seriously violated the village system and seriously damaged the friendship between the village and the daimyo's mansion. It was a betrayal of the village, dissatisfaction with the village policy, blasphemy of the will of fire, and even disapproval of the first generation's ideas. It was an unforgivable crime. According to the regulations of Konoha Village, those who betrayed the village should be listed as traitors, and those who defected should be hunted down by the entire ninja world. All participants should be imprisoned for life.

However, according to investigations, most of the ninjas involved in this incident were unaware, and those who knew were mostly high-level relatives of various ninja clans. In order not to affect the lower-level ninjas, in line with the principle of humanitarian care, the punishment for this incident is as follows: Participants in this incident who knew about it were listed as traitors and imprisoned for life. Those who embezzled the village's property shall pay three times the compensation to the village's financial department

Participants in this incident who were unaware of it shall be expelled from the ninja class and will never be employed again. Those who embezzled the village's property shall pay double compensation to the village's financial department. I hope that future ninjas can learn from this, stick to the will of fire, and never forget their original intentions. "

This is completely rote. Sarutobi Hiruzen originally had several plans for punishment, and this one is the most severe. Danzo is so cruel that he even treated his own family so harshly.

Back then, Sarutobi Hiruzen had three plans in total. The first one was this one. It was very severe. Almost all the young ninjas who participated in it were beaten to death. This was to prevent the jonins who were dissatisfied with the verdict from taking action at the jonin meeting. Sarutobi Hiruzen used his own force to subdue them and establish his authority.

The second plan is that those who knew about it and planned it will be expelled from the ninja class and will never be employed again. Those who did not know about it will be deprived of their ninja positions and made to learn the ninja code again. Otherwise, they will have to retake the ninja assessment and start as a Genin. That is, let them start over and give them a little chance.

The third option is to fine them and compensate for all the losses of the village. This option is a backup plan in case all the ninja clans oppose it. After all, if all the ninja clans do not support it, the plan cannot be implemented.

Now that the Uchiha family, the Hyuga family and other big clans have made it clear that they want to wipe out the rebellious ninjas, those who have committed crimes are now afraid to act rashly. Therefore, they have already used the power of several big ninja clans to establish their prestige, so there is no need to use the first option. If they use the first option now, it will undoubtedly force them to rebel.

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