After Danzo finished speaking, the atmosphere suddenly became cold. The clan leaders all frowned. Although it was not a punishment for them, they still felt that it was a bit heavy. Although they just clamored to clean up the rebellious ninjas, it was just to boost the momentum of the Sandaime. If they were really asked to take action, they would definitely think about it first. Looking at the livid faces of the clan leaders, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately said, "Ahem, Danzo, don't be so rigid. The village is also partly responsible for this incident. After all, many things are not perfect. It is better to expel the knowledgeable and the planners from the ninja class and never recruit them again. Those who are unaware will be deprived of their ninja positions and asked to relearn the ninja code, retake the ninja assessment, and start as Genin. In other words, let them start over and give them a little chance. Of course, the property occupied by the village must be returned."

"I still don't think we can tolerate it, otherwise what will happen if they follow suit?" Danzo put on an unyielding look.

"Danzo, although they did make a mistake, the village should also give everyone a chance to correct their mistakes." Mito Kado En also chimed in, and signaled to him with his eyes that it was enough.

"Okay, that's it, this matter is over, but there won't be a next time. If there is a next time, both things will be severely punished together."

Danzo, who received the signal, stopped talking.

"Let's start voting now." Seeing that many jonins were silent, Sarutobi Hiruzen prompted to start the next item.

After the voting started according to the established procedures of the jonin meeting, nearly two hundred jonins, especially jonins, started voting.

Those jonins who committed crimes had to vote in favor of this. There was no way to force them. Whether they agreed or not, it had nothing to do with the overall situation. Voting against now meant that they were dissatisfied with the punishment. Would they be able to survive in the village at that time?

After voting this time, they were dismissed. Some just started the genin assessment again, but some could not be ninjas, at least not in Konoha.

Even if they could not be ninjas, they still had a sense of incense in the village. Being a civilian was not bad. Where could it be safer than Konoha Village?

Betray the village? Don't be kidding. As long as you dare to betray the village, your former companions will come to chase you.

After the vote was completed, the matter was over, but the head of a small family was still a little dissatisfied and said, "Hokage, all the heads of the ninja clans, I respect the decision of the village, but I have some doubts. When the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, led everyone to establish the village, he brought many years of peace to the ninja world and gave us, the small ninja clan, the opportunity to recuperate.

We also spent a few years without fighting, but soon after, a more intense war broke out in the ninja world, and countless ninjas from various clans were killed and injured. The big ninja clans were not a big deal, they could just recuperate and pass it. They also had enough foundation and money to cultivate The next generation.

But what about us, the little ninjas? What should we do? Our children also need to be trained, and training requires money. Didn't we create the village for better survival? Why do we, the little ninjas, have no money to train our children?

Where did the money go? I know that the village has money, especially since the daimyo has increased the funding. If we, the little ninjas, get some money to raise children and train them, even if we are wrong, we won't be punished so severely, right? Besides, this is what the village should do. "

After saying this, the conference room was silent for a moment, and no one dared to speak, lest they say something wrong and cause a big trouble. If they are not careful, this will provoke a confrontation between the ninjas and the village.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled calmly, and even had time to open the panel and look at this person

Uehara Kamezaburo

Body: 9/9

Spirit: 9/9

Element: 8/8

Skills: Advanced physical mastery, intermediate combat mastery

Energy level: primary fire mastery, advanced earth mastery

Very ordinary, just an ordinary jonin.

Sarutobi Hiruzen chuckled and asked: "Uehara jonin, right? You are the head of the Uehara family, right? Your Uehara family has no money. Is it because the village's pension and casualty allowance have not arrived?"

"Hokage-sama, the village's pension and casualty allowance have all been sent to the clan." This matter is well documented and cannot be false, so Uehara Kamezaburo can only tell the truth.

"Is it because the school does not accept your Uehara family children to go to school?"

This is also true, Uehara

Kame Saburo already felt something was wrong. "No, my Uehara clan's children all go to school at the Ninja School."

"Since the village didn't mistreat your Uehara clan, where did your Uehara clan's money go? Did your Uehara clan invade the village's property because they couldn't afford to raise their children?

The Konoha Ninja School is free for all children in the village. As long as they are students of the school, they will be subsidized by the Ministry of Finance for ninja tools, medicinal materials, etc.

Other families are doing well, but only your Uehara clan can't afford to eat? The prices in Konoha are not expensive." Sarutobi Hiruzen divided the problem clearly while strolling in the garden, and immediately resolved the original conflict between the village and the ninja clan.

Everyone think about it, yes, the village has given what should be given, why are others doing well, but your Uehara family has spent it all?

Uehara Kamezaburo's face turned red, and he simply threw the can into the air: "My Uehara clan is a ninja family, how can we learn ninjutsu with those commoners? The children of my Uehara clan deserve better training."

Now everyone looked at him with a strange look.

Sarutobi Hiruzen clapped his hands and said, "Great, you have ambition. It's a good thing that the children of the ninja clan can get more training from the clan. I wish I could train all the children in the village in an all-round way."

Speaking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen paused and suddenly said seriously, "However, you should do everything within your ability. Do as much as you can. If you set an example and make money by doing tasks in the village, or find a position in the security department to make money to train the children of the clan, I have to say that you are a good clan leader, but why do you want to occupy the village's property? To say it is occupation, it is for the sake of good. To put it bluntly, it is to suck the blood of the village to raise your children of the Uehara family.

Why are the children of your Uehara family so precious? You know how much effort your Uehara family has made in the establishment of the village. I don't need to say more. Look, the Uchiha family is sitting here. This is one of the two major families that founded the village. They don't enjoy special treatment in the village. Look over here. This is the Hyuga family, one of the powerful families of Konoha. Do they enjoy special treatment in the village?


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