Chapter 107: Little Zhu Di's Divine Body, Old Zhu's changes, amazing!

Zhu Yuanzhang's miraculous change in obtaining the Desolate Ancient Saint Body made Zhu Di's eyes quite hot and envious.


He also had a thought, and also wanted to obtain the powerful divine body of the Desolate Ancient Saint Body.

"Twelfth brother, fourth brother asked himself, it was quite interesting to you before..."

The envy in Zhu Di's eyes, the color of longing could hardly be concealed, and he stared at Zhu Bai with his eyes: "Now, you can't forget the fourth brother..."

Even Zhu Biao on the side couldn't sit still at this time.


He was much more subtle than Zhu Di, and he was not as excited as Zhu Di.

Of course

It's not that he doesn't want to, but because he is the eldest brother and the prince of Daming.

Always have to be steady, right? What else would it look like...


Although Zhu Biao did not speak, he still stared at Zhu Bai with burning eyes, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

He also wanted a powerful Divine Body Bloodline Inheritance! I want to practice easier!

"Fourth brother, I know you're in a hurry, but please don't be anxious first..."

Zhu Bai was really speechless by Zhu Di, and said with some headache: "The divine body suitable for you, there is really a ..."


Zhu Di was instantly excited: "What divine body? Is there a strong old man? "

Just now, Zhu Yuanzhang's proud appearance of obtaining the Desolate Ancient Saint Body made Zhu Di extremely envious.

He also wanted to obtain a divine body as strong as Zhu Zhang's Desolate Ancient Saint Body!

"It's hard to say who is stronger or weaker..."

Zhu Bai thought about the body inheritance he had mastered, and then shook his head: "Moreover, the path of cultivation does not necessarily rely on the bloodline of the divine body!" "


With a strong body bloodline, it is easier to practice.

But those who do not have the bloodline of the divine body also have the opportunity to reach the peak and be proud of the heavens and realms.

Like what

That peerless female emperor!

"I understand! I understand what you're saying... However, it is better to be relaxed, of course, to be relaxed! "

Zhu Di grinned and said with a smug smile: "Who let me have a golden thigh like you with a twelfth brother?" Wouldn't it be beautiful to hold the golden thighs and easily upgrade~'? "

So makes sense!

Zhu Bai was speechless!

"Suitable for the fourth brother, your body bloodline inheritance, called Cangtian Overlord Body, should be no worse than Daddy's Desolate Ancient Saint Body."

Having said all this, Zhu Bai stopped talking nonsense and said bluntly: "Fourth brother, you like to fight, and the Cangtian Overlord is a peerless king on the battlefield!" Whether it is physical combat power or magical immortal combat power, it is all top-level! "

"This is a good feeling!"

Zhu Di suddenly looked overjoyed, his eyes were full of expectation, Baba looked at Zhu Bai, and the excited fly rubbed his hands: "It's this heavenly overlord!" Twelfth brother, fourth brother depends on you..."

Looking at him like this, Zhu Bai shook his head helplessly, and stopped talking nonsense, immediately raised his hand a little and praised his eyebrows.

"Boom !!"

A huge mysterious force suddenly bloomed from Zhu Bai's hand, surging towards Zhu Di's body like a tidal wave.

"Groove!! Hurt!!! "

After the powerful force poured into Zhu Di's body, it frantically ravaged his limbs and meridians, tearing and reorganizing.

This was an extremely painful experience, which made Zhu Di's body couldn't help but tremble violently, and his face instantly became distorted, his face was hideous, and he screamed in pain.

His appearance made Zhu Biao and Empress Ma tremble with fear. However, with Zhu Yuanzhang's previous experience, although he was taken aback, he was not as flustered and nervous as he was just now.

"Boom !!"

Zhu Di's body also resounded with a roar, and the powerful force frantically ravaged his body, constantly transforming and refining.

Under the fierce force, Zhu Di's body slowly began to expand, and finally his body cracked one after another with blood marks, and a large amount of blood gushed out, as if it was about to explode.

Among the cracked blood marks, the purple-gold light flickered faintly, exuding a domineering and fierce aura.

A moment of work,

Zhu Dihun's body was like a dried heaven and earth, cracking one crack after another, and the purple-gold light in the crack flickered, and countless blood gushed out, dyeing his whole person purple red!


All this only lasted for a moment, and the cracks on Zhu Di's body quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After healing,

Zhu Dihun's body was like a layer of skin had faded, and the whole person was given a new life.

"It worked?! I have been... Obtained the bloodline inheritance of the Cangtian Overlord body?! "

When the pain disappeared, Zhu Di regained his senses, feeling the surging breath of power in his body, his eyes actually bloomed with purple-gold light, and the whole person looked very excited and shocked: "This powerful feeling of Roshan is really wonderful, I feel that I can now smash all kinds of divine weapons with my bare hands!" "

Zhu Di could clearly feel that the power of his body's bloodline had been improved like never before!


Zhu Di's spirit was shocked, and he suddenly raised his head, his eyes looked in the direction of the old Zhu Di's palace, and his pupils contracted violently: "Huh?!" This feeling..."


Zhu Bai also felt the abnormality, and also turned his head to look towards the palace where Old Zhu Di was, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

He felt that there was an aura in that direction that was exactly the same as the aura emanating from Zhu Di's body in front of him!

This finds,

Apparently surprised Jubai!

"Go over and see !!"

Zhu Bai, who was shocked in his heart, stepped out and instantly disappeared in place, turning into a white shadow and heading straight in the direction of Old Zhu Di's palace.

"Twelfth brother, wait for me!"

Seeing this, Zhu Di also followed as soon as possible.

"What's going on?!"

Seeing the behavior of the two, a trace of doubt flashed on Zhu Biao's face.

He was not able to detect abnormalities in the distance with his powerful divine thoughts like Zhu Bai.

"Queen Mother, I'll go over and take a look."

Zhu Biao and Empress Ma spoke, and then he was full of curiosity and chased after Zhu Bai and Zhu Di.


Inside the old Zhu Di palace.

At the moment when Zhu Di accepted the inheritance,

Old Zhu Dihun's body was also suddenly shrouded in a purple-gold light, and almost all the skin on his body cracked one after another, flashing with purple-gold light.

"What's going on?"

When everything was over, Old Zhu Di was shocked, looking at his hands, feeling the changes in his (Hao Nuo's) body, his scalp was numb, and his heart was full of huge waves: "Why did this situation suddenly occur?" I felt like my body was... It's gotten a lot better?! "

Old Zhu Di subconsciously glanced at a copper mirror not far away, and saw that inside the copper mirror, his appearance had changed dramatically.

Originally full of white hair, the white hair on his head disappeared at this moment, and even the wrinkles on his face disappeared, turning into the appearance of a middle-aged man.

"I'm dreaming, right?!"

Looking at himself in the copper mirror, Lao Zhu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but gasp: "I've actually become younger?!" This...... That's amazing, isn't it? I obviously didn't do anything! Could it be that living in the Hongwu period, you can become younger without doing anything?! "

He was stunned!

It was dreamy!


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