Chapter 108: Zhu Di has no beginning, the development of the orthodox Daming today!

When Zhu Bai rushed to Old Zhu Di's palace and saw his state, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Cangtian Overlord Body?"

Feeling the breath in Old Zhu Di's body, Zhu Bai's eyes were full of surprise: "Two people... Obtain the Sky Overlord at the same time? What is the situation? "

Zhu Biao and the others who came with him were also shocked when they discovered Old Zhu Di's condition.

Old Zhu Di saw Zhu Bai's arrival, woke up instantly, and asked him with a confused expression: "Twelfth brother, what is my situation now?" How do I... Suddenly there is a condition in the body? What is the Cangtian Overlord Body? "

At this point,

He was full of question marks, completely unable to figure out what was going on.

Lie down on the palace bed, ready to rest, but suddenly there is a situation!

Before Zhu Bai could answer, Zhu Di suddenly walked up and circled around Yongle Zhu Di a few times, his eyes flashing.


After carefully observing it, after Yongle Zhu Di, Zhu Di was amazed: "Cangtian is really domineering, and it actually makes you regain your youthful appearance!" Now it seems that even if you don't cultivate, you can continue to live for many years..."

When Zhu Biao heard Zhu Di780's words, his eyes were immediately delighted, and he asked Zhu Bai with some excitement: "Twelfth brother, is things really as the teacher said?" "


He was still discussing with Zhu Bai how to solve Old Zhu Di's physical problems, and as soon as he turned his head, things took a turn, which made him very happy.

"Well, that's true."

Zhu Bai, who was observing, nodded slightly when he heard Zhu Biao's words: "Little fourth brother and old fourth brother, after all, they are two sides of the same body, so I gave the little fourth brother Cangtian hegemonic body inheritance, which is equivalent to giving it to the old fourth brother!" "

"Therefore, the old fourth brother has also become a celestial overlord."

"Cangtian Overlord Body, powerful bloodline power, so that his body can be repaired and restored to his youthful state."

When Zhu Biao heard this, he often breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "It's so good, I don't have to worry about so much..."

Zhu Bai nodded slightly, stared at Old Zhu Di, and said with a smile: "Old Fourth Brother, you have obtained the same divine bloodline as Little Fourth Brother, and it just so happens that the two of you practice the same exercises." "

"Practicing the same exercises?! What exercises do you practice? "

When Zhu Di heard Zhu Bai's words, his expression was shocked, and he quickly looked back at him: "Twelfth brother, just now you said that you want to teach me powerful exercises, what kind of exercises?!" "

"Beginningless Emperor Sutra!"

Zhu Bai's eyes flashed, and he didn't say more nonsense, raised his hand and waved, and two golden rays of light flew out of his hand and flew towards Zhu Di and Old Zhu Di's eyebrows.


Two rays of light disappeared into the eyebrows of the two.


"Boom !!"

Zhu Di and the two were shocked, and at the same time, they heard a violent roar in their minds, and the huge information frantically poured into their minds, which was the content of the scripture of the Beginningless Emperor Sutra.

A moment of work,

Both of them received the Beginningless Emperor Sutra.

"Groove!? This Beginningless Emperor Sutra... Too raw, right?! "

After Zhu Di received the Beginningless Emperor Sutra, he was immediately stunned and couldn't help but exclaim: "This technique is higher than the Heaven-level exercises I practiced before, and I don't know where it is!" It's all crushing! "

Old Zhu Di didn't know much about immortal cultivation, only knew that he had obtained an immortal cultivation exercise, but he didn't know much about the attributes of immortal cultivation exercise.

However, as soon as he heard Zhu Di's words, he also knew that he had obtained a powerful immortal cultivation technique, which sounded like it should be the top in the world, which made him immediately excited.

"The Beginningless Emperor Sutra is indeed one of the top exercises in the world..."

Seeing Zhu Di's excited appearance, Zhu Bai nodded and said, "As long as you cultivate this technique to the extreme, you will have a chance to become the supreme powerhouse in this heaven and earth!" "

Old Zhu Di's face suddenly showed an excited look: "Twelfth brother, I also have a chance to become the supreme powerhouse you said?!" "

"There is a chance." Zhu Bai snorted and continued: "Now, you let the little fourth brother take you to cultivate, go to the Enlightenment Tower to cultivate, it is easier to comprehend the exercises, and the practice is faster." "

Zhu Di's face immediately collapsed, depressed: "Isn't it (dbee)?" Let me take him to cultivate? I'm all..."

"Little Old Fourth, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Zhu Di's depressed look, Zhu Biao immediately frowned, and said in a deep voice: "This is a major matter related to the Yongle Dynasty and the Daming Heavenly Alliance!" Don't push back! "


As soon as Zhu Biao opened his mouth, Zhu Di suddenly had nothing to say, he could only nod depressedly, turned back to Old Zhu Di and said, "Come with me, I'll take you to the Wudao Tower to cultivate." "

Said, (Read the violent novel, just go on the Feilu novel network!) )

He didn't want to continue wasting time, so he turned around and walked towards the outside of the hall, and Old Zhu Di quickly followed when he saw this, and the two went straight to the Tower of Enlightenment.



"Twelfth brother! Hu Weiyong has news over there! "

As soon as Zhu Bai walked out of the palace gate, Zhu Biao suddenly greeted him: "Hu Weiyong asked to return to the Hongwu plane, report everything to you, let him not come back?" "

"Oh? Hu Weiyong has made progress there? "

A look of surprise appeared on Zhu Bai's face: "This guy has been staying in the orthodox year for a while, and I don't know what happened to the things he did?" "

During the Orthodox year, although it was not as good as the Yongle year, it was also extremely important for the Heavens and Ming Alliance. Therefore, Zhu Bai pays attention to things over there from time to time.

Now Hu Weiyong suddenly wants to come back, obviously Orthodox years ago there should have achieved good results, otherwise he would not dare to come back.

"He didn't say specifically in the letter, it seems that he wanted to report in person." Zhu Biao said with a smile: "In order to be able to return to Hongwu Daming, this guy has exhausted his means and used his talent and ability to the extreme..."

Zhu Bai smiled slightly, looking forward to the performance of the tool man Hu Weiyong, so he said: "Then let him come back!" Look at how he will be orthodox and how he manages..."


Zhu Biao's eyes also showed a look of joy.


Orthodox Daming plane.

Since Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others left, Hu Weiyong has become a speaker in the court, in charge of almost everything.


Zhu Bai also used divine powers to revive the Orthodox Daming's heaven and earth aura, and he had the conditions for cultivating immortals.

Of course

The concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the orthodox Daming, and the conditions for cultivating immortals, are naturally not comparable to Hongwu Daming.

Hu Weiyong was in the mansion of the orthodox Daming, he was nervously waiting for news, and his eyes were full of apprehension.

"I hope His Royal Highness King Xiang can let me go back..."

As soon as Hu Weiyong thought of Hongwu Daming's current situation, his eyes were filled with yearning: "Compared with Hongwu Daming, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi of the orthodox Daming world can only be described as barren, and it is too restrictive for my cultivation..."

Just as Hu Weiyong sighed in his heart, an excited voice suddenly came from the compound: "Master Hu! Lord Hu! The order of His Royal Highness King Xiang is here! "

Hu Weiyong suddenly got up and rushed out of the gate with an excited face: "Finally there is news?!" Did His Royal Highness King Xiang let me go back?! "


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