Chapter 109: New Copy, Li Hanyi World, Summon the Return of the Immortal Cultivation Army!

Hu Weiyong has done a lot of things in the orthodox Daming, and he thinks that he has done very well and has met Zhu Bai's requirements.


He is now,

I very much hope that Zhu Bai can make him Hong ~ Wu Daming!

Even if you can't stay in Hongwu Daming after going back, you have to go back and see if you can get a little benefit!

"Lord Hu..."

The visitor said to Hu Weiyong with an excited face: "We just received news from His Royal Highness King Xiang and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, saying that you can go back!" As long as you reach the gate of time and space, you can walk directly over and return to Hongwu Daming! "


Hu Weiyong almost jumped up with excitement, trembling all over, and his voice changed tone: "Go!" Go back now! I'm going back to Hongwu Daming!" "

Excited Hu Weiyong, without any hesitation, immediately left the gate of time and space in the imperial city at the fastest speed.


He just wanted to return to Hongwu Daming as soon as possible, and he didn't want to stay in the barren world of Orthodox Daming for a moment!

After all

Only Hongwu Daming can make his cultivation realm, break through faster, gain stronger strength, and have a longer lifespan!


Hong Wu Daming.


"Twelfth brother, the news has already spread, Hu Weiyong is estimated to be able to return soon, then you can find out from him how the orthodox Daming is now..."

After instructing his subordinates, Zhu Biao said to Zhu Bai with a smile on his face: "Other abilities, now the orthodox Daming, should be on the right track of cultivating immortals, the Academy of Immortal Cultivation, the Immortal Cultivation Examination, should all be well prepared..."

Zhu Bai nodded: "You'll know when he comes back." "

Right now

The Daming Heavens Alliance already has four worlds: Hongwu Daming, Orthodox Daming, Yongle Daming and Avatar World!

Among these four worlds, Hongwu Daming is the most powerful, and the resources for cultivating immortals are also the richest!

There is also the Yongle Daming plane, which is ready to invest his resources to build and build it into a sub-center of the Heavens Daming!

"Now, in the world of the Four Great Heavens Alliance, the highest cultivation realm is myself..."

Thinking of the four world planes, Zhu Bai's eyes flickered: "Although I have not yet reached the strength of the realm of the Transformation God, with the magic weapon in my hand, I also have the power to fight with the Transformation God..."

This makes Zhu Bai quite confident!

"By the way, twelfth brother..."

Zhu Biao suddenly asked, "Hasn't the next world copy appeared yet?" I don't know how strong the next world copy will be? The first few are relatively simple, and I hope the next world copy will also be easier..."

At the mention of this, Zhu Bai's brows furrowed slightly.

Until now,

The next world copy has not yet been refreshed, which makes him quite puzzled, and some do not understand what is going on.

Just when he was puzzled, suddenly an official of the East Palace hurriedly walked towards Zhu Biao: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Wei Guogong, Liang Guogong, and Yu Qian are back!" "

"Oh? Are they back? "

A look of surprise appeared on Zhu Biao's face: "Where are they?!" Hurry up and invite them into the palace, and the palace wants to know about their situation in the Yongle World. "

A look of surprise flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, he was busy dealing with various things, and he forgot to pay attention to Xu Da and them.

I didn't expect these guys to come back suddenly.

"Duke Wei and Duke Liang are now outside the palace, waiting to be summoned..." the East Palace official said to Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao hurriedly said: "Quick! Go and invite them into the palace! "


The East Palace official answered, quickly turned around, and went to inform Xu Da and the others. And at the moment he turned around, Zhu Bai suddenly looked shocked, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.


【Ding-dong! 】

【Congratulations to the host for opening the new world copy】

[The New World copy is the world of "Young Song Xing"! ] 】

["Shōnen Song Xing World" is the most powerful of all the world dungeons currently opened, in order to avoid accidents, please prepare the host. ] 】

[The quest of "Song Song" will be issued after the host enters the world of Song Song! ] 】

[The current host can open the door of time and space to the world of Shonen Song Xing at any time! ] 】

A series of system prompts sounded in Zhu Bai's mind, informing him of new world information.

"Boy Song Xing World?! This...... There's something in this world! "

After learning about the new world copy, Zhu Bai was a little surprised in his heart: "The people in this are not comparable to the great people before the immortal cultivation!" "


"But there are land immortals!"

The young singer's song world made Zhu Bai pay a little attention. Although this world is not a fantasy fairy high-martial arts world, the people in it are still very powerful.


If you are not prepared and kill it directly, maybe under the Green Emperor, the Daming army will suffer losses.

This is obviously not what Zhu Bai wants to see!

"Twelfth brother, let's go, let's go meet Wei Guogong and them!" No, inform my father first, such a big matter, you must make it clear with his old man..."

Zhu Biao did not know that Zhu Bai had obtained a new copy world, and he was still thinking about Xu Da and the others. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Zhu Bai's eyes flashed slightly, and after nodding, he walked towards the Fengtian Hall with Zhu Biao.


Zhu Bai also informed Zhu Yuanzhang, who was practicing in retreat in the Tower of Enlightenment, in the form of divine thoughts, telling him that there was something to discuss.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who got Zhu Bai's news, walked out of the Tower of Enlightenment with a puzzled face, and his mood was a little depressed.


He hasn't broken through the Jindan realm yet...

"Dad, you don't need to be in such a hurry, how long have you just obtained the Desolate Ancient Saint Body? You haven't had a day yet, and you want to break through the Jindan realm? "

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's depressed look, Zhu Bai suddenly cried and laughed: "With your current talent and your cultivation techniques, it is only a matter of time before you break through the Jindan realm!" "

"Alas, Bai'er, you are going to break through the Yuan Infant realm, why haven't you broken through the Jindan realm, which makes us, the father, a little unable to hang on to face..."

Zhu Yuanzhang complained depressedly: "Every time I see you in front of you, you don't know how envious we are!" We also want to be like you, the gods are mighty and suppress everything..."

Ju Bai has nothing to say!

"Dad, Wei Guogong, Liang Guogong, Yu Qian, they are all back..." Zhu Biao was also speechless at the behavior of his old man, and quickly changed the topic and said: "Since they have all returned, we must have a good understanding of the current situation of Yongle Daming through them."

So as to arrange the next plan, and build Yongle Daming into an immortal cultivation empire second only to Hongwu Daming! "

Upon hearing Zhu Biao's words, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly came to his senses, and the expression on his face became serious: "We understand!" Let's go, go meet Xu Da and them! "


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