Chapter 110: Three Great Ming Plane Talks, Orthodoxy, Yongle, Hongwu!

Hongwu Daming plane.

Fengtian Temple.

Noisy discussions rose and fell in the hall.

Xu Da, Lan Yu, and Yu Qian became the focus of the hall.

At this point,

These three people exuded a strong bloody aura, obviously they had just been killed from the sea of blood in the corpse mountain.

It was precisely because of the terrifying bloody aura on their bodies that the civil and military officials in the hall stayed away from them.

It made the three of them vacate a lot of space, which became more eye-catching.

"Wei Guogong, congratulations, you have done a great job again!"

"Duke Liang, how is Yongle Daming now? Where did you kill? "

"Master Yu, you won the first achievement again this time? Congratulations! Your Majesty estimates that he will reward you again! "


Although it was far away from the three people, the civil and military officials in the hall all opened their mouths to congratulate them, and their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Xu Da, the Duke of Wei, did not care at all about the compliments of his colleagues around him, and the expression on his face was as calm as water, standing in place like an iron tower, without saying a word.

It was blue jade, which seemed to be flying and domineering, and in the face of everyone's praise, praise, it was settled without hesitation.

As for Yu Qian, he tried his best to behave more modestly, after all...


Many of the ministers of culture and martial arts in this court can be regarded as his grandfather's generation...

"Your Majesty has arrived!"

Just as the Manchu Dynasty was discussing the martial arts, the voice of the eunuch suddenly sounded in the main hall.


The entire hall fell silent, and everyone closed their mouths and looked in the same direction.

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's burly figure, Long Xinghu walked out.

Behind him, Zhu Bai and Zhu Biao also walked out together.

Zhu Yuanzhang walked to the dragon chair and sat down, his gaze swept over the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu, and finally fell on Xu Da and the three.

"Xu Da, how is the situation over there in Yongle Chao? You led the Dragoon Legion, where did you kill? "

Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze locked on Xu Da, and he asked, "Also, what is the situation on Zhu Gaozhi's side now?" "

"Back to Your Majesty..."

Xu Da quickly stood up and bowed in response: "The left army of the Dragoon Legion led by me went all the way to the west, brushed to the westernmost part of Europa, and destroyed all the unsubject countries!"

Now the remaining countries are all willing to submit to Daming and have become Daming's vassals!

As for the affairs of the Yongle Imperial Court, I don't know very well! However, it is certain that before Weichen returned, Yongle Chao had already begun to cultivate immortals! "

"However, the Yongle Dynasty's Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is far from being comparable to the Hongwu Dynasty!"

"I think that the Yongle Dynasty's aura concentration can only reach about two layers of the Hongwu Dynasty at most!"

"Well, well done!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Lan Yu: "Duke Liang, how is the situation over there?" "

When Lan Yu heard this, he quickly stood up: "Back to Your Majesty, Wei Chen led the Chinese army of the Dragoon Legion, all the way down to the south, killing the extreme cold place, where it is covered with ice and snow all day long, there are no people in sight, only some fat and furry things..."

Saying that,

Lan Yu suddenly shouted outside, and there were two small eunuchs who walked in carrying a box.

"What are you?"

Zhu Yuanzhang raised his eyebrows, his face showed a look of surprise, looking at the large box that Lan Yu let people carry in, he couldn't help but ask; "Shouldn't you have brought us back special products from the Far South?"

The civil and military officials in the court all had a strange face, and they stared curiously at the box that Lan Yu brought back.

"That's right, I brought back a few cute beasts that sold well for Your Majesty to see..."

Lan Yu smiled and nodded, while letting people open the box.

As soon as the box was opened, Zhu Bai, who had been silent on the side, stared at Zhu Bai, suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth.


He found that what Blue Jade brought back turned out to be a few penguins...

A few stupid and cute penguins are staring up at everyone in the huge box.

"What is this thing? Look weird! "

"This fur should be quite warm, right?"

"Can you eat this thing?" How does it look like a walking bird? Is it birds? "


All the civil and military officials were surprised by the penguin's cute appearance, and they talked about it.

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at it, thought it was quite interesting, and said in the face of Lan Yu; "Liang Guogong has a heart, let's accept this thing, remember your merits."

After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang no longer paid attention to Lan Yu, but fell his gaze on Yu Qian.

"Your Majesty, before Weichen came back, he took a moment to learn about the Yongle Dynasty..."

The first time Yu Qian saw Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze fall on him, he took the initiative to speak: "The people of the Yongle Dynasty, although they have begun to cultivate immortals now, the progress is not very good

If His Majesty wants to keep up with the progress of Yongle Daming's immortal cultivation, Wei Chen suggests sending a minister of the Hongwu Dynasty over 0........

Especially the minister with a good cultivation realm sent over to guide the cultivation..."

Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Yu Qian's words, shook his head with a smile and said; "There is no need to send someone over, because Yongle Chao has already come to study, and Yao Guangxiao is learning from Li Shanchang..."

Yu Qian's face showed a look of surprise, he really didn't know about this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He hurried back to Hongwu Daming, so he only had a general understanding.

"Since His Majesty has already made arrangements, the minister will not say more."

Yu Qian said no more, and quickly retreated to the side.

And at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Minister Hu Weiyong, please see Your Majesty!"

Hu Weiyong's abusive and excited voice sounded outside the hall and fell into the ears of everyone in the hall.

"Lord Hu is back?!"

"What happened to him over there with the orthodox Daming?!"

"Since he can come back, does that mean he did a good job?"


After hearing Hu Weiyong's movements, the civil and military officials in the hall all showed curious looks on their faces, and they all turned their heads to look at the door of the hall.

Although there is a time and space door to the orthodox Daming, not everyone can pass through it now, so the minister of culture and martial arts in the court knows very little about the situation over there4.1.

Right now

Hu Weiyong returned, completely hooking up the curiosity in their hearts.

They all wanted to understand the situation on the Orthodox Daming side through Hu Weiyong.

Zhu Yuanzhang on the dragon chair, hearing Hu Weiyong's voice, suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, and a playful light flashed in his deep eyes.

"Come in."

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang's divine thoughts swept away, he saw Hu Weiyong outside the hall, and slowly said: "Come in and tell me how your preparations are on the orthodox Daming side." "

As soon as Hu Weiyong heard Zhu Yuanzhang's voice, his heart was shocked, and he quickly sorted out the expression on his face, sorted out his clothes, and then strode into the Fengtian Hall.


Chapter 5 is here, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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