Chapter 111: The Orthodox Daming is actually so strong? Yongle Daming was envious!

Hu Weiyong, who walked into the Fengtian Temple, was anxious and excited.

As soon as he entered the Fengtian Hall, he immediately attracted many eyes to look at him.

The civil and military officials in the hall all looked at him curiously.

Hu Weiyong ignored the gazes of his former colleagues.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw Zhu Yuanzhang, as well as Zhu Bai and Zhu Biao beside him.

"Minister, Hu Weiyong see Your Majesty!"

Hu Weiyong hurriedly saluted Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Hu Weiyong, I heard that you did a good job on the Orthodox Daming side?" Seeing Hu Weiyong kneeling in the hall, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flashed, and he asked in a deep voice: "What specific results have been achieved?" "

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang's words came out, the civil and military officials in the hall showed a strong curiosity on their faces, and they all stared at Hu Weiyong.

For the current situation of the orthodox Daming, the Manchu Dynasty ministers of culture and military affairs were quite curious. Curious about what the orthodox Daming is now under the management of Hu Weiyong.

Upon hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's inquiry, a proud look suddenly appeared in Hu Weiyong's eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Return to Your Majesty!"

"Under the management of the minister, today's orthodox Daming, everything is in order." 、

"08 Your Majesty, what you and His Royal Highness King Xiang once explained, Wei Chen is also doing seriously."

"Today, the orthodox Daming Immortal Cultivation Academy has been successfully established, and the first batch of students has enrolled three thousand students."

"Moreover, in the imperial examination system of the orthodox Daming, Wei Chen also adapted measures to local conditions and made several plans according to the actual situation of the Orthodox Daming."

"Of course, these plans still need to be reviewed by Your Majesty, and finally choose the most suitable one to implement."


Hu Wei talked eloquently, telling what he had done in the orthodox Daming, and the more he said it, the more confident the look on his face became.

Obviously, he felt that he had done a very good job and was able to ask for credit in front of Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Really fake? Is it that good? "

Zhu Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Hu Weiyong with sharp eyes, with a look of doubt on his face: "The orthodox Daming Immortal Cultivation Academy has already begun to enroll?" "

For Hu Weiyong, although Zhu Yuanzhang continued to use it, he did not trust this person very much.

After all

In the history he knows, Hu Weiyong has made a big case, which is not a good thing.

Not only did Zhu Yuanzhang suspect it, but the civil and military officials in the court were also skeptical about this.

"Your Majesty..."

The smug look on Hu Weiyong's face quickly disappeared, replaced by a sincere nervousness: "This kind of thing, once investigated, it is clear, how can Weichen dare to talk nonsense?" Moreover, Weichen doesn't need to talk nonsense..."

Zhu Yuanzhang raised his eyebrows, nodded subconsciously, but agreed with Hu Weiyong's words.

This kind of thing,

As soon as he checked it, it was clear that Zhu Yuanzhang did not believe in Hu Weiyong, and he had the courage to continue to talk nonsense.

"Then now, how many immortal cultivators does the orthodox Daming have?" Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly asked again, "Has it formed a real combat power?" "

"Your Majesty, with the joint efforts of Wei Chen and some Wen Chen military generals of the Orthodox Daming, now the Orthodox Daming has formed a three-thousand-strong Immortal Cultivation Army!"

Hu Weiyong hurriedly said: "However, these three thousand people can't be compared with Hongwu's army of immortal cultivators, and the highest cultivation is only in the middle of condensation..."

Speaking of which,

Hu Weiyong's face showed a hint of helplessness: "The reason why this is so is because the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy of the orthodox Daming is completely incomparable to Hongwu Daming, and..."

"The leisure time of the orthodox Daming and the atmosphere of cultivating immortals are no way to compare with Hongwu Daming!"

"However, I think that as long as we continue to develop according to the rules, Hongwu Daming's army of immortal cultivators, whether it is in number or overall cultivation realm, will achieve a great breakthrough!"

"In the end, become a powerful army of immortal cultivators!"

Hu Weiyong's answer made Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help but nod his head repeatedly.

And the civil and military officials in the court.

Listen to Hu Weiyong's words.

All of them showed shock on their faces, and they all felt very incredible.

"Master Hu, are you kidding? The orthodox Daming actually has an army of three immortal cultivators?! "

"How long has it been? No way! "

"The Immortal Cultivation Academy has also been built? And recruited so many students? Is it reliable?! "

"Hu Weiyong, don't talk nonsense, if what you say is false, it is a crime of cheating!"


In the court, many civil and military officials were skeptical of what Hu Weiyong said, and they opened their mouths to question him in various ways.

And Old Zhu Di, Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Zhanji, who came from Yongle Daming, were also shocked when they heard his words.

"The orthodox Daming has actually cultivated immortals on a large scale? Also formed an army of immortal cultivators? It's also amazing..."

Zhu Zhanji's face showed a thick look of shock, and he couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice: "It seems that the orthodox Daming hasn't been included in the Heavenly Daming Alliance System for a long time, right?!" "

Old Zhu Di listened to Zhu Zhanji's words, the light in his eyes flickered slightly, and a hot light appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"Orthodox Daming can become the Immortal Cultivation Dynasty, Yongle Daming..." Old Zhu clenched his fists, and suddenly became proud: "That Yongle Daming must also be able to, even far beyond the Orthodox Daming!" "

People have different minds.

And after Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Hu Weiyong's words, a smile finally appeared on his face and said to Hu Weiyong: "Not bad!" Not bad! Nice job! "

"You're already very good at doing this! Hu Weiyong, you made us look a little different. "

"Your Majesty, this is all Wei Chen should do!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's praise and recognition made Hu Weiyong suddenly excited, and his face was a little red with excitement.

"Well, then you continue to return to the orthodox Daming, and as soon as possible, the cultivation of the orthodox Daming cultivation immortal army will be raised, and the number will also increase."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the excited Hu Weiyong and said to him: 173: "Tomorrow, you will go back." “

Hu Weiyong: "?!!! "

Others are stupid!

"Your Majesty..."

Hu Weiyong's face changed for a while, his face was full of disbelief, and tears almost came out: "Weichen, do you want to continue to go to the orthodox Daming?" This..."

Hu Weiyong, who originally thought that he could stay in Hongwu Daming after returning this time, only felt that there was a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and everyone was stupid.

He worked hard to manage the orthodox Daming, so that after achieving results, he would have the opportunity to come back?!

He wants to stay in Hongwu Daming!

Want to get better immortal cultivation resources!

I want to become a stronger immortal cultivator!


Zhu Yuanzhang sent him over again!

"How? You don't want to? "

Seeing Hu Weiyong's appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately frowned: "What we say, it doesn't work?!"

"No, that's not what I meant..."

Hu Weiyong wanted to cry without tears, and hurriedly shook his head: "Weichen, I just want to stay in Hongwu Daming, and I want to get more immortal cultivation resources..."

He did not dare to hide his true purpose, so he could only tell the truth what he thought in his heart.

I hope that this will gain Zhu Yuanzhang's understanding, so that he can return to Hongwu Daming!


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