Chapter 112: The Heavens and Ming Alliance, Battle for a New Quest!

Hu Weiyong's face was bitter, and his heart was extremely depressed and painful.


He also thought that he could be affirmed by his merits and stay in Hongwu Daming to enjoy rich immortal cultivation resources.


Lao Zhu didn't give him a chance at all, and still wanted him to continue to go to the orthodox Daming and manage the affairs of the orthodox Daming.

Zhu Bai stood beside Zhu Yuanzhang, looking at Hu Weiyong's tearless appearance, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he looked at Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt Zhu Bai's gaze, turned around and glanced at him, and immediately understood his thoughts.


Zhu Yuanzhang stared at Hu Weiyong, and said again: "Don't worry, it should be yours, it is indispensable to you." "

"As long as you do a good job and manage the orthodox Daming well enough, sooner or later you can return to Hongwu Daming."

"Moreover, when we are satisfied, we will reward you with a sufficiently powerful immortal cultivation technique, and even reward you with an elixir magic weapon."

Hu Weiyong's eyes immediately lit up when he heard his words, but then he smiled bitterly in his heart, feeling that this was the boss drawing a big cake, and it was also the kind of big cake that could never be eaten.


Even if he knew that Zhu Yuanzhang was painting a big cake, he had no choice, after all, now that he can manage the orthodox Daming, it can be said that Zhu Yuanzhang gave him a chance to atone for his sins.


Staying in the orthodox Daming, his cultivation speed is not fast, but he can still cultivate immortals after all.

If Zhu Yuanzhang is not happy, he will directly quack him, there is nothing wrong with him.

After all, in the history of the orthodox Daming, he did extremely serious evil deeds.

Just when Hu Weiyong was depressed in his heart, but helpless, after making eye contact with Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai suddenly spoke.

"Hu Weiyong, King Ben has an exercise here, which is very suitable for you, and it can be regarded as a reward for you..."

Zhu Bai stared at Hu Weiyong with his eyes glued, and slowly spoke: "Cultivate this exercise, even if you are in the orthodox Daming world where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is relatively frequent, your cultivation speed can still be improved..."

"Brush !!"

Hu Weiyong's eyes suddenly lit up, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he instantly stared at Zhu Bai.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, really?!"

Hu Weiyong had a feeling of light, and his excited body trembled slightly: "What level of exercise?!" "

The civil and military officials on the Fengtian Hall also showed curious looks one by one, looking at Zhu Bai.

"Heaven-level exercises, create Yin and Yang Gong." Seeing Hu Weiyong's excited and expectant look, Zhu Bai slowly said: "This exercise is very suitable for you, cultivate this exercise, you are expected to break through the Golden Pill in the future!" "

"Boom !!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like thunder, falling on the hearts of everyone in the hall, stunning everyone.

Hu Weiyong, on the other hand, has a feeling of winning the jackpot.

The excitement is unparalleled.


He also plopped down directly on the ground, and kept kowtowing to Zhu Bai: "His Royal Highness King Xie Xiang!! "

Seeing this, Zhu Bai didn't say nonsense, raised his hand and waved, and a golden light flew towards Hu Weiyong's eyebrows, instantly blending into his eyebrows.

The scriptures of creating Yin and Yang Gong were all taught to Hu Weiyong, making his whole person stiffen in place.

See this situation,

All the civil and military officials in the hall showed a strong look of envy on their faces, and they were envious of Hu Weiyong!

Heaven-level exercises!

Above this Fengtian Temple, few people have it!

Even the exercises that Xu Da and Lan Yu practiced did not reach the level of heaven-level exercises!

"Hu Weiyong, after returning to the orthodox Daming, you will strengthen the formation of the Orthodox Daming Immortal Cultivation Army!"

After teaching the exercises to Hu Weiyong, Zhu Bai's eyes became sharp: "King Ben needs you to let the orthodox Ming cultivator immortal army have real combat power within a month!" "

"When the time comes..."

"The orthodox Daming Immortal Cultivation Army needs to go out together with the Hongwu Daming Immortal Cultivation Army and the Yongle Daming Immortal Cultivation Army!"

"Conquer the New World!"

Zhu Bai's voice, low and powerful, fell in everyone's ears, suddenly making their faces change suddenly.

"Your Highness King Xiang, what do you mean by this, are you going to open a new world copy in a month?!"

"What kind of world is the next world? Strong or not?! "

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, the next time I attack the New World, I am willing to go out for the vanguard army!"


After the ministers of culture and military affairs came back to their senses, they were excited, and even many people immediately stood up to ask for battle.

Now everyone has a consensus, that is, every time you attack a world, you can get a lot of benefits, and those who go out to achieve battle merits are even more popular.

On the Fengtian Temple, there was a lot of noise.

Zhu Yuanzhang on the dragon chair, after listening to Zhu Bai's words, the expression on his face was slightly stunned.

He didn't know that Zhu Bai had obtained a copy of the New World, so he was a little shocked to suddenly hear Zhu Bai say that he would attack the New World in a month.


Zhu Yuanzhang sat up straight, stared straight at Zhu Bai, and couldn't help but ask, "The New World copy is coming?" Why don't you tell us..."

"'Yes, it did come out.'"

Zhu Bai glanced back at Zhu Yuanzhang, nodded and said, "Just came out, I haven't had time to say it." "

"What is the situation in the new world? Strong or not? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Yuanzhang's focus was all on the new copy world, and he couldn't help but ask: "Can we still easily attack the new copy world like before?!" "

His words asked everyone's heart.

Everyone's gaze converged on Zhu Bai's body at the same time, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Zhu Bai, who became the focus of his gaze, his face was like a flat lake, his eyes flashed, and after thinking for a while, he slowly spoke: "The new world is very strong, and it will never be comparable to the world that was attacked before!" "

"That's a..."

"There is a world of land immortals!"

As soon as these words came out,

Zhu Yuanzhang's pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression changed and changed, obviously shocked.


Zhu Di gasped and couldn't help but exclaim: "Land Immortal? Immortals? The new world we are about to conquer is the world of immortals? (Zhao Zhao)


"What realm is this land immortal?!"

"Which cultivation realm is the strength of the Land Immortal that we are familiar with?! Twelfth brother, have you ever fought ?! "

What Zhu Bai said had a big impact on everyone, and for a while everyone was a little shaken, unable to believe that the new world was actually a world with immortals!

After all

The previous few attacks on the new world, they were all easily taken, it can be said that it was effortless!

And now...

The new world is difficult

"What realm is the land immortal equivalent to?"

Faced with Zhu Di's question, Zhu Bai's brows wrinkled slightly, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head: "It's really hard to say, only after the fight, I know how strong the other party is..."


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