Chapter 113: Mobilize the power of the three Great Ming Immortal Cultivators to jointly conquer the world of Li Hanyi!

The world of juvenile songs.

It is the strongest of all the open world copies at the moment, which Zhu Bai is sure of.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhu Bai was quite vigilant and attached importance to the copy of the Juvenile Song World Copy.

And Zhu Bai's caution surprised Zhu Yuanzhang.

"This New World copy is so terrifying?"

He felt incredible, in the previous few world copies, Zhu Bai had always been very calm and calm.

And now,

But he was so cautious that the new copy was not simple.

The ministers of culture and martial arts in the court also looked shocked, and even a little worried.

"It's not easy, but if you're afraid of it, you don't have to..."

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others' reaction, Zhu Bai saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Although this new copy is strong, it is not strong to the point of being invincible, as long as we are well prepared, there is still no problem in taking it." "

Although the world of young singers is indeed very strong, it is not strong enough to make Zhu Bai feel afraid.

Now he is about to break through to the Yuan Infant realm, and he still has in his hand such a terrifying peerless immortal weapon as the Human Emperor Pen.

Even if the world of young singers is strong, he is sure to win 907.

"So good!"

Zhu Yuanzhang breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face: "As long as you are sure that you can win it, even if you pay a little price, it is worth it." "

Zhu Bai's words just now really scared him, and he thought that the new copy was hopeless.

Xu Da and other ministers of culture and martial arts also breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed their hearts. They also agree that as long as they can get a new copy, even if they pay a certain price, it is acceptable.

After all

The rewards for taking new quests are so tempting.

"Then it seems that we have to prepare well next..."

A dignified light flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, his expression became serious, and he slowly spoke: "In the next period of time, no matter what, we must improve the overall strength of Daming as soon as possible!"

Hongwu Daming, Yongle Daming, Orthodox Daming, and even the world of Avatar need to improve their strength as soon as possible! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's words were immediately recognized by everyone.


Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze fell on Zhu Bai: "Do you have any plans?" If not, let's start arranging. "

He takes this matter very seriously. (aiej)


He hopes that there will be a complete plan in this matter, and there will be a backup plan to prevent accidents.

"Brush brush brush!"

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Zhu Bai, and there was a strong curiosity in their eyes, wondering if there were any arrangements for his latest copy world.

"Arranged? Naturally, there is! "

A flash of essence flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, and after pondering for a moment, he slowly said: "All the arrangements are to improve the overall strength of Daming. "

"First of all..."

"Within a month, more than 3,000 people in Hongwu Daming must break through to the late stage of condensation, two hundred people break through to the middle stage of foundation building, fifty people break through to the middle stage of foundation building, twenty people break through to the late stage of foundation building, and ten people break through to the Jindan realm!"


"Orthodox Daming, Yongle Daming, the strength must also improve rapidly within a month! The orthodox Daming needs to form an army of more than 50,000 immortal cultivators! Yongle Daming, you need to form an army of 100,000 immortal cultivators! "

"As for the Avatar World, you need to provide 100,000 flying dragons! Supply to Yongle Daming and Orthodox Daming respectively, and form a dragoon army! "

"When all this is formed, a coalition of the Heavens and Emperors Alliance will be formed to enter the new world!"


"I will break through the Yuan Infant Realm within a month!"

Zhu Bai said his plan, one fifty and ten, and when his plan came out, the entire Fengtian Hall was instantly dead silent.

From Shu Yuanzhang, down to the civil and military officials, they were all stunned by his words!

These plans of Zhu Bai were too amazing for everyone present, simply beyond their imagination!

"This... Can this be done? Now in the entire Daming, only Bai'er you alone broke through to the Jindan, and I want to let ten people break through the Jindan realm within a month, this... Impossible, right?! "

After Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked for a while, he couldn't help but exclaim: "How difficult it is to break through the Jindan realm, we know everything..."

His words,

It was unanimously approved by the civil and military officials in the Fengtian Temple!

After starting to cultivate immortals, they understood how difficult it was to cultivate immortals, except for breaking through the condensed qi realm in the early stage, breakthroughs in other realms were as difficult as ascending to the sky!

Even Zhu Yuanzhang, who has received the support of countless resources, is only in the late stage of the Foundation Building Realm now, and has been stuck in this realm for a long time!

"Hard is definitely difficult, but no matter how hard it is, you have to do it!"

Looking at everyone's shocked appearance, Zhu Bai's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "I am preparing according to the highest standards!" Because the lion fighting rabbit also uses all his strength, only in this way can we ensure that things go smoothly, not capsize in the gutter! "

"After all..."

"Dad, you don't want Daming to break the sand in the new world, do you?!"

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Do you still need to ask?!

That's for sure!


He still felt that Zhu Bai's requirements were really a bit terrifying, and he didn't know for a while what to do to meet Zhu Bai's requirements!

"Don't worry, I won't just talk about it, since I have proposed these plans, I must have a certain degree of certainty." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's appearance of wanting to say something, Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows and said slowly: "Within this month, I will not only break through by myself, but also assist everyone to cultivate together, so that everyone can break through together!" "


The eyes of everyone in the hall lit up!

"His Royal Highness King Xiang wants to help us break through?!"

"That's great!"

"With the help of His Royal Highness King Xiang, I believe we will definitely be able to break through!" Maybe, I have a chance to impact the Jindan realm! "


The civil and military officials in the hall instantly boiled. People who were originally worried suddenly became full of confidence.


They are full of confidence in Jubai!

Seeing everyone's boiling reaction, Zhu Bai said again: "First of all, I will use magical spells to increase the concentration of Daming's Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi as much as possible, so that you can more easily refine and absorb Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi and enhance the law!" "

"Then, I will also open an altar sermon to answer all kinds of confusion about cultivation for all of you!"

After receiving the Yongle World Copy Personal Reward, Zhu Bai has extremely powerful skills in how to teach others and solve their confusion.

He intends,

Make full use of this ability, so that Daming will have more masters, so that he can calmly deal with the copy of the young singer world and successfully take it down!


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