Chapter 114: Breaking through the Yuan Baby, there is still a heavenly calamity coming? Lao Zhu and the others were shocked!

Zhu Bai plans to open the Boy Song World Quest in a month, so he still has a month to make sufficient preparations.

He wants to make good use of this month's time to try to let Daming's overall strength improve qualitatively.

In this way, he has a great confidence that he can safely win the copy of the Junior Song World and thus obtain a huge reward.

As his plan was announced, everyone sprang into action, preparing for the invasion of the New World.

Whether it is Hongwu Daming, or Yongle Daming, or orthodox Daming, or even Avatar World...

It's all in one rhythm, the rhythm of full preparation!

The Tower of Enlightenment has become a holy place for countless Daming cultivators to cultivate.

Every day, there are countless Daming cultivators who want to enter the Enlightenment Tower to cultivate ~ practice.

Of course

The vast majority of cultivators can only enter the lowest level of cultivation in the Enlightenment Tower, and cannot enter the upper level with their talents.


In the entire Daming, only Zhu Bai was able to freely enter and exit every floor of the Wu-Dao Tower.

The reason why this is possible is naturally because his cultivation is strong enough and his talent is strong enough.

Of course

The most important reason is because he controls the entire Enlightenment Tower!

The higher up the Tower of Enlightenment, the smaller the tower becomes.

On the top floor, the space inside the tower is less than the size of a basketball court.


This is less than the size of a basketball court, but the internal space of the Tower of Enlightenment is extremely magical.

The moment Zhu Bai stepped on the top floor, he could feel that the connection between himself and heaven and earth seemed to become closer.

He knows

The reason why he felt this way was because of the blessing of the attribute of the Enlightenment Tower, which made it easier for him to sense the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.


Zhu Bai is cultivating, and he is striving to break through the Yuan Infant realm!

"I have already touched the barrier of the Yuan Infant realm, and you can enter the Yuan Infant realm by breaking a layer of paper!"

Zhu Bai, who was sitting in the Tower of Enlightenment, had a hot light in his eyes: "Within a month, I can definitely break through!" "

With this strong thought flashing in his heart, he slowly closed his eyes and continued to immerse himself in the state of cultivation.

When Zhu Bai was silent in cultivation, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di, Zhu Biao, Xu Da and others were all cultivating at the same time.


They are also working hard to impact the new cultivation realm height!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who had obtained the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, cultivated the Heavenly Emperor Sutra, and he seemed to be very smooth.

The mana in his body was skyrocketing at an extremely fast speed.

Zhu Di, who had obtained the Cangtian Overlord Body, was also quite powerful in cultivation, and the mana in his body was almost rising.

When Zhu Yuanzhang and these people were all trying to retreat and rush through, the entire Daming was immersed in a tense atmosphere.

Everyone is well aware that there may be a vicious battle in Daming next.

In order to be able to win more easily, everyone is holding their breath and preparing with all their strength.


When the entire Daming people were immersed in cultivation, time passed unconsciously.

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others had been in retreat in the Tower of Enlightenment for a full twenty days, and they had hardly taken a step out of the Tower of Enlightenment these days.

So crazy, just to be able to break through as soon as possible.

On this day,

The moment the first rays of morning light appeared in the sky, the two Daming Ying Heavenly City came to life completely.

The entire periphery of the Daming Palace was densely packed with countless Daming people.

They approached the walls of the palace and worked hard to display the heaven and earth aura surging out of the palace.


"Buzz !!"

A violent humming sound sounded in the heavens and the earth.

Followed by

A terrifying aura erupted from the direction of the Enlightenment Tower.

Along with the explosion of powerful aura, a dazzling golden light suddenly rose into the sky.

The sudden movement instantly alarmed countless Daming people.

"Brush brush brush !!"

Thousands of eyes almost immediately looked in the direction of the Enlightenment Tower.


That terrifying aura, as well as the golden light that made the entire sky turn golden, emanated from the Enlightenment Tower.

"What happened? How could there be such a powerful aura fluctuation all of a sudden? "

"This breath seems to be the breath of Your Majesty!"

"Could it be that His Majesty has broken through? Successfully produced a golden pill? "


Countless people who were shocked by the Daming Dynasty, looking at the vision of heaven and earth in the direction of the Enlightenment Tower, were all exclaimed in shock. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The entire Tower of Enlightenment faintly emits golden light, and above the sky of the Tower of Enlightenment, countless golden auspicious clouds are gathered.

Golden auspicious clouds descended and covered the Tower of Enlightenment, exuding an aura of divinity and majesty.

Looking at the movement of the Wudao Tower, almost everyone understood that someone should be breaking through.

As they thought!

Someone did break through!


The person who broke through was Zhu Yuanzhang, the Hongwu Emperor!

When countless people were shocked by the vision of heaven and earth in the Tower of Enlightenment, a smug laugh suddenly exploded in heaven and earth.


Zhu Yuanzhang's figure suddenly flew out from the Dao Tower of Enlightenment, shrouded in golden light, his face was full of excitement, and he laughed: "Breakthrough!" We have finally broken through! We are also Jindan monks! Hahaha..."

Zhu Yuanzhang, who had broken through to the Jindan realm, had a completely different momentum than before.

Now he has become more unfathomable, and the whole person is majestic and deep.

In his eyes, golden flames jumped, and the aura emitted shrouded the entire Yingtian City.

Countless Daming people, feeling his breath suppression, all felt breathless.

"Congratulations Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is mighty! Daming is mighty! "


Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang appear and hearing what he said, countless Daming people broke out into earth-shattering cheers.

The huge cheers almost overturned the entire Yingtian City.

Listening to the huge cheers, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was bathed in golden light, only felt very happy.

Breaking through the Jindan realm is almost his indelible heart demon in recent times.


Finally successfully broke through, and his heart demon was also broken.

"We have successfully broken through the Jindan realm, and Bai'er should also be able to successfully break through the Yuan Infant realm!"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was excited, suddenly turned his head and looked at the top floor of the Wudao Tower.

He knows

These days, in addition to preaching to these people, Zhu Bai spent the rest of his time in retreat and cultivation on the top floor!


Not long ago, Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai say that he was about to break through the Yuan Infant realm.

"Boom !!"

At the moment when Zhu Yuanzhang stared at the top floor of the Wudao Tower, suddenly above the heavenly dome, there was a terrifying roar!


I saw that the sky that was originally covered with auspicious clouds suddenly became pitch black.

Countless black clouds surged from all directions.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ying Tiancheng suddenly became pitch black.


Among the clouds, there were earth-shattering thunderbolt roars!


One after another, the thunder the size of an adult's arm rolled and swam among the dark clouds, and finally formed a white sea of thunder above the sky of the Enlightenment Tower!


Looking at the terrifying thunder sea that appeared in the sky, feeling the terrifying aura that destroyed the sky and the earth, Zhu Yuanzhang's pupils suddenly contracted, and he gasped sharply.

"This is ... This is the heavenly calamity that Bo'er said?! Is he going to break through?! "

Zhu Yuanzhang thought of what Zhu Bai said before, and suddenly his scalp was numb, and goosebumps rose!


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