Chapter 115: Peerless Immortal Artifact Emperor Pen, Dispel the Heavenly Tribulation! Old vermilion eyes red!

Zhu Yuanzhang remembered very well that Zhu Bai had told him that when he broke through the Yuan Baby, there would be the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation.

Only after the baptism of the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation can the cultivator become a true Yuan Infant powerhouse.

Of course

Those who can't withstand the baptism of the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation will be seriously injured by the powerful Heavenly Tribulation, knocked down to the realm of cultivation, and even... It will be blasted into flying ash by the Heavenly Tribulation!

"This is an absolute catastrophe! Yuan Baby Heavenly Tribulation! It's for Bo'er! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression changed for a while, and his eyes were full of anxiety and worry: "This heavenly calamity breath is so terrifying, I feel that it can destroy the sky and the earth, Bai'er should be able to bear it, right?" "


Zhu Yuanzhang trusted Zhu Bai very much and felt that he was almost omnipotent.

But in the face of the mighty power of heaven and earth, he is a little hairy after all.

At this point,

The terrifying vision in the sky had already made the entire Yingtian City boil.

Countless Daming people, looking at the terrifying thunder sea in the sky, showed horror on their faces.

Unlike Zhu Yuanzhang, they didn't know what was going on when a terrifying god thunder sea appeared in the sky.

For them, the terrifying thunder sea has an unknown mystery that makes people hairy.

"Brush brush brush-"

When Zhu Yuanzhang stared at the sky with a solemn expression, the figures of Zhu Di, Zhu Biao and others quickly appeared beside him.

"Dad, will this be the twelfth brother about to break through?"

Zhu Biao stood beside Zhu Yuanzhang, looking up at the terrifying scene in the sky, his tone worried and apprehensive: "This is very similar to what he said about the thunder calamity..."

"It should be!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded affirmatively, "This thunder tribulation aura is really a little scary. "

"Dad, big brother, what are you panicking about?"

Although Zhu Di's heart was full of worry, his face was unimpressed, and he said with a smile: "Even if it is really a heavenly calamity, what can it do?" With the twelfth brother's ability, he will definitely be able to survive the Heavenly Tribulation safely! "

"I don't believe it, the twelfth brother didn't make corresponding preparations before he knew that he was about to break through..."

"As long as he is ready, I can't think of how he can fail!"

"It is absolutely impossible to get the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation, but I have the twelfth brother's!"

Zhu Di's words made Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widen suddenly, and he had the urge to beat him.

"You shut up, every time you say something, there is basically nothing good!"

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted angrily and told Zhu Di to shut up.

However, at this time, he did not have much mind to care about Zhu Di, but stared at the thunder and tribulation sky in the sky.

More and more people gathered around Zhu Yuanzhang, all staring nervously at the sky.


The sea of thunder in the sky was the news that Zhu Bai was going to break through the Yuan Infant realm and the vision of heaven and earth caused by it, and it spread quickly.

After learning the news, the people of Daming Yingtian became even more boiling.

However, when they learned that there were risks in breaking through the Yuan Infant realm, they became worried.

Ying Tiancheng,

Almost every household of the people walked out of their homes, looking up in the direction of the Enlightenment Tower, looking at the growing Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Sea.

Under the expectant and nervous gazes of Zhu Yuanzhang and others, the space on the top floor of the Wudao Tower was inside

A looming wind and thunder roar was coming from Zhu Bai's body, and the divine light on his body flowed, and the whole person exuded a divine brilliance.

And at this moment,

At the center of his eyebrows, a small golden figure could be faintly seen.

The golden figure, only the size of a thumb belly, is still very hazy and blurry, and its face cannot be seen clearly.

This little figure was frantically absorbing the heaven and earth spiritual energy refined by Zhu Bai.

As the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was continuously absorbed, this small figure quickly solidified.

At last

This small figure, after absorbing the immeasurable spiritual power, became clear.

Take a closer look and find that this is a scaled-down version of Jubai!

This is Zhu Bai's Yuan Baby!

His Yuan Infant was closing his eyes at this time.


The little Yuan Baby opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Boom !!"

The thunder pool on the Tower of Enlightenment suddenly burst away, and a divine thunder from a bucket fell from above the heavenly dome and bombarded the Tower of Enlightenment!

The terrifying heavenly thunder bombardment made the entire Enlightenment Tower shake violently, as if it was about to overturn.

Such a terrifying scene made Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, who had already left the Tower of Enlightenment, suddenly frightened.

"This is also too terrifying..." Feeling the terrifying divine power contained in that thunder, Zhu Yuanzhang was suddenly horrified.


He is still happy that he has broken through to the realm of Jindan, the feeling of being invincible in the world,

But now,

Feeling the divine power of the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation, he found that he was thinking too much!

"Boom !!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang was so frightened that his scalp was numb, the connotation of his body completely disappeared, and one after another heavenly thunder fell from the sea of thunder.

One after another, the bombardment on the Tower of Enlightenment produced an earth-shattering explosion roar....

The Tower of Enlightenment was shaking violently, the sky was boiling, and even the entire Yingtian City was shaking violently!

Countless Daming people were frightened by this terrifying vision of heaven and earth, and their scalps became numb.


Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the movement that destroyed the world and the earth, and his eyes showed a thick panic.

He began to worry a little about whether Zhu Bai in the Tower of Enlightenment would not be able to stand it.


His worries are superfluous!

Just when the sea of thunder in the sky was completely boiling, countless thunder neighbors turned into a huge pillar of divine thunder light, towards the moment when the Enlightenment Tower fell below.

In the Tower of Enlightenment, a terrifying aura suddenly came out, and as soon as this aura appeared, the divine thunder in the sky seemed to freeze instantly.

The whole world, as if silenced, was dead silent.

Just before everyone could come to their senses, Zhu Bai's voice came from inside the Tower of Enlightenment.


The moment Zhu Bai's voice fell, the golden light of the human imperial pen suddenly flew out from the Enlightenment Tower,

The size of the human emperor's pen is similar to that of an ordinary brush, and it looks unremarkable,


At the moment when the human emperor's pen slashed towards the sea of thunder in the sky, a terrifying scene appeared.


In the void, the human emperor's pen quickly slid and wrote a "scatter" character.

As soon as the scattered words appeared, they flew towards Lei Hai.

The moment it flew into the sea of thunder, the originally boiling sea of thunder immediately calmed down, and then countless thunders disappeared, and the sky returned to calm.

The originally gloomy and terrifying sky has returned to the appearance of a clear sky, as if the 4.8 cut just now has not happened...

"This... What kind of means is this ?! That pen... Is it Bo'er's magic weapon? "

Zhu Yuanzhang watched as the human emperor pen easily dispelled the Heavenly Tribulation, and his eyes almost popped out, and he was numb with fear; "Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation... Dispersed abruptly?


How is this done? What is that pen? "

Zhu Bai had never told Zhu Yuanzhang and others about the matter of the human emperor's pen, so they didn't know that Zhuhai still had this immortal weapon.

Right now

The first time the human emperor pen appeared, it showed such a terrifying divine power, and the understatement of breaking the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation really scared them!


Chapter 5 is here, the next copy will start immediately, absolutely strive to burst the change, quality assurance!

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