Chapter 117: The Daming Alliance Army has assembled and opened the world of young songs!

Zhu Gaojie looked at the little eunuch who came in a hurry with anticipation, he hoped to hear the news that his father had asked him to go to Hongwu Daming to cultivate.

"Your Royal Highness, this is His Majesty's letter, read it yourself."

The little eunuch quickly handed the letter in his hand to Zhu Gaozhi.

Zhu Gaochi took the letter with one hand, opened it and quickly browsed the contents of the letter.

The more you look, the more you look,

The more shocked the look on Zhu Gaozhi's face, the more excited light appeared in his eyes.

"Pass on the will of the main palace!"

A moment later, Zhu Gaojie, who had read all the contents of the letter, suddenly said loudly: "The Daming Immortal Cultivation Legion immediately assembled, and three days later, they went to Hongwu Daming and accompanied the Hongwu army to fight!" "


Zhu Gaojie's order was quickly conveyed, and the army of Yongle Xiuxian quickly began to assemble!

In less than a day's work, outside the Beiping Imperial City of the Jingshi Division, there were successive armies of immortal cultivators, and they quickly gathered.


The number of Yongle Xiuxian army has reached three thousand, which is a very powerful force!

When the Yongle army began to assemble, the orthodox Daming time and space, the army of immortal cultivators also began to assemble quickly!

The orthodox Daming Xiuxian army was precisely under the responsibility of Hu Weiyong to assemble the commander.


Today's orthodox Daming, the cultivation resources obtained by the Immortal Cultivation, there is no way to compare with the Yongle Daming.

But because the time of the orthodox Daming time is earlier than that of the Yongle Daming, the number of the orthodox Daming army of immortal cultivators is more than that of the Yongle army!

The number of people has reached five thousand!


In the orthodox Daming Immortal Cultivation Army, one-third of the Immortal Cultivation Warriors have reached the middle stage of condensation in the realm of cultivation!

The strength can be described as extremely strong!

"After completing this attack, His Majesty should let me return to Hongwu Daming, right?"

Looking at the army of immortal cultivators gathered in the mighty wave, Hu Weiyong's eyes flashed with expectation: "I must behave well this time, and I must not let Xu Da and these people steal the limelight!" "

"Only if you perform well enough, can you gain the attention of Your Majesty and His Royal Highness King Xiang, and thus gain more immortal yuan!"

"If I can stay in the Hongwu Dynasty to cultivate, my Hu Weiyong's cultivation realm will definitely not be worse than Xu Da, Lan Yu, and Yu Qian!"

For returning to Hongwu Daming, Hu Weiyong can be said to be obsessed. In order to achieve this goal, he improved the strength of the orthodox Daming in the time and space of the orthodox Daming.

Of course

Don't forget to improve your cultivation realm!

"Now, I am only one step away from building the foundation realm..."

Hu Weiyong felt the degree of fatigue in his body, took a deep breath, and the light in his eyes became firm: "To attack the new world, even if you can't grab the first skill, you must be bright enough!" "

After being beaten by Zhu Yuanzhang, Hu Weiyong became very aware of current affairs. I have a clear understanding of my positioning.

He knows

The only way for him now is to closely follow in the footsteps of Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang.

Only then,

He is not able to die in the end, as recorded in the orthodox history of the Ming Dynasty, and there is no place to bury!

"Lord Hu, the army has been assembled!" When Hu Weiyong's thoughts were drifting, an orthodox minister hurriedly came to him: "You can leave for Hongwu Daming at any time!" "

"Just wait for the order!"

Hu Weiyong listened to his words, and his eyes shone hotly: "As soon as His Majesty's order comes, the army will immediately enter the gate of time and space and go to Hongwu Daming!" "

Today's Daming Gate of Time and Space has not been completely opened, and it cannot be passed on a large scale without Zhu Bai's permission.


The orthodox official nodded excitedly and asked Hu Weiyong: "Lord Hu, this time we go on a campaign, is there a high probability that we can obtain the Great Immortal Yuan?" Or, do we have a chance to stay in Hongwu Daming to cultivate? "

Hu Weiyong glanced at him, looking at the yearning look in his eyes, and felt a little emotion in his heart.

Hongwu Daming has become a holy place in the hearts of everyone in the world of the Heavenly Daming Alliance, and they all want Hongwu Daming to develop!

"Just behave well, as for the rest, listen to the arrangements of His Majesty Emperor Taizu!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hu Weiyong naturally did not give him any guarantees, but said with a serious face: "You must ensure that the army cannot make any mistakes!" Otherwise, you and I won't be able to eat and go! "


The orthodox official was shocked and quickly nodded: "The lower official will definitely be fully prepared, and there will never be any problems!" "

Hu Weiyong no longer paid attention to him, but raised his head and looked at the gate of time and space that exuded brilliant light in the sky, and his heart was full of yearning.


Hongwu time and space.

Inside the Canopy Hall.

"Bai'er, now that they are all in full force, they are all preparing to go out."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said to Zhu Bai: "Judging from the news I just got, Hu Weiyong's dog thing is quite hard, and the number of orthodox Daming cultivation immortal army has reached five thousand!" Moreover, the cultivation realm is quite good, and it is a very powerful force! "

"Yongle Daming has also gathered a fairly large army of immortal cultivators!"

"Although the number cannot be compared with the orthodox Daming, there are many people with high cultivation realms in the army! Even..."

"There are super geniuses who have broken through to the foundation building realm!"

A look of surprise appeared on Zhu Bai's face: "Yongle Daming has already broken through to the Foundation Building Realm?" This man... It's a bit strong! "


In the recent period, Hongwu Daming has poured a lot of immortal cultivation resources into Yongle Daming. But Yongle Daming opened the era of immortal cultivation, and it was not long after all.


It was in this case that Yongle Daming also came out of the foundation building monk...

That's kind of amazing!

"Yes, it is indeed very strong..."

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed with emotion: "Immortal cultivation, it really depends on the talent, the talent is strong enough, as long as there is a little resource, it can rise rapidly!" "

Zhu Bai agreed with this!

"When the time comes, I will meet him well and see who can be so amazing!" Zhu Bai had a curious look in his eyes, and said to Zhu Yuanzhang with a smile.

"Then order the army of the great planes to come over now?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked. (Get Money Zhao)

"No problem!"

Zhu Bai nodded: "Order now, let them come over immediately." "

Seeing that he was sure, Zhu Yuanzhang no longer hesitated, and immediately began to order the army of the great Ming plane, and immediately rushed over.

Zhu Yuanzhang's order soon spread to the various great planes.

The first to receive the order was Hu Weiyong.

"All soldiers obey orders!!"

After Hu Weiyong read Zhu Yuanzhang's holy will, his heart immediately surged and he stood on the platform of the point general, shouting to the army of five thousand orthodox Daming cultivators: "Enter the gate of time and space immediately and go to Hongwu Daming!" "

"Boom !!"

The army of thousands of orthodox Daming cultivators moved instantly, and under the leadership of Hu Weiyong, they plunged headlong into the door of time and space to Hongwu Daming!


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