Chapter 118: The power of the three worlds gathers, and I am afraid that I will not be able to take down the Li Hanyi World?

Hong Wu Daming.

Ying Tian.

Because of the imminent conquest of the Young Song World, the entire Daming was filled with a war atmosphere.

All armies rushed to Yingtian from all over the Great Tomorrow.

The dragon cavalry army commanded by Xu Da, Lan Yu, and Yu Qian had long been waiting outside Yingtian City.

Because Liu Bowen continues to train and raise dragons in the Avatar world.

Daming's dragon riding army has been increasing in number.


The army of dragon horses under the respective command of the three has reached 10,000.

Hongwu Daming, with a total army of dragon horses, has reached 30,000.


However, anyone who can become a dragon rider must reach the middle stage of condensation qi in the realm of cultivation.

The 30,000 dragon horse army gathered in the sky outside the imperial city, and the black pressure was like black clouds pressing the city.

Countless Daming people came to watch the marching ceremony of the army.

Looking at the sky, the black-pressed army of dragon horses.

Feeling the terrifying sense of oppression, the people of Daming were shocked at the same time, but also proud and excited.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was standing on the city tower, looked at his dragon riding army, his eyes full of pride.

"Such a majestic army, it is actually my Daming, how dare I think about it before?"

Zhu Yuanzhang343 couldn't help but sigh with emotion; "If there was such a strong army when he fought with Chen Youcheng before, where was it so hard?"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang's words came out, everyone around him couldn't help but twitch the muscles on their faces.

"Dad, how can he Chen Youshu He De fight with the dragon riding army?" Zhu Di was speechless: "This is the army of dragon horses!" All of them are immortal cultivators! What is he Chen Youshu? He deserves to fight the dragoon army? "


Zhu Di's words made Zhu Yuanzhang also a little speechless and embarrassed, his idea was indeed a little against the sky, but after an embarrassed moment, he was furious: "Dog thing!" Dare to squeeze Lao Tzu? Find a draw! "

He just wanted to lift his leg and give Zhu Di a kick.


This time, Zhu Dixue was smart, and before Zhu Yuanzhang's words were finished, his figure instantly flashed behind Zhu Bai, sticking out his head from behind him to stare at Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Don't try to hit me!!"

Zhu Di was angry and anxious: "No matter how I say, it's also King Daming, dad, can you give me some face?" Don't kick me in front of so many ministers of culture and military affairs without moving? Even if you want to clean me up, can you wait until there are fewer people?! "

"What a dare! Dare to bargain with Lao Tzu?! Zhu Yuanzhang was even more angry, and wanted to grab Zhu Di and teach him a hard lesson.


At the moment when he wanted to make a move, Zhu Bai, who was speechless, had to speak: "Dad, leave the fourth brother alone, the army of the orthodox Daming is coming!" "

As soon as he heard Zhu Bai's words, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately gave up chasing Zhu Di and looked back towards the gate of time and space leading to the orthodox Daming.

At this moment,

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes suddenly lit up,

I saw that inside the gate of space, countless figures surged out like a tide, it was the army of immortal cultivators of the orthodox Daming!


It's Hu Weiyong!

At this moment, Hu Weiyong, Qi Yuxuanang, the whole person exudes a confident aura from the inside out, and is walking out of the gate of time and space step by step!

And behind him .

It was followed by five thousand orthodox Daming cultivators

These Daming orthodox immortal cultivators. Each one is as imposing as a tiger. Tall. The eyes are bright as a torch.

The moment they walked out, countless Daming people set their sights on them. Looking at the huge army, pouring out like a tide, the people of Daming suddenly burst into exclamations.

"It's back!! again"

After Hu Weiyong walked out of the gate of time and space, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling that the air was filled with a rich heaven and earth aura, which made his heart and lungs quite comfortable, and the mana in his body seemed to enhance his consciousness.

It's a wonderful feeling. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This also made him more determined, he must make enough outstanding merit in this conquest, so as to invite Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Bai to let them return to the Hongwu Dynasty.

The orthodox Daming generals behind Hu Weiyong entered Hongwu and then burst out with curiosity (dbba) in their eyes, and they subconsciously looked around.

"What a rich heaven and earth aura!"

"Is this Hongwu Daming? My ancestors are all cultivating immortals?! "

"Oh my God! The people around me feel so strong! It feels like they have all become immortal cultivators! "


The orthodox Daming soldiers were amazed in their hearts and shocked by the various wonders of Hongwu Daming.

Just when the orthodox Daming generals brought over by Hu Weiyong were constantly observing the environment of Hongwu Daming, the people of Hongwu Daming were also observing them.

"Here it comes!"

"These Daming orthodox generals have a good morale!"

"This nonsense, more and more confident! You see his smug expression, I feel the urge to pump him! "


Most of the civil and military officials around Zhu Yuanzhang fell on Hu Weiyong, and looking at Hu Weiyong's appearance at this moment, they couldn't help but mumble and discuss.

Under the gaze of everyone, Hu Weiyong's figure suddenly flashed, and soon appeared in front of Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Weichen Hu Weiyong, see Your Majesty."

As soon as Hu Weiyong saw Zhu Yuanzhang, he immediately gave a big salute: "On the order of His Majesty, Hu Weiyong brought all the army of immortal cultivators of the orthodox Daming Dynasty. "

"How many people? What about strength? Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze fell on Hu Weiyong, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Brush brush brush !!"

Everyone's gaze fell on Hu Weiyong, and their eyes flashed with a strong curiosity, curious about the strength of the orthodox Daming today.

"Back to Your Majesty, the orthodox Daming Immortal Cultivators, a total of five thousand."

Hu Weiyong hurriedly replied, "The vast majority of soldiers, the cultivation realm has already reached the middle stage of condensation, and even many people have reached the late stage of condensation!" "

"Not bad!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up, nodded with satisfaction, and praised Hu Weiyong: "You are indeed suitable for managing the orthodox Daming, or ... In the future, you have been staying in the orthodox Daming to be in charge of management, right? "

Hu Weiyong: "?!!! "

Are you kidding?

I worked hard to return to the Hongwu Dynasty, but Your Majesty, you want to keep me over there because I manage the orthodox Daming?!

Don't bring such a pit!

"Your Majesty... This, this..."

Hu Weiyong looked constipated, and wanted to cry without tears: "Weichen wants to come back, and he doesn't want to stay in the orthodox Daming all the time..."


Seeing Hu Weiyong's refusal, Zhu Yuanzhang snorted lightly: "Then it depends on your performance!" "

After speaking,

He no longer paid attention to Hu Weiyong, but looked at another gate of time and space, there...

Zhu Gaojie's figure appeared!

He is leading the Yongle army through the gate of time and space and entering the Hongwu Daming World!


The third one, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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