Chapter 119: Yongle Daming Cultivation Immortal Is So Fast? Enter the new quest!

Under the attention of everyone, the Yongle army passed through the gate of time and space and entered Hongwu Daming.

The person responsible for leading the Yongle army into Hongwu Daming was Zhu Gaojie, the prince of Jianguo.

"Finally... It's arrived! "

The moment Zhu Gaochi stepped out of the gate of time and space, the excitement on his face was unconcealed, and his fat face was red with excitement: "I finally... Come to Xiu ~ Immortal Hongwu Daming! "

Behind him,

The army of thousands of Yongle Xiu Immortals also looked extremely excited, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

"Grandpa Huang !!"

Suddenly, Zhu Gaochi found Zhu Yuanzhang's figure, standing on the city tower, looking in his direction.

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang looking at himself, Zhu Gaojie was suddenly shocked, did not dare to have the slightest hesitation, and immediately quickly walked towards Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Grandson Zhu Gaozhi, meet Grandpa Huang!"

Zhu Gaochi came to Zhu Yuanzhang and immediately saluted him: "I have brought all the army of immortal cultivators in Yongle, please ask grandpa to review it." "

"How many people came?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded to Zhu Gaojie with satisfaction and asked, "How is the cultivation realm?" Should...... Not worse than the army of the orthodox Daming, right? "

As he said this, Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Hu Weiyong out of the corner of his eye.

Hu Weiyong noticed Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, and suddenly tightened, and suddenly became a little nervous.

"The army of Yongle Immortal Cultivators can never compare to the army of orthodox Immortal Cultivators! At the very least, it can't be compared now! "

Hu Weiyong gritted his teeth lightly, and muttered in his heart: "If this is surpassed by the Yongle Immortal Cultivation Army, then I will be a little humiliated." "

"Grandpa Huang, the Yongle Immortal Cultivation Army, a total of three thousand, cultivation realm, all of them are above the middle stage of condensation qi, and even one person has reached the foundation building realm!"

Zhu Gaojie did not dare to hide anything, and quickly reported the situation of the Yongle army to Zhu Yuanzhang in detail: "Moreover, there is still a large batch of immortal cultivation armies, all of which are left in Yongle Chao, if the imperial grandfather needs it, he can summon them at any time!" "


When everyone heard this, they immediately gasped.

"Wouldn't you? Yongle Chao... There are already cultivators in the Foundation Building Realm? How is this possible?! "

Hu Weiyong was frightened, and looked incredulous: "The Yongle Dynasty began to cultivate immortals, it's only been more than a month, right?" Is...... Friar Tsuki appeared? What the hell is this?! "

Even some of the Hongwu Daming and martial officials who had not received news before were shocked by Zhu Gaozhi's words, and seemed to be a little unbelievable.

Zhu Yuanzhang had probably known the details of the Yongle Dynasty for a long time, and now listening to Zhu Gaoji's confirmation, he was not surprised, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Good! Very nice! "

"You boy, didn't let us down!"

"Three thousand immortal cultivators above the middle of foundation building, this is already a rather powerful force!"

"You didn't waste your twelfth uncle's kindness to the Yongle Dynasty resource-leaning server!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and praised Zhu Gaojie repeatedly, which made Zhu Gaojie's face couldn't help but show an excited look.

And at this time,

Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze had already left him and looked in the direction of the Yongle Immortal Cultivation Army, and at the same time, his divine thoughts surged out like a tide.


The huge divine thoughts shrouded the army of three thousand Yongle cultivators, feeling their aura fluctuations.

A moment later,

The look of satisfaction on Zhu Yuanzhang's face became even stronger, because after he checked it, he found that what Zhu Gaozhang said was not false.

The cultivation of the Yongle Immortal Cultivation Army is indeed above the middle stage of condensation!

"Hu Weiyong, although the army of immortal cultivators you trained is a little more than the Yongle army in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze suddenly fell on Hu Weiyong, squinting and saying, "It's still a bit worse!" "


"Your pride can be reaped."

Hu Weiyong's face froze, and everyone was dumbfounded. However, Zhu Yuanzhang only said something about him, and did not really intend to reprimand him.

"Bai'er, all the immortal cultivation armies have already been assembled, can we open the door of time and space?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze fell on Zhu Bai's body, and there was a strong look of expectation in his eyes: "We already have some impatience!" "

Nowadays, (read violent novels, on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

Daming's army of immortal cultivators was already extremely powerful in Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion. This gave him enough confidence to feel that he could take down the world of young singers.

"Brush brush brush-"

Everyone's eyes focused on Zhu Bai's body because of Zhu Yuanzhang's words. Their eyes are also similar to Zhu Yuanzhang, full of expectation.

"Well, it does now work."

Seeing everyone's gaze, they all gathered on themselves, Zhu Bai's eyes flashed slightly, and after glancing at the mighty Daming coalition army, he nodded slightly and said: "With the overall strength of the Daming army today, it should be possible to complete the task." "

Saying that,

Zhu Bai's breath bloomed, like the raging waves of the sea, roaring in all directions.

But everyone who was enveloped by his breath had a frenzied change in their faces, in fact, Zhu Yuanzhang was the same, so shocked by the powerful aura that he took several steps back.


At this time, Zhu Bai did not pay attention to them, but took off into the air and appeared above the sky dome.

"The Gate of Time and Space of the Quest of the Young Song World - Kai!"

Zhu Bai stared at a void, and then pointed out, and a dazzling divine light bloomed from his hand and dotted in the void in the distance.

"Boom !!"

The void boiled instantly, like a mirror, it was smashed fiercely, bursting out one crack after another, and then with a bang, the void collapsed.

As that void collapsed, immeasurable divine light bloomed from within the collapsed void! The dazzling divine light shone so that countless people subconsciously closed their eyes.

And the moment they opened their eyes, a huge door of time and space had appeared in the void.

The gate of time and space, connecting heaven and earth, a mysterious and huge breath surged out from the gate of time and space.

It is the original breath of the world of young songs!

The powerful Origin aura shrouded countless Daming cultivators, making them suddenly tighten their hearts and feel a sense of panic.

"The door of time and space has opened..."

Zhu Bai looked at the open door of time and space, and looked back at Zhu Yuanzhang and the others: "Dad, you can go to war!" "

His voice echoed in the sky and fell into the ears of countless Daming cultivators.



Everyone is boiling!

Whether it was the Dragoon Legion of Hongwu Daming, or the Daming Immortal Cultivators of the Yongle Dynasty and the Orthodox Dynasty, they all burst out with a sky-rushing battle intent, and the light in their eyes was fierce and dazzling!

And Zhu Yuanzhang, after listening to Zhu Bai's words, was also in good spirits, his eyes burst with hot battle intent, and suddenly rose to the sky, stopped beside Zhu Bai, and glanced at the Daming army.

"The army of the Daming Heavens Alliance listens to the order!!"


"Enter the world of young singers!"


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