Chapter 121: Grab someone and ask, Li Hanyi is stupid? So terrifying?!

The moment Zhu Bai appeared in the Young Song Xing World, the aura emanating from his body alarmed the entire Snow Moon City.

Deep in Snowmoon City.

Li Changsheng, who was seriously injured and was in retreat, suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and two sharp cold rays flashed in the depths of his eyes.

At the same time, there was a touch of shock.

"What's going on? This breath... Very strong! "

Li Changsheng suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Looking at the dark cloud-covered sky, his face changed greatly.

The powerful aura emanating from Zhu Bai permeated his retreat.

Therefore, he felt the coercion of the breath from Zhu Bai.

As a land immortal, he is a top master in the world of young singers, and few people can emit the breath that makes him feel moved.

But now,

The strange and powerful aura that suddenly appeared moved him.

He stood up, and his figure instantly appeared on a mountain peak, looking into the distance.


In the distance, the sky dome, a piece of black pressure, Daming's dragon riding army, is flying out from the gate of time and space.


Looking at the mighty dragon riding army, Li Changsheng's eyes flashed with solemnity, and he couldn't help but gasp.

"This... Where did the people come from? "

When Li Changsheng saw the Dragon Legion for the first time, he was a little shocked for a while.

Of course

As a land immortal, although he was surprised by the sudden appearance of the dragon horse army, he did not panic.


He did not choose to lean over to check it out for the first time, but watched from afar.

Now this mysterious force that suddenly appeared, he still did not know whether it was friend or foe, and he did not dare to act rashly.

Because the breath just now was too terrifying.

"The terrifying aura that flashed just now is by no means weaker than the aura I exuded in my heyday, and it may even be stronger..."

Li Changsheng's brows furrowed, staring at the sky in the distance, looking for the source of that breath.


At this time, the breath seemed to have completely disappeared, and no matter how he searched, he could not sense it.

This made Li Changsheng more vigilant, and countless thoughts flashed in his heart.

"Who the hell is it? Could it be... Are there any land immortals in this world that I don't know about? "

Li Changsheng, who was dark and dignified, said to himself in his heart: "This shouldn't be... If he is a land immortal, he should not be a nameless person, and his breath cannot be so strange to me..."

When Li Changsheng, the injured land immortal powerhouse, was shocked, the same was true of countless masters inside and outside Xueyue City.

One after another, the eyes of the shocked and uncertain powerhouses looked towards the sky.

I want to find the owner of the road that suddenly emits a mysterious and powerful aura, but most people don't know who emits the powerful aura.

However, this does not include Li Hanyi.

At this point,

Li Hanyi's pupils were full of shock, and he looked at the god-like figure in the sky blankly.

"Who is he?"

Looking at Zhu Bai above the dragon, Li Hanyi looked shocked: "His aura is so strong!" No worse than a master ... Even, it is possible to slightly beat the master! "

"In this world, there are such strong characters?"

"Besides, he's still so young..."

Li Hanyi was really shocked, Li Changsheng was the strongest person she had ever seen.


She believes that Li Changsheng is the strongest person in this heaven and earth!

And now,

But suddenly a young excessive, but possibly stronger than the master!

"Who is this?"

"Friend or foe?"

"Be careful!"


The people of the Demon Sect were also frightened at this time.

They all stopped besieging Li Hanyi and attacking Xueyue City.

They all stared at Zhu Bai, who appeared first in the sky, with a horrified expression, and at the same time, they also looked at the dragon legion behind him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The entire Snow Moon City was paying attention to the Daming Legion.

And at this time,

Above the sky, Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others were also paying attention to the situation below.

"Bai'er, what is the situation now? What is our mission in coming into this world? "

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was beside Zhu Bai, had a blazing light flashing in his eyes at this moment: "Do you want to completely conquer this world?" And also...... Now I know what realm the strongest cultivation in this world is."

Zhu Di and the others who accompanied the expedition also looked at Zhu Bai expectantly, of course, more people were staring down with tiger eyes.

"What is the specific situation in this world now, I still don't know..."

Zhu Bai's eyes flashed slightly, and he slowly shook his head.

It is clear that it has arrived in this world, but the system has not yet prompted the task of this world.


He needs to continue to wait and see.

Of course

Zhu Bai was also curious about what was going on below.

"As for what is the current situation in this world, you can only find out if you investigate it first..."

Zhu Bai's gaze fell on the inside and outside of Snow Moon City below, and he was quickly locked onto a figure with a powerful aura.

It was Li Hanyi.

"It seems that a big war is breaking out below..."

Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Zhu Bai's words, his eyes also looked down, looking at the chaotic battlefield, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "I don't know why they are fighting?" "

"Just grab someone and ask."

Zhu Bai was still staring at Li Hanyi, and as soon as he heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, he immediately struck.

"Boom !!"

A huge force, like a tidal wave, surged out, and instantly swept towards Li Hanyi.


Li Hanyi was staring at Zhu Bai in amazement, and suddenly felt a mysterious and terrifying aura roaring towards him.

"Not good!"

Feeling that power coming towards him, Li Hanyi's face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to make a move.


As soon as she wanted to make a move, that power had already enveloped 970 her.

The powerful force made her body stiffen instantly, and the power in her body was imprisoned in an instant, and she couldn't mobilize a single bit.

This situation made Li Hanyi's heart cold, and a chill surged in.


Before Li Hanyi could fully react, a powerful force wrapped around her body and instantly soared into the air.

Under the horrified gazes of countless people, Li Hanyi, the Snow Moon Sword Immortal, was like being carried a chicken by someone, directly carried into the sky.


Li Hanyi was caught by Zhu Bai with a powerful magical spell and thrown in front of him.

The moment Li Hanyi was thrown onto the dragon, the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others fell on her.

"Yo he, this girl's breath is very strong, and her cultivation is incredible!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Li Hanyi, who was caught, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "It seems that the people in this world are indeed not simple..."

At this time,

Li Hanyi had already come to her senses and found that she had been arrested, and although she was shocked, she was not completely flustered.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? "

Li Hanyi stood up, stared at Zhu Bai vigilantly, gritted his teeth and asked, "You... Is it someone from the Demon Cult Alliance? "


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