Chapter 122: You guys continue to fight, we don't help anyone, we want to attack everyone!

Zhu Bai and these people suddenly appeared, and also made a move on themselves, making Li Hanyi think that they were all members of the Demon Sect Alliance.

"Demon Sect Alliance?"

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: "How can you think that we are people from the Demon Sect Alliance?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others listened to Li Hanyi's words, and their faces also showed surprise, looking at her curiously, wondering what was the situation of this so-called Demon Sect Alliance.

"You guys aren't from the Demon Sect Alliance?!"

Zhu Bai's words made Li Hanyi's face happy, as long as the other party was not from the Demon Sect Alliance, it would be great news for him.

After all, these people are too powerful, if they are people from the Demon Sect Alliance, then Xueyue City is really fierce today.

Zhu Bai shook his head: "It's not. "

Hearing his affirmation, Li Hanyi was relieved.

"The Demon Sect Alliance and the Tang Gate have formed a coalition and are attacking Snow Moon City..."

Li Hanyi hesitated, and probably told Zhu Bai about the current situation: "Now, Xueyue City is very dangerous, and my master Li Changsheng, a land immortal powerhouse, has also been seriously injured and is in retreat..."

With Li Hanyi's words, Zhu Bai roughly understood what was happening below.

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, after listening to Li Hanyi's words, looked at Zhu Bai with an inquiring look in their eyes.


The current situation, as if it has nothing to do with them ...


They wondered what Juber would do next.

After all

They come to this world to complete tasks, and other things have little to do with them!

Li Hanyi looked at the reaction of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, and a look of expectation suddenly appeared in his eyes: "Your Excellency, are you here to deal with the Demon Sect Alliance?" The Demon Sect Alliance has done a lot of evil, and righteous people should deal with them. "

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Deal with the Demon Cult Alliance?

What does this have to do with him ?!

He didn't come to save Snow Moon City!


"Whether it's the Demon Sect Alliance or Snow Moon City, it has nothing to do with us, since you are fighting... `...."

Zhu Bai looked indifferent, waved his hand, and a powerful force fell on Li Hanyi, and then her body floated up and flew down: "Then continue to fight first!" I'm watching you guys fight. "


Li Hanyi, who flew out, listened to Zhu Bai's words, everyone was stupid, his beautiful face was full of shock, and he couldn't help but exclaim: "It's okay with you, so what are you doing with me?" You're a bastard..."

Li Hanyi wanted to break free from Zhu Bai's control, but the power of Zhu Baiyuan's infant realm cultivation, how could she break free?

Her body...

Not under her control, how did it fly up, just fly down like this ...

Under the gaze of countless lights, Li Hanyi's figure flew down from above the dragon and finally fell back to the ground!

Of course

Zhu Bai held the attitude of watching a good show, and did not hurt her!


This behavior of Zhu Bai made Li Hanyi angry and anxious!

"Who the hell are you guys?! What the hell do you want to do?! "

Li Hanyi fell to the ground, looked up at Zhu Bai in the sky, and gritted his teeth: "I originally fought well, what are you doing with me?!" "


Whether it was the people of the Demon Sect Alliance or the people of Snow Moon City, they were all stunned by Zhu Bai's operation!

And those who originally because Zhu Bai and others appeared and detained Li Hanyi, thinking that Zhu Bai and these people were people from the Demon Sect Alliance who came to help Xueyue City, the nervous and flustered look on their faces suddenly became excited!

"Hahaha! Li Hanyi, I see what other means you have this time?! "

"It scares me to death! Originally, I thought that these mysterious characters were here to help Xueyue City, but now it seems that I thought too much! "

"Today, no one can save Xueyue City!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Be careful! These people... It always feels like they are not good! "


The people of the Demon Sect Alliance all seemed very excited, of course, there were some vigilant people, their faces were quite solemn, and they looked at the Daming army in the sky nervously!


The Daming army, only a part of it, the follow-up troops have not all rushed over!

Just the vanguard alone had already made the people of the Demon Sect Alliance feel great pressure!

As for those who thought that the Daming coalition army that suddenly appeared was to help the natives of Xueyue City, their faces showed a look of disappointment, and the despair in their hearts became even stronger.


Snow Moon City has fallen into an extremely dangerous situation, and it may be attacked by the army of the Tang Gate and the Demon Sect Alliance at any time, and finally be slaughtered madly!

"Hands on! Take down Li Hanyi! "

A Demon Sect master, first glanced vigilantly at the Daming coalition army in the sky, and found that Zhu Bai and the others were completely optimistic about the show, gritted his teeth and shouted: "You must take Snow Moon City quickly, so as not to dream more at night!" "

At one of his orders,

The masters of countless Demon Sect Alliance once again burst out with strong killing intent in their eyes, and without any hesitation, they killed towards Li Hanyi! At the same time, the other masters of the Demon Sect Alliance continued to attack Snow Moon City!

The battle is on the verge!

In Xueyue City, the shouts of killing were heaven-shaking, swords and shadows were everywhere, and stump limbs and broken arms!

Li Hanyi had calmed down at this time, looking at the Demon Sect master, coming towards him, the immortal sword in his hand suddenly shook, and the powerful true qi was poured into the sword body, and then a sword swung out!


The brilliant sword light swept out, tore through the void, and instantly fell on the two Demon Sect masters, splitting the other party in two, and blood stained the sky! With one hit, Li Hanyi did not stop there, and used the sword skills he had learned to the extreme, killing the people of the Demon Sect together!

In the sky,

Zhu Bai stood on the dragon, looking at the purgatory-like battlefield below, his face calm and unmoved.

"That girl just now, the swordsmanship is quite proficient..."

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was beside Zhu Bai, looked at Li (Wang Wang Zhao) Hanyi, who was fighting with the Demon Sect master below, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "On the way of kendo alone, we may not be her opponents... This world, indeed, is a little interesting. "

"It does have some skills, but that's it, after all, it's just a mundane sword technique, not a real sword way..." Zhu Bai glanced at Li Hanyi's figure out of the corner of his eyes, and said lightly: "She and the real sword cultivator, still a little bit worse..."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded repeatedly, no longer paying attention to Li Hanyi, but couldn't help but ask again: "Bai'er, what are we going to do when we come to this world?!" "

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, just wanted to say that I didn't know yet, but suddenly a prompt sound from the system came from his mind.

[The host successfully entered the world of young singers! ] 】

[Now start issuing the Shōnen Song World Mission!] 】


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