Chapter 123: True Kendo, Li Hanyi was stunned!

[The mission of the world of Shonen Song is as follows...]

[Please take Snow Moon City within one month, make Snow Moon City a stronghold of Daming in the Boy Song World, and use this stronghold to radiate to the Young Song World. ] 】

[After completing the task, the system will make a corresponding evaluation according to the process and result of the host completing the task, the higher the evaluation, the richer the reward. 】

A series of system prompts sounded in Zhu Bai's mind.

"Good fellow, the mission is finally here?! I've been waiting so long..."

Listening to the system prompt sound in his mind, Zhu Bai's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but muttered in his heart: "But this task surprised me a little, it was just to take Xueyue City as a stronghold?" "

Zhu Bai originally thought that the task of the young singer world, if it did not come out for so long, would be a very difficult task to complete, but the result was unexpected.


Even if the task of the Junior Song World is to completely conquer the entire Junior Song World, Zhu Bai is confident that he can complete it.

But, after all, it takes more time.

And now,

You only need to take Snow Moon City and let Daming have a base in Snow Moon City and take root.

The difficulty of the task is undoubtedly lowered by a notch.

It can greatly save his time.

You can also get rewards earlier.

Finally, a new world quest opens.

"Boer? 933 What's wrong with you? "

Zhu Yuanzhang noticed that Zhu Bai seemed to be slightly stunned, and couldn't help but ask with some curiosity: "What are you thinking?" "

Brush brush brush!

The gazes of Zhu Di and the others also looked towards Zhu Bai, and their eyes flashed with doubt.

"The mission of this world is to take Snow Moon City and turn Snow Moon City into a base for Daming in the Young Song World."

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice made Zhu Bai instantly come back to his senses, and after his eyes scanned the Snow Moon City below, he slowly said: "After having a base, Daming's forces can use this as a starting point to slowly radiate out towards the entire Junior Song World..."

"That's it? This task... It doesn't seem to be difficult to complete! "

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face: "That... Get your hands on it now! Take Snow Moon City early to complete the mission and get rewards, and then... Then slowly incorporate the entire Junior Song World into the territory of the Daming Heavens Alliance! "

The Daming Heavens Alliance is a grand vision for Zhu Yuanzhang, and he hopes to build a powerful Daming world that affects the heavens and worlds, so that Daming can truly be with the sun and the moon!

"I am the vanguard!!"

Zhu Di showed an excited look (dbae) on his face, and said to Zhu Bai: "Twelfth brother, let me be the vanguard, I will definitely take Xueyue City quickly!" "

"This time..."

"I'm going to take the first credit!"

As soon as Zhu Di's words were finished, Zhu Zhanji behind him suddenly stood up: "Grandpa, let me go instead of you, I will be the vanguard, this is my first time to contribute to the Daming Heavens Alliance, I will definitely ..."

"Get out of here!"

Zhu Di turned around and glared at him: "You little rabbit cub, you still want to grab credit with Laozi?" Hum! "

Zhu Zhanji: "..."

He just wants to behave!

How did it become a credit grab?

Everyone showed a strong fighting spirit and was eager to be the first to charge!

"Don't be in a hurry..."

Looking at the excited Zhu Yuanzhang and others, Zhu Bai was a little crying and laughing: "This time, I will make a move." "

Everyone: "..."

Zhu Bai shot... So what else is going on with them?!

The limelight will be stolen by him!

Everyone was speechless, but Zhu Bai ignored them, and his figure had slowly soared into the air and fell downwards!


The battlefield of Snow Moon City has been completely scorched.

The army of the Tang Gate and the Demon Sect Alliance is attacking more and more fiercely, and the Snow Moon City that is killed is in ruins, and there is a possibility of complete defeat at any time! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Bai, who was ready to make a move, his gaze fell on Li Hanyi's body, looking at her state at this time, Zhu Bai's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flickered.


At this moment, Li Hanyi's situation is quite bad, and it has been completely suppressed!

Li Hanyi, who was covered in blood, the fairy sword in her hand was full of openings, almost broken, and her breath was also quite disordered, and it had reached the point of exhaustion!

"Li Hanyi, you still can't tie your hands?!"

"Do you think anyone else can save you today?"

"Master Li Changsheng can't protect himself, no one can save you!"

"If we don't surrender, we will kill the killer!"


A group of demon gate masters completely surrounded Li Hanyi, all of them murderous, staring deadly, pale, covered in blood, Li Hanyi, shouted loudly and angrily, making her surrender.


These Demon Gate masters all want to force Li Hanyi to throw himself and win over a powerful master.


Even though Li Hanyi was in a desperate situation, she still didn't have any intention of surrendering, her eyes flashed with a decisive light, mobilizing all the power in her body, her true qi was surging, and the fairy sword in her hand trembled and buzzed!

"Today, I, Li Hanyi, will die in battle, and I will not surrender to the evil people of the Demon Sect!"

With a light drink, Li Hanyi, who had the will to die, burst out all his strength at once, and the fairy sword in his hand burst out with brilliant light, wanting to fight to the death.

"Kill her!!"

Seeing that she was still unwilling to surrender, the people of the Demon Gate were completely angry, their eyes flashed with icy killing intent, no longer had any reservations, and killed Li Hanyi with all their strength!

In the face of a group of demon gate masters killing, Li Hanyi's eyes flashed a touch of despair, and then he gritted his teeth fiercely, staring at the strongest demon sect master and killing him, intending to change one before he died!


"Sonorous !!"

An earth-shattering sword sound suddenly sounded, and the golden sword light suddenly fell from the sky, instantly falling between Li Hanyi and the group of demon gate experts!

The terrifying sword light fell, and in an instant, a huge ravine was cut out between the two sides, erupting with a terrifying sword aura and raging in all directions!

All the Demon Sect masters and Li Hanyi were swept away by this sudden terrifying sword aura, and their faces changed tragically in fright, and they quickly retreated, and then looked up at the sky!

I saw that a figure dressed in white Shengxue had appeared above the heads of their warring parties, staring at them playfully.


Seeing the figure in white, Li Hanyi's face changed, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes: "What is he going to do?" Why did it suddenly strike? He...... Which side to help?! "

The person who shot ...

Naturally, it is Zhu Bai!!

"Li Hanyi, you can't use a sword..."

The condescending Zhu Bai did not glance at the people of the Demon Sect, but looked at Li Hanyi with a calm expression: "Your sword, only skill, no Dao." "

"What did you say?!"

Li Hanyi's expression changed drastically: "I can't use a sword? My sword only has skill? No Dao?! You talk nonsense!! "


The third one, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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