Chapter 124: Teach Li Hanyi to use a sword, a single grass can cut off the sun, moon and stars!

Snow Moon Sword Immortal Li Hanyi has always regarded himself very highly of his kendo, and he has never considered himself worse than anyone in kendo, let alone feel that he can't use a sword.

Right now......

Zhu Bai said that she couldn't use a sword!

This undoubtedly stimulated this proud sword fairy!

She couldn't take it!!

Not only was Li Hanyi stimulated by Zhu Bai's words, but the people of the Demon Sect present were also shocked, and they all looked at Zhu Bai with incredible faces!


Li Hanyi is now forced into a desperate situation by them, but they have never felt that Li Hanyi is not good at kendo, and they all agree very much with Li Hanyi's strong talent in ~ kendo!

"That's right, you can't use a sword."

Li Hanyi's expression changed drastically, falling in Zhu Bai's eyes, but he still nodded indifferently: "Your kendo is superficial, and you have not comprehended the true essence of kendo." "

When Zhu Bai said this, Li Hanyi was even more unconvinced.

"Hmph! You talk nonsense! I have a deep understanding of the Dao of the Sword, which is by no means the superficial, simple skill you say, but the real Dao! Li Hanyi, who was not convinced, glared at Zhu Bai and said breathlessly: "Don't you want to talk nonsense and shake my Dao heart!" "

"Oh? Am I babbling? "

Li Hanyi's reaction made Zhu Bai couldn't help but smile: "When you see the true sword way, you will understand what I am talking about." "

The corner of Li Hanyi's mouth twitched, and his eyes were a little unhappy: "Then what do you mean by sword Dao?" I, Li Hanyi, really want to see and see, what is the kendo you are talking about! I can make you look down on my kendo so much! "

"Your kendo is still attached to the sword in your hand."

Zhu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Li Hanyi and said lightly: "However, the true kendo is cultivated by the sword of the heart!" If there is no sword in the hand, there is a sword in the heart, and everything in heaven and earth can be a sword! "

"A grass can be a sword, cutting down the sun, moon and stars."

"A grain of dust can be a sword, and a sword can swing nine ghosts!"

"A wisp of mind can also be a sword, and a sword can cut reincarnation of life and death!"

"All things in heaven and earth..."

"Nothing can be a swordsman!"

"This is, My Sword Dao!"

Li Hanyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and suddenly felt his heart beat violently, as if he had touched something, but this feeling was very subtle and fleeting!

This feeling made Li Hanyi's sweaty hair explode!

The people of the surrounding Demon Sect were equally shocked when they heard Zhu Bai's words!

Especially those who practiced the Demon Sect of Sword Dao, their hearts trembled violently, and their eyes were full of horror when they looked at Zhu Bai!


What Zhu Bai said made them also feel!

"You... You...... You are talking nonsense! "

Stunned for a moment, Li Hanyi seemed to come to his senses, and shook his head violently: "How can a grass cut down the sun, moon and stars?!" This is not kendo at all, this is nonsense! "

Zhu Bai's words had too much impact on her, and she couldn't believe it!!

"What's not to do?"

Faced with Li Hanyi's shock, Zhu Bai smiled indifferently: "The sword of the heart, invisible and shadowless, can cut everything in the heavens and the earth and break all evil mysteries!"


Let you see what real kendo is! "

As soon as Zhu Bai's words fell, I saw a golden light suddenly flicker in his eyes.

Sword shadows flowed in his eyes.

I didn't see him make any movement, but suddenly there was a sound of swords in heaven and earth!

I saw that the heavenly dome, suddenly the wind was fierce, and a majestic and mysterious kendo aura suddenly fell from above the heavenly dome.

The terrifying sword intent shrouded the entire Snow Moon City.

This sword intent, sharp and sharp, as if there is a bladed blade, against the skin, will cut the body at any time.

In the pouring room,

The entire Snow Moon City inside and out, whether it was the people of the Demon Sect Alliance or the people of Snow Moon City, their expressions were terrifyingly changed.

Countless people suddenly raised their heads and looked above the heavenly dome.

Looking at the scene on the sky dome at this moment, everyone was frightened.

I saw that above the sky dome, countless dark clouds appeared at some point.

And in that dark cloud, one after another terrifying lightning is roaring and roaring.

The sky was suppressed by dark clouds, and the lightning seemed to fall at any time, destroying the entire Snow Moon City.

What made them feel most terrifying was that the thunder and lightning flickering madly in the dark clouds actually transformed into the shadows of swords from time to time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


At this moment, the heavenly dome turned into a sea of swords!

In the depths of Snow Moon City, the land immortal Li Changsheng felt the terrifying sword qi for the first time.

He looked up at the terrifying vision of heaven and earth on the heavenly dome, his pupils contracted to the size of a pinhole, and he gasped.

"This... What's going on? Which kendo powerhouse made this move? "

Feeling the endless sword intent in the sea of swords on the heavenly dome, Li Changsheng's heart beat wildly: "This world... And hide such a powerful kendo powerhouse? It's impossible..."

Li Changsheng was really shocked, and as a land immortal, he could also trigger the vision of heaven and earth.


Like the horrific vision on the dome today, it was almost impossible for him to get it easily.


At this time, the terrifying aura faintly emanating from the sky dome made him feel a strong threat!


There is a terrifying divine power that can destroy it!

Li Changsheng, a land immortal powerhouse, was so moved at this moment.

And Li Hanyi, who was a disciple of Li Changsheng, was completely stunned by shock at this time!

Her absolutely beautiful face was full of horror, looking up at the scene on the sky dome, she only felt that her brain was buzzing!

Before she could recover from her shock, Zhu Bai in front of her, the sword light in her eyes became more and more dazzling, and slowly spoke.

"Thunder Heavenly Sword..."


I only heard Zhu Bai's voice echoing in the heavens and the earth, and then the thunder on the heavenly dome completely boiled.

One after another sword light instantly condensed together, and then transformed into a hundred zhang sword light!

Without seeing any movement from Zhu Bai, the Hundred Battles Thunder Heavenly Sword condensed suddenly fell from the sky!

"Boom !!"

The terrifying Thunder Heavenly Sword fell into the crowd of the Demon Sect Alliance before everyone reacted.

Hundreds of people from the Demon Sect instantly turned into flying ash before they could react!

Above the ground, a ravine, hundreds of feet long, bottomless and deep, appeared!

The power of this sword can be described as earth-shattering.

Whether it was Li Hanyi, these people from Snow Moon City, or people from a kind of Demon Sect Alliance, they were all frightened!

They looked at the huge bottomless ravine, one by one, they were frightened and bloodless.

"This, this..."

Li Hanyi's little face turned snow-white, and he was full of trembling: "This... He was actually able to turn heavenly thunder into a sword? The power of a sword is so terrifying? "

"How is this done? Even if it's a master..."

"He... I can't do it! "


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