Chapter 125: Li Han is dressed, this person is stronger than Shi Venerable? Deal with the Demon Cult Alliance?

Zhu Bai's strength made everyone creepy.

Although Li Hanyi had expected that Zhu Bai's strength would definitely not be weak, he did not expect it to be so outrageously strong!

Without seeing any movement from him, he communicated with the heavenly thunder, turned the thunder into a sword, and when a sword fell, the sky collapsed!

Such a terrifying divine power, even her master Li Changsheng, is difficult to do.

This person's strength may be a little stronger than that of the master..."

Li Hanyi, who was frightened by Zhu Bai's strength, stared at Zhu Bai's figure, and his heart was terrifying: "In this world, when did such a terrifying figure come out again?" Could it be some legendary peerless powerhouses of film and television schools?! "

"See? This is the tip of what I call kendo! "

When Li Hanyi's scalp was numb, Zhu Bai's "020" gaze fell on her, and he said lightly: "If you want to enter the Dao with a sword, it is useless to simply practice sword skills, only by understanding the principles of heaven and earth and integrating the principles of heaven and earth into the sword can you touch the real sword Dao." "

Zhu Bai's words made Li Hanyi's heart beat wildly.

She entered Li Changsheng's door at the age of sixteen and became a sword immortal in her twenties, and this talent and cultivation speed were already quite powerful.

She practiced the water-stopping sword technique that Li Changsheng taught her, and she thought that she was cultivating a ruthless sword, and she needed to be as heart-stopping as water and learn to be ruthless.


At this moment, she can't stop her heart.


The shock that Zhu Bai brought to her was too strong, which was equivalent to kicking open her door, teaching her a new lesson, and allowing her to see a new world.

"You're cultivating the Water Stopping Sword, right?"

Seeing Li Hanyi's expression change for a while, Zhu Bai's eyes narrowed, and he slowly said: "You cultivate the water-stopping sword, you think you need to be ruthless, your heart is like stopping water, and you practice that ruthless sword." "

As soon as these words came out,

Li Hanyi suddenly changed color and stared at Zhu Bai with a terrified expression: "How do you know?!" My kendo understanding... Never said it to anyone! How do you..."

I don't know? 1

Because I know the plot of this world...

Zhu Bai muttered in his heart.

Of course

He won't say what he thinks.

And holding his hand, his eyes stared at Li Hanyi with a deep look, and slowly said: "What's so difficult to see?" Just now I saw the sword moves you fought with people, and you can see it at a glance. "

"Boom !!"

Li Hanyi's heart was shocked, and he couldn't calm down at all.

Just by taking a look at his own sword, you can see your own details? This...... It's a little scary!

"What the hell are you holy?!" Li Hanyi gritted his teeth and couldn't help but ask again: "What do you want to do?!" "

Right now

Zhu Bai's eyes were full of mystery in Li Hanyi's eyes, and she couldn't understand why this person who suddenly appeared was so terrifying.

Li Hanyi's question asked the common curiosity in the hearts of everyone in the young singer world present. Especially those people from the Demon Sect were even more curious about Zhu Bai's origin.

They all want to know where these strong people who suddenly appeared come from and what their purpose is!

Is there any threat to them ?!


In front of everyone, Zhu Bai killed hundreds of masters of the Demon Sect Alliance with one sword, which made the people of the Demon Sect Alliance have some hatred for him

In the Demon Sect Alliance, Ye Dingzhi, one of the four demon heads, looked gloomy as water at the moment, staring at Zhu Bai deadly.

Your Excellency, our Demon Sect Alliance has no grudges with you, do we?

Ye Dingzhi's eyes flashed with excitement, but he coldly asked Zhu Bai: "Why did you kill our people?" You are the reinforcements of Snow Moon City?! "

Zhu Bai's behavior made him have to think that Zhu Bai and these people may be the allied forces of Xueyue City, after all, Zhu Bai came up and pointed out Li Hanyi's sword path, and set out to kill the people of the Demon Sect Alliance! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Dingyi spoke, and Zhu Bai's gaze fell on him. The huge divine thought instantly swept over Ye Dingzhi's body.

His divine thoughts swept over, and Ye Dingzhi suddenly felt a chill, feeling that all his secrets had been spied on in just a moment.

The feeling creeped him out.

It also made him look at Zhu Bai's eyes even more jealous.

After sweeping his mind and determining the strength of the other party, unable to compare with himself, Zhu Bai instantly lost interest in him and was too lazy to look at him more.

And his behavior made Ye Dingzhi and these people of the Demon Sect furious!

The people who killed them did not even give an explanation.

This is simply deceitful!


The face of the person of the Demon Sect became extremely angry, looking at Zhu Bai's eyes, murderous.

Although Ye Dingzhi was jealous of Zhu Bai in his heart, he knew that he had to take action now, otherwise it would greatly damage the morale of the army of the Demon Sect Alliance, so he gritted his teeth and immediately ordered....

"The whole army attacked!"

"Kill him!!"

"Stepping on the !! of Snow Moon City"

Ye Ding's roar was angry, and it instantly exploded in everyone's ears, and countless Demon Sect disciples immediately burst out into a roar and shouted to kill, killing towards Zhu Bai like a tide!

All the Demon Sect armies moved out at the same time, the momentum was surging, and the entire heaven and earth became depressed because of the aura they erupted!


In the face of the entire attack of the Demon Sect coalition army, Zhu Bai did not panic at all, but showed a playful look on his face, glanced at the surging Demon Sect alliance army, and then looked up at the sky.

"Dad, do you want to practice your hands?"

Zhu Bai looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, his tone was calm, as if he said a trivial matter: "If you don't want to, then I will solve it myself." "

The Demon Sect coalition army wanted to make a move against Zhu Bai, and Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, who were watching a good show in the sky, naturally noticed it.

Seeing that Ye Dingzhi wanted to let people kill Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly changed color, and with a bang, a terrifying aura erupted, and his eyes surged with monstrous killing intent.

Zhu Di and the others were also bright, full of murderous energy, and they drew their respective combat swords one after another.

"Bai'er, let us practice our hands!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai's words, his killing intent immediately boiled, and he shouted: "The whole army of the Daming coalition army attacked!" Kill 3 people of the Demon Cult Alliance!! "

His loud shout, like a thunderous explosion, resounded throughout Xueyue City and reached the ears of countless people.

All of a sudden,

The Daming Dragoon Legion and the Immortal Cultivation Legion suddenly erupted into an earth-shattering roar and killing sound, and the terrifying bloody aura shrouded the entire sky!

"Kill them all!!"

Zhu Di roared, his eyes burst with hot killing intent, his figure was like electricity, and he instantly went straight to the army of the Demon Sect Alliance below!

And Zhu Yuanzhang was more direct, in the Jindan realm, he did not hesitate to burst out all his cultivation power, and the terrifying mana poured into a combat knife in his hand, and a knife slashed towards Ye Dingzhi below!


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