Chapter 126: Zhu Yuanzhang's battle, the whole country attacked the Demon Sect, crushed!

After breaking through the Jindan realm in the realm of cultivation, Zhu Yuanzhang always wanted to find someone to have a good discussion and feel the power of the Jindan realm.


In Hongwu Daming before, there were not many people who could compare with him in the realm of cultivation, and even if the realm of cultivation reached the golden pill, few people dared to compete with him.

As for Zhu Bai, who dared to compete with him...

Zhu Yuanzhang can't beat it!

Right now

Came to the world of young song travel, the people here are strong enough, so that the battle intent in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart completely exploded, so as soon as he moved, he burst out the strongest combat power!

Directly killed Ye Dingzhi!


As one of the four demon kings, Ye Dingzhi's strength is naturally quite strong, seeing Zhu Yuanzhang move towards himself as soon as he came up, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and after snorting coldly, the true qi in his body surged out, and he killed Zhu Yuanzhang without fear!

"Sonorous !!"

With a sonorous sound, the sword in Ye Dingzhi's hand swung out, and the same sword light was brilliant, and the sword light that greeted Zhu Yuanzhang collided!

"Boom !!"

The sword light and sword light collided, and a huge roar broke out instantly, and the terrifying shockwave 31 raged in all directions, and many Demon Sect masters were impacted by the powerful sword qi and sword qi, and they retreated one after another!

"Kind of interesting!"

Ye Dingzhi carried his own knife and was not harmed, which made Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes suddenly brighten, and the fighting intent in his eyes was even more turbulent: "It seems that we can do a good activity today!" "

"Boom !!"

A more powerful aura erupted from Zhu Yuanzhang's body, and the mana within the golden pill surged and roared madly, making his black hair windless and automatic, and the murderous aura was surging!

"Kill !!"

With an angry shout, Zhu Yuanzhang approached Ye Dingzhi at great speed, his eyes were shining with golden light, and he swung out a knife, and in an instant the knife qi crisscrossed, tearing out a void crack!

Ye Dingzhi naturally would not sit still, and while dodging at great speed, he swung out another sword, directly taking Zhu Yuanzhang's life gate and killing him!


The two fought together, and the battle broke out completely!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who possessed the Desolate Ancient Saint Body and was still in the realm of Jindan, fought quite fiercely and rudely, raising his hands and feet, and there was a momentum of the sky shattering!

As one of the four demon kings, Ye Dingzhi is also extremely strong, and every sword swing is sword qi and murderous!

The two sides fought together, the scene was earth-shattering, and the terrifying scene moved countless people!

Whether it was the people of the Demon Sect or the people of Snow Moon City, they were all shocked by the strength of the two, and all kinds of exclamations arose and fell for a while!

"Who is this person? So strong? Fight with Ye Dingzhi... Can you still stabilize one end?! "

"These mysterious people seem to be here to help us in Snow Moon City? We are saved?! "

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him!" All the experts of Snow Moon City immediately took action, taking this opportunity to counter the Demon Killing Sect Alliance! Repel them!! "


The people of Xueyue City found that Zhu Yuanzhang was faintly suppressing Ye Dingzhi's fight, and suddenly boiled, and an excited look appeared in their eyes, and they immediately took advantage of the opportunity to start counter-killing!


The Daming army also began to act,

Zhu Di was also boiling with fighting intent, murderous awe-inspiring, after choosing an opponent, the momentum of the sky overlord body instantly broke out, roaring and punching out, the fist roared, and there was a faint roar of the dragon and tiger, echoing in the heavens and the earth!

As for

Yu Qian, Xu Da, Lan Yu and other masters also launched an attack and killed towards their respective goals, without leaving a hand!

The terrifying strength of the Daming Xiu Immortal Army bloomed for the first time in the Young Song Xing World, and the terrifying killing intent almost made the entire heaven and earth boil!

Sikong Changfeng, the city lord of Snow Moon City, stood on the city tower, watching the situation on the battlefield reverse in an instant, looking at Zhu Yuanzhang and these people who were as fierce as dragons, their faces were full of horror, and their scalp was numb with shock!

"These people..." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sikong Changfeng people were dumbfounded: "Why did they suddenly make a move against the Demon Sect Alliance?" We in Snow Moon City should have nothing to do with them... Why would they suddenly help us?! "


At this time, Sikong Changfeng thought that Zhu Bai and the army of Daming were helping them!

"City Lord, no matter why they help us, as long as they deal with the Demon Sect Alliance, it means that they are our allies!"

"That's right, as long as it is to deal with the Demon Sect Alliance, it is our ally, City Lord, let's hurry up!"

"Turning the tide is today!"


The group of Blood Moon City masters beside Sikong Changfeng, their faces were full of excitement, as if they saw the hope of defeating the Demon Sect Alliance, and appeared in front of them.

"It's like... No need to shoot! "

Sikong Changfeng listened to the words of the experts of Snow Moon City beside him, but the expression on his face was a little strange, and his eyes were full of shock: "These mysterious people... Now it's completely pressing the Demon Sect Alliance to fight! The Demon Sect Alliance has begun to rout! "

That's right!

When all the Daming Immortal Cultivators began to attack, the originally imposing Demon Sect army was instantly beaten to pieces and retreated one after another!

Yan Zhantian, one of the four demon kings, saw the army of the Demon Sect Alliance being killed by the army of the Great Ming Xiu Immortal and retreated, and the expression on his face was as gloomy as water!

At this point,

Yan Zhantian did not make a move, but stared at Zhu Bai closely, his eyes flashing with vigilance, because he could see that Zhu Bai was the most dangerous person!

This person is very difficult to deal with!

Seeing that the Daming army continued to kill the masters of the Demon Sect Alliance, Yan Zhantian finally couldn't sit still, he stared at Zhu Bai deadly, and suddenly drank.

"Your Excellency..."

Yan Zhantian tried his best to suppress his anger: "We ask ourselves that we have no grievances or enmity with Your Excellency, why did Your Excellency take action against our Demon Sect Alliance?" "

Zhu Bai felt Yan Zhantian's gaze fall on him, and 227 listened to his voice and looked back at Yan Zhantian, one of the four demon kings.

"Need to give you a reason?"

Looking at Yan Zhantian's appearance of trying to suppress his anger, Zhu Bai smiled indifferently: "I am acting in a big way, why do I have to explain it to you?" "

"You !!"

Yan Zhantian's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were raging with anger, but because he felt Zhu Bai's terrifying aura and knew that this person was not easy to mess with, he still suppressed his irritability of killing people in anger at every turn, and tried to make himself appear calmer: "Your Excellency, we are attacking Snow Moon City, as long as we hit Snow Moon City, we will definitely gain endless benefits!" "

"Your Excellency has such a strong strength, why don't you form an alliance with me and the others to attack Xueyue City together? As long as you take Snow Moon City, the benefits that should be given to you will definitely not be less! "

Yan Zhantian did not hide what he said, and the huge voice answered on the battlefield and fell into the ears of countless people!

As soon as the people of Xueyue City heard his words, their expressions suddenly changed, and a look of tension and panic appeared in their eyes, and they looked very worried.

Even Sikong Changfeng's expression became worried.


These mysterious people really joined forces with the Demon Sect Alliance, then Snow Moon City will inevitably be fierce today, and there is no hope of overturning!!


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