Chapter 127: Can't raise your head when you fight, this is Daming? Zhu Bai shot!

As soon as the Daming Immortal Cultivation Army made a move, the originally fierce Demon Sect Alliance was instantly suppressed and could not raise its head, and the beaten was defeated and retreated, and the situation was quite critical!

This scene,

Countless people in Snow Moon City were stunned, and they were frightened by the strength of the Daming Immortal Cultivation Army, and their scalps were numb!

They couldn't understand what the origin of this mysterious army that suddenly appeared was, and why it was so powerful and terrifying!

And the strength and terror of the Daming army made the Demon Sect Alliance feel unprecedented pressure, so that Yan Zhantian, one of the four demon kings, had to open his mouth to express goodwill to Zhu Bai, wanting to win over Zhu Bai to form a coalition army and deal with Xueyue City together!

"City Lord, Yan Zhantian is inviting that mysterious powerhouse to form a coalition army to deal with us!"

A master of Snow Moon City, after hearing Yan Zhantian's words, his face suddenly changed wildly, and an anxious light appeared in his eyes: "If he really promised Yan Zhantian to deal with us in Snow Moon City together, then we would be in big trouble..."

His words,

The experts of Snow Moon City around Sikong Changfeng all showed a nervous and flustered light in their eyes, and they were worried.

"City Lord, how about we invite him to form a coalition with us?!"

"We must not let him form a coalition with the Demon Sect Alliance, otherwise we will be completely !!finished"

"City Lord, think of a way! Stop them from forming a coalition! "


A group of anxious Xueyue City masters opened their mouths one after another, letting Sikong Changfeng take action, and also to win over Zhu Bai!


Sikong Changfeng listened to their words, although his eyes were full of solemnity, he did not pay attention to them, and really opened his mouth to win over Zhu Bai and the Daming army, because he could see that these mysterious powerhouses could never be easily wooed!

Right now

He hasn't figured out the other party's intentions, and it is obvious that there will be no good results if he opens his mouth rashly, and it may even cause unnecessary contradictions, making the situation in Xueyue City even worse, and finally out of control!

The people of Snow Moon City were anxious.

And the people of the Demon Cult Alliance.

Discovering that Yan Zhantian invited Zhu Bai to form an alliance, he suddenly became excited.


He thought that they could successfully invite the Daming army to form a coalition with them!


Ju Bai seems to be the focus of everyone!

"Form an alliance with you?"

Zhu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Yan Zhantian from a distance, and suddenly smiled slightly: "Form an alliance?" Yes..."

"Brush !!"

Zhu Bai's words were suddenly like thunder, shocking countless people!

The people of Xueyue City were like being struck by lightning, and their faces showed a look of horror, and they were desperate!

As if seeing the worst outcome!

The people of the Demon Sect Alliance were excited and seemed to see hope!

Even Yan Zhantian, after listening to Zhu Bai's words, breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.

To be honest,

If he could, he really didn't want to fight the Daming army to the end.

After all

The strength of the Daming army is too strong and terrifying!

Judging from the current situation, if they continue to fight with the Daming army, in the end their results will not be very good, even if they will not be completely destroyed, they will be killed and suffer heavy losses!

This is what he does not want to see!

"Your Excellency..."

A smile appeared on Yan Zhantian's face, and he said to Zhu Bai with a smile: "Your willingness to form a coalition with us is the honor of our Demon Sect Alliance, you can rest assured, as long as you take Xueyue City, you will take the benefits first!! "

He made a heavy promise to Zhu Bai!

And his promise, no one from the Demon Sect Alliance dared to raise an objection at this time!

After all......

The strength of Zhu Bai and the Daming army is there, and they are the ones who can decide their final outcome!


Yan Zhantian was still too early to be happy...

"Forming an alliance can..."

Zhu Bai looked at Yan Zhantian's happy appearance, a perfect smile appeared on his face, and said lightly: "However, you need to surrender!" All the people of the Demon Sect Alliance must submit to Daming and obey all of Daming's orders! "

His voice was not loud, and he even seemed a little soft. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


But there is a condescending, unquestionable sense of majesty.

As soon as these words came out,

"Brush !!"

Yan Zhantian's face changed suddenly, and a look of anger flashed in his eyes!

"Want our Demon Sect Alliance to submit?!"

"Impossible! How can our demon gate surrender?! "

"Bastard! This person didn't mean to talk about it at all! "

"He's entertaining us!!"


The masters of countless Demon Sect Alliance instantly became angry, and the anger in their eyes almost turned into substance, and they felt that they had received a huge insult!

And the people of Snow Moon City, after listening to Zhu Bai's words, were shocked and a little excited at the same time!

For them,

As long as the Daming army does not join forces with the army of the Demon Sect Alliance, it is great news, and it is what they hope to see!


For a while, the people of Xueyue City breathed a long sigh of relief, and some even cheered!

The cheers of the people of Snow Moon City made the people of the Demon Sect Alliance even more angry, especially the demon kings of several major Demon Sect Alliances!

"Your Excellency, you are a bit deceitful!!

The anger in Yan Zhantian's heart could not be suppressed, his face was gloomy as water, and he looked at Zhu Bai angrily: "We have good intentions, we want to form an alliance with you, and we are willing to give you the most benefits, but you humiliate us so much?!" "

In the face of Yan Zhantian's anger, Zhu Bai seemed quite indifferent and calm, as if he hadn't seen his anger.

"Surrender, or continue the war."

Zhu Bai looked at Yan Zhantian indifferently, and slowly spoke: "You... Pick one. "

His posture gave Yan Zhantian, these people of the Demon Sect, a feeling of being looked down upon condescendingly!

As one of the four demon kings, Yan Zhantian, who has always been arrogant and almost does not put the people of the world in his eyes, is now looked down upon condescendingly, as if looking at a building, his anger cannot be suppressed at all!

"Good! Good! Well..."

Yan Zhantian laughed angrily, and the killing intent in his eyes surged like a tide: "Since Your Excellency is unwilling to accept our kindness, then there is nothing to say..."

"Kill !!"

Yan Zhantian roared, one of the five great swords in the world, the angry immortal sword, instantly came out, the sword light was dazzling, and a sword cut out, straight to Zhu Bai's life!

At the same time as this,

The furious army of the Demon Sect Alliance also began to desperately collide violently with the Daming army!


The atmosphere of the battlefield became extremely terrifying, murderous, slashing and slashing into the sky, swords and shadows, flying horizontally!

Faced with this situation, Zhu Bai was calm and calm, seeing Yan Zhantian make a move against him, a cold light bloomed in the depths of his eyes.

Yan Zhantian's attack on him was looking for death in his opinion.

With a cold snort in his heart, the cultivation aura of Zhu Baiyuan's infant realm instantly bloomed, and in an instant, the heaven and earth changed color, and he stepped out with one step, the golden lotus under his feet bloomed, his figure flashed, dodged Yan Zhantian's attack, and then teleported in front of him!

"If you seek death with all your heart, then it will fulfill you."

Appearing in front of Yan Zhantian, Zhu Bai's face was expressionless, but his eyes were cold and fierce, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring!


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