Chapter 128: Land Immortal? No, he is an immortal cultivator, take Snow Moon City!

The most important reason why Zhu Bai came to the world of young singers is to complete the task.

Other things, just in passing.

As for the Demon Sect Alliance, he didn't put it in his eyes at all.


To be able to subdue the Demon Sect Alliance, he was naturally willing.

After all, this can enhance the strength of the Daming Heavenly Alliance.

Let him take it easier when he attacks later quests.

But if the other party does not want to surrender, they still want to fight with him.

That's sorry...



As soon as Yan Zhantian made a move, Zhu Bai counterattacked without hesitation!

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Bai dodged Yan Zhantian's attack and appeared in front of him.


Looking at Zhu Bai, who appeared in front of him in an instant, Yan Zhantian's pupils contracted suddenly, and a flash of horror flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Zhu Bai's speed was too fast, and he didn't see clearly how the other party appeared in front of him.

This feeling made him creepy and chills down his spine.


Zhu Bai looked at Yan Zhantian, who looked shocked and furious, his eyes were cold, and his killing intent was boiling.

The powerful Yuan Infant aura suddenly bloomed, crushing towards the other party like the sky shattered.

"Boom !!"

The terrifying aura coerced and crushed on Yan Zhantian's body, causing Yan Zhantian's body to collapse suddenly, and with a bang, he fell straight down.


It smashed the ground, smashed out a 927 big pit, and the whole person fell into it.


Zhu Bai did not stop there, and at the moment when Yan Zhantian was smashed into the ground by the oppression of the momentum, he raised his hand.

Slap it out!

"Buzz !!"

On Zhu Bai's hand, the thunder light bloomed, crackled with a roar, and quickly condensed into a huge thunder palm!

The moment the thunder palm appeared, there was a faint roaring thunder between heaven and earth.

The terrifying aura instantly made the entire world become extremely depressed.


The entire heaven and earth will be crushed by the terrifying force!

The moment the Thunder Giant Palm appeared, it shot out towards Yan Zhan Tian below!

Tarzan is at the top!

Yan Zhantian, who was smashed to the ground, suffered a lot of injuries, and the whole person's spirit was a little trance.

The terrifying aura of Zhu Bai's shot instantly woke up Yan Zhantian.

And the moment he woke up, he saw the thunder giant palm, falling from the sky and crushing towards him.

The moment he saw the thunder high-five, Yan Zhantian felt the terrifying divine power that made his soul tremble!

A strong sense of death crisis enveloped his whole body in an instant, making his body stiff and unable to move!

This terrifying feeling made Yan Zhantian's face completely change, and a thick despair and horror appeared in the depths of his eyes!

He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but his body was suppressed by powerful coercion, and he couldn't move.

I can only watch the thunder giant palm, with the momentum of thunder, crushing towards him!


Seeing that the Thunder Giant Palm was getting closer and closer, but he couldn't move and resist, Yan Zhantian's eyes were shattered, and he let out a hoarse roar!


His roar, but it did not have the slightest effect, it could not stop the terrifying giant palm, constantly descending and approaching him.


"Boom !!"

The terrifying thunder giant palm fell on Yan Zhantian's body.

The terrifying thunder divine power made his body collapse inch by inch, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into a blood mist in the sky, and the thing was ignited by the thunder, turning into a wisp of blue smoke!

Yan Zhantian, one of the four demon kings, was almost powerless to fight back, and was easily killed and turned into a plume of green smoke...

This scene,

Fell in the eyes of countless people!

"How could it be..."

Li Hanyi's gaze has been fixed on Zhu Bai, and seeing that he raised his hand and raised his foot, he killed Yan Zhantian, one of the four demon kings, turning the other party into soot, her eyes suddenly widened, and her eyes were full of horror.

Zhu Bai is powerful, Li Hanyi is clear. However, she could not have imagined that Zhu Baijing was so terrifyingly strong that she could kill Yan Zhantian with a raised hand and foot.

This terrifying divine power...

Even Master Li Changsheng couldn't do it in his heyday! Not to mention the master who is now seriously injured and can only retreat and cultivate!

It was not only Li Hanyi who was frightened. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sikong Changfeng, who was watching from afar, as well as the masters of Snow Moon City, and even the masters of the Demon Sect Alliance, were all frightened by Zhu Bai's thunderous blow.

Looking at Zhu Bai's palm, Lei Zhantian didn't even have a chance to struggle, so he died and died. (dbff)

The masters present who think they have some strength...

They were all frightened into silence!


A moment later, Sikong Changfeng suddenly came back to his senses, trembled all over, took a sharp breath, and fought in an easy tone: "Dead? Yan Zhantian, this is dead?! Spank...... Just shoot gone?! "

"This mysterious powerhouse..."

"How strong is it?!"

"Land Immortal?!"

"That's not right..."

"The divine power of the land immortals is not terrifying to him!"

Sikong Changfeng felt that his three views had been refreshed, and Zhu Bai's strength completely subverted his cognition!

"I hope this person will not be hostile to us!"

"That's right! If he is hostile to us... We're all done! "

"Now it seems that maybe only the land immortals in their heyday can compete with it, right?!"

"Not necessarily! Land Immortals... Probably not his opponent! This person's cultivation has probably surpassed the land immortal and reached the legendary realm?! "


The masters around Sikong Changfeng also came back from their shock, looking at Zhu Bai from afar, their eyes full of awe and jealousy, as if looking at a god.


The only people who can continue to remain calm are Daming, after all, they all know very well how strong Zhu Bai's strength is!

"The twelfth brother is so fierce!!"

After Zhu Di slashed a person from the Demon Gate with a knife, he saw Zhu Bai's hand, felt the terrifying divine power, his eyes were full of envy, and he exclaimed excitedly: "I haven't used my full strength, it's so strong, I dare not imagine how terrifying it is for the twelfth brother to strike with all his strength!" "

"Boom !!"

Zhu Di's exclamation fell in the ears of countless people of the Demon Gate, and it was suddenly like a roar of heavenly thunder, shocking these people of the Demon Gate stupidly!

"What?! He hasn't used his full strength yet? "

"It's so terrifying without power? What kind of cultivation realm is that person?! "

"It's over! We kicked the iron plate this time!! "


Countless people from the Demon Gate instantly panicked, understanding that they had encountered an opponent that was impossible to defeat, so...

"Retreat !!"

Ye Dingzhi, who was fighting with Zhu Yuanzhang, immediately made a decision after discovering that the situation was wrong: "All the Demon Gate coalition forces, retreat immediately!! "

The voice just fell,

Ye Dingzhi did not have any hesitation, turned around and burst out all his strength, and at the fastest speed in this life, he fled towards the distance!


He knew that if he continued, all of them would definitely be wiped out by the Great Ming Immortal Cultivation Army!

"Quickly retreat!"

"Run! If you don't run again, it's over! "


Ye Dingzhi, the demon king, ran away, and the other Demon Sect alliance masters naturally did not dare to continue to stay, and turned around and ran away

The Demon Cult Alliance...

Completely defeated and escaped!


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