Chapter 129: Li Hanyi and the others were in a trance, this Daming is a little outrageous!

Zhu Bai's strength was so strong that it surprised all the people in the young song world, and he raised his hand and foot to kill Yan Zhantian, one of the four demon kings, and scared the entire people of the Demon Sect Alliance stupidly.

Ye Dingzhi, one of the demon kings, after discovering that the situation was not good, did not have any hesitation, turned around and ran!

As soon as he ran,

The rest of the demons called the coalition army, naturally they were frightened, and none of them dared to hesitate, and also turned around and ran~!

The Demon Cult Alliance was defeated!!

"What the hell? And that's running-?! "

Zhu Yuanzhang, who fought with Ye Dingzhi, saw that his opponent ran away in a blink of an eye, and he was not yet happy, he was stunned at first, and who couldn't help but scold later: "Your uncle!! What do you run? We haven't had enough yet! "

Ye Dingzhi, who was far away in the sky, heard Zhu Yuanzhang's roar and insults, and almost stumbled to the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

Don't run?!

Lao Tzu has a bubble in his brain so he doesn't run!

Don't run anymore...

Want to be slapped to death?!

Ye Dingzhi ran faster!

I even wish that my father and mother would give birth to two more legs for themselves, so that they could run faster, so as not to be chased and killed by the enemy!

"Don't even run !!"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was unhappy, saw the figure of the other Demon Sect armies running, and suddenly became furious, roared and chased and killed, slashed out, the treasure light was dazzling, and instantly killed more than a dozen Demon Sect masters!



"These are the devils from hell!"


Zhu Yuanzhang was mighty, carrying a big blade and slashing indiscriminately, killing people on their backs, making those Demon Sect coalition troops even more courageous and running faster!

The army was defeated...

Everyone in the army of the Demon Sect Alliance was running wildly, desperately trying to escape, for fear of being caught up!

"This... This is a reversal?! "

Li Hanyi saw the Demon Sect coalition army, which was arrogant not long ago, running around in panic at this moment, his cold little face showed a thick look of shock, and he had a dream-like feeling: "The Demon Sect alliance... A complete rout?! "

She felt that everything she was seeing now was very unreal!

Not only her...

All the people of Snow Moon City had a dream-like feeling at this moment, feeling that everything that happened in front of them was very unreal!

Just when they felt that everything was so dreamy, Zhu Bai looked at the panicked and defeated Demon Sect coalition army, his eyes flashed with cold light, and immediately ordered all the Daming Cultivation Immortal Army: "The Daming Legion obeys the order, chases and kills the Demon Sect alliance army, and no people from the Demon Sect alliance are allowed around Xueyue City!" "

Zhu Bai's voice spread throughout the ears of every Daming Immortal Cultivator, and hearing what he said, all Daming generals suddenly boiled with killing intent!

"Kill !!"

Xu Da roared, his fighting intent was surging, and he immediately led the Dragoon Legion, surpassing one of the fleeing Demon Sect coalition forces to kill it!

Seeing Xu Da attacking and chasing, Lan Yu and Yu Qian were not far behind, and immediately led the Flying Dragon Legion under their respective commanders to chase and kill the selected target!

Old Zhu Di, who was the Emperor of the Horse God, the fighting intent in his heart was also ignited at this moment, and seeing Xu Da and the others chasing, a fanatical look appeared on his face.


Old Zhu Di drew his combat knife and roared loudly: "The Yongle army listens to the order!! Chase down the enemy! "


The army of thousands of Yongle Cultivators was shocked, and an earth-shattering momentum erupted, and the killing intent boiled in their eyes!

"Kill !!"

With an earth-shattering roar and killing sound, the army of Yongle Xiuxian, under the personal leadership of Old Zhu Di, chased and killed a fleeing Demon Sect coalition army!


The entire Daming coalition army was all dispatched, chasing and killing one after another of the fleeing Demon Sect coalition forces, killing the other party with no way to the sky and no way to enter the ground!

The situation of the army of the Demon Sect Alliance killed by the Daming Alliance falling in the eyes of the people of Snow Moon City, making them all stupid!


The entire Snow Moon City fell silent, looking at the army chasing and killing the Demon Sect in disbelief, and there was a sense of trance like a dream! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just when they were in a trance,

Zhu Bai, who ordered the Daming coalition army to hunt down and kill the army of the Demon Sect, was already focused on Snow Moon City!

The task of the young singer world is to take Snow Moon City and turn it into a stronghold of Daming in this world, and in the future, you can use this as a radiant point to radiate this world, and finally achieve complete control of this world in the hands of Daming!

Let the young singer travel the world and become a piece in the territory of the Daming Heavens Alliance, providing Daming with a steady stream of combat power resources!

Various thoughts flickered in his heart, and Zhu Bai's eyes became deep and sharp, only to see him slowly soaring into the air and appearing above the sky of Snow Moon City!

He has long been the focus of countless people!

The moment he appeared in the sky, he immediately attracted countless lights towards him!

Looking at Zhu Bai who appeared in the sky, countless people from Snow Moon City, their expressions suddenly changed slightly, and nervousness suddenly appeared in their hearts!

"City Lord, what is he going to do?!"

"Isn't he going to do anything to us?!"

"We, Snow Moon City... You shouldn't have offended them, right? "

"The Demon Sect Alliance doesn't seem to have offended them, hasn't it been cleaned up? Let's be mentally prepared! "


Countless people in Snow Moon City didn't know what Zhu Bai was going to do, so they all guessed and discussed.

Sikong Changfeng, the city lord of Snow Moon City, frowned, staring at Zhu Bai in the sky, the light in his eyes flickered, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face, as if he had guessed something.


"He's going to... Do?! "

Li Hanyi, who had just recovered from the shock, looked at Zhu Bai's figure appearing in the sky, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her eyes flashed with doubt.


Li Hanyi's mood was a little nervous...

Zhu Bai and these people were too powerful, which made her feel unprecedented pressure, knowing that if Zhu Bai made a move on them, they would definitely not be able to hold it!

Just when everyone was nervous, Zhu Bai above the heavenly dome, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and his divine thoughts shrouded the entire Snow Moon City, and he quickly touched the details of the entire city.

After determining the system of Snow Moon City, Zhu Bai nodded slightly, very satisfied with the situation in Snow Moon City!

"The background of Snow Moon City is still quite good..."

"Using Snow Moon City as Daming's stronghold in this world is quite beneficial to Daming's subsequent development in this world!"

"Take it!"

With a decision in his heart, Zhu Bai's tongue suddenly burst into thunder, and a voice as loud as a heavenly sound bloomed from his mouth, resounding throughout Xueyue City.

"From today onwards, Snow Moon City will be included in the territory of Daming and become part of Daming's territory, controlled by Daming, and the people of Snow Moon City must submit to Daming, and if there is any rebel, there is no amnesty for killing!"


Chapter 4, Absolute Effort to Burst More, Quality Assurance!

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