Chapter 130: Snow Moon City joins Daming and merges into the territory of Daming, this is the only way to live!

Zhu Bai's voice echoed above the sky of the entire Snow Moon City, roaring like heavenly thunder, majestic and powerful, and breathtaking.

Listening to his words, the entire Snow Moon City instantly fell silent.

From Sikong Changfeng to these city lords, down to ordinary city residents, they all looked shocked and sluggish.


Everyone couldn't believe that Zhu Bai would suddenly announce that Xueyue City was part of Daming's territory and other people's hearts!

After being shocked for a moment, the quiet Xueyue City once again resumed its movement, and countless exclamations resounded throughout the heavens and earth.

"Daming? What kind of force is this Daming?! "

"Am I happy for nothing? They actually came to occupy Snow Moon City?! Not here to help us?! "

"Drove out the Demon Sect Alliance, and as a result, they want to occupy Snow Moon City? What's going on here?! "

"It's over! Snow Moon City is over! We can still deal with the Demon Sect Alliance "four seven zero", this Daming from nowhere, we definitely can't deal with it! "


The news announced by Zhu Bai undoubtedly gave the people of Xueyue City a blow and beat them all stupid, and for a while Xueyue City was screaming and talking, and panic became a mess.

"Lord City Lord..."

Lei Wujian, who was beside Sikong Changfeng, looked confused: "How can this be good?" Snow Moon City is going to die! What should we do? Fight with them? "

Lei Wuxian's words made the group of Snow Moon City masters around Sikong Changfeng have flustered looks on their faces, anxious and apprehensive.

Now the situation, they really don't know how to deal with it.

Sikong Changfeng's face changed and changed, looking at Zhu Bai's figure from a distance, his eyes full of jealousy.

Now this situation is really unexpected.


He really didn't know what to do!

"First... Wait and see! "

After a moment of silence, Si Kongzhen's friend gritted his teeth: "Let's see what the other party wants to do!" Counterpart...... Too powerful to be rashly offended! "

The strength displayed by Zhu Bai and the Daming Xiuxian army made Sikong Changfeng deeply jealous, knowing that he was not an opponent, so he could only wait and see for the time being.

Lei Wujian listened to Sikong Changfeng's words, and couldn't help nodding, feeling that he was right.

Suddenly, Lei Wujian's expression changed suddenly, and a touch of panic appeared in his eyes: "What is that person doing?" He seems to have gone to my sister?! Shouldn't he be going to do something to my sister?! "

Lei Wujian's words immediately made Sikong Changfeng and the others' expressions change greatly, and they suddenly looked in the direction of Li Hanyi.

"Brush brush brush !!"

Everyone's eyes focused in the same direction, and then they saw Zhu Bai descend from the sky and land beside Li Hanyi.

At this point,

Li Hanyi had not completely recovered from the shock, and when she saw Zhu Bai who suddenly appeared in front of her, her heart suddenly jumped, and she subconsciously took a step back.

The aura emanating from Zhu Bai's body made Li Hanyi feel a little creepy, and his eyes became vigilant.

"The Demon Sect Alliance has been repelled."

Without waiting for Li Hanyi to speak, Zhu Bai took the lead in speaking: "If I want, the Demon Sect Alliance will completely disappear from this world. "

Li Hanyi's expression changed, staring at Zhu Bai vigilantly, and his heart was a little shocked.

He couldn't figure out why Zhu Bai wanted to occupy Xueyue City.

After all

These people are too powerful, and Snow Night City should not have much effect on them!


Why did they occupy Snow Moon City?!

"What the hell are you guys... What do you want to do? "

Although Li Hanyi looked a little embarrassed at this time, she was proud, but she did not let herself show the intention of retreating, but stared at Zhu Bai: "Xueyue City..."

"Snow Moon City can only belong to Daming."

Before Li Hanyi finished speaking, Zhu Bai directly interrupted him: "Now, you have no choice other than surrender.

Or, you surrender.

Or, we kill all the people of Snow Moon City and continue to occupy Snow Moon City. "

Li Hanyi's pupils contracted suddenly, and he suddenly felt a chill shrouded him.

She knew very well that this chill came from the young man in front of her!

She felt,

Now, if he dares to say no, the young man in front of him may kill himself in an instant.

Moreover, (read violent novels, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

He has this ability!

Li Hanyi did not doubt this!

Li Hanyi's gaze met Zhu Bai's gaze, looking at the latter's deep eyes like the sea, she felt great pressure.

She knows,

Today is the turning point of fate in Snow Moon City!

"What are you trying to do in Snow Moon City? Exploiting and oppressing Snow Moon City like the people of the Demon Sect Alliance?! "

She also wanted to know what this Daming wanted to do when he occupied Snow Moon City!

"Exploitation and oppression of Snow Moon City?"

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Heh, do you think... What is there in Xueyue City that is worthy of Daming's exploitation and oppression? "

Li Hanyi: ...

For a while, she was a little speechless....


She really couldn't think of anything in Xueyue City for a while, which was worth the other party's attention!

"Daming's arrival in Snow Moon City is not only not a disaster for you, but a chance."

Seeing Li Hanyi's speechless appearance, Zhu Bai's eyes flickered slightly, and he slowly said: "Daming can bring you benefits that you can't imagine!" Of course......

This is subject to your cooperation!

If you don't cooperate, Daming will also bring endless disasters, and the blood will turn into ruins, and then be rebuilt by Daming and become Daming's stronghold! "

Although Zhu Bai's words were calm and indifferent, falling in Li Hanyi's ears made her hear a strong sense of threat!


She knows the threat of the other party, it is definitely not just talk, the horror of the other party can be seen from the demon horn alliance being chased and killed like chopping melons and cutting vegetables!

"This matter is not something I can completely decide..."

Li Hanyi gritted his teeth, hesitated for a while, and said: "If you want Xueyue City to completely surrender, it is basically impossible without my master's approval. "

"Your master?"

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows: "You're talking about Li Changsheng, right?" "

"You know my master?!"

Li Hanyi was taken aback, and looked at Zhu Bai with some incredulity. Since the other party knew that his master was Li Changsheng, and also proposed such a thing as occupying Snow Moon City, wouldn't that mean...

The other party is not afraid of his master at all?!

Zhu Bai looked at Li Hanyi's shocked appearance, just looked at it calmly, but did not answer.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Li Hanyi hesitated and said, "It is indeed my master Li Changsheng!" Only if he agreed, the matter of Xueyue City submitting to Daming could be settled! "

"If he doesn't promise..."

"That's hard to say."

Zhu Bai smiled indifferently and said lightly: "Take me to meet your master." After seeing me, I think he didn't dare to refuse. "

Li Hanyi: "..."

This guy...

Really don't put your own master Li Changsheng in your eyes?!


Master, his old man is now seriously injured, but no matter how he is also a land immortal!

The land immortal who was seriously injured was still extremely terrifying, and the consequences of provoking him were extremely serious!


Chapter 5 is here, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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