Chapter 131: Demagoguery for Li Hanyi and Li Changsheng, do you want to truly cultivate immortals?!

Zhu Bai wants to build Xueyue City into Daming's foothold base in the Junior Song World, and eventually radiate and affect the entire Young Song World, turning this world into a piece on the map of the Daming Heavens Alliance.

In this way,

He naturally needs to collect all the top masters in this world under his command and let them work for him.

Li Hanyi and Li Changsheng are both top masters in the world of young singers, with unlimited potential.

Therefore, when he can do it, Zhu Bai intends to save Li Changsheng and let him work for himself.

"My master, he is seriously injured now and then in retreat, he should not be able to see people." Zhu Bai wanted to see Li Changsheng, which made Li Hanyi a little surprised, and at the same time a little hesitant: "And I'm worried that letting Xueyue City submit will stimulate him..."

Li Hanyi knew very well that Li Changsheng's current situation was very bad and he needed to recuperate, so he was a little worried that taking Zhu Bai to see Li Changsheng might cause things that she didn't want to see.

"I know that your master is now seriously injured and is in retreat." Li Hanyi's reaction, Zhu Bai was not surprised, but said calmly: "And I also know that your master 31 Fu will die soon." "


Li Hanyi's face changed suddenly.

A look of shock flashed in his eyes.

"Impossible!" Li Hanyi was a little anxious: "My master is a land immortal, although he is injured, it is impossible to say that he will die soon..."

She naturally couldn't accept it, and Li Changsheng died of a failed retreat.


Looking at Li Hanyi's somewhat excited appearance, Zhu Bai just smiled indifferently and did not explain much.

In the original work,

Li Changsheng indeed died after failing the retreat.

Zhu Bai's indifferent appearance fell in Li Hanyi's eyes, but it made her more nervous and worried, because she felt... Ju Bai was not joking with him!


Li Hanyi thought for a while and found that Zhu Bai didn't seem to have to joke with himself on this matter, scaring himself, and it didn't do him any good at all!


Doesn't that mean that his master is really likely to die?!

Thinking like this in his heart, Li Hanyi suddenly couldn't sit still, and a look of anxiety appeared in his eyes: "When I saw my master before, I obviously didn't see any signs of his death from him..."

Seeing that Li Hanyi was a little shaken, Zhu Bai still looked indifferent and did not explain more to her. His appearance seemed even more mysterious to Li Hanyi, and the authenticity of what he said had improved a lot.

"You... Can you save my master? "

After hesitating, Li Hanyi's eyes passed through a touch of worry, and he gritted his teeth and asked Zhu Bai: "If you have the ability to save my master, then I will take you to meet him." "

"Yes, but there are prerequisites..."

Zhu Bai nodded after a slight hesitation, and said slowly: "He must submit to Daming and serve Daming before I will rescue him." "

Li Hanyi opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer for a while.

She also did not dare to guarantee that her master Li Changsheng was willing to submit to Daming and serve Daming. After all, the master is a land immortal powerhouse, and he has a sense of pride in his heart, how can this kind of person easily submit to others?!

Li Hanyi's hesitant reaction fell in Zhu Baiyin's eyes, and he did not urge. Because for him, Li Changsheng, Li Hanyi and these people can naturally be included under his command.

But if the other party does not know how to be a villain and is unwilling to submit, then he is not much interested in sticking a hot face to his cold ass, and he goes to save Li Changsheng.

After all

His basic plate is still Hongwu Daming!!

After all, the young song world is only a piece of the territory of the Daming Heavens Alliance, and he is also confident that he has the ability to cultivate countless masters who far exceed the current strength of Li Changsheng!

Xiu Immortal, I'm not playing with you.

"Come with me..."

After Li Hanyi hesitated for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "I will try my best to persuade the master to him!" "

Being alive is more important than anything else.

Li Hanyi did not want to see his master Li Changsheng die.


She wanted to try it and take Zhu Bai over to see the situation first.

"Let's go."

Ju Bai nodded and did not talk nonsense.

Li Hanyi didn't say more, and immediately took Zhu Bai towards Xueyue City. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Li Hanyi entered the city.

As soon as she entered the city, Sikong Changfeng, Lei Wujian and the others quickly came towards her.

Seeing Zhu Bai beside her, Sikong Changfeng, Lei Wujian and the others, their eyes were full of curiosity and jealousy.

"Sister, are you all right?"

Lei Wujian Immortal Master glanced at Zhu Bai in awe, and then quickly approached Li Hanyi and asked her with concern.

"I'm okay."

Li Hanyi shook his head, and then looked at Sikong Changfeng: "Sikong City Lord, you can deal with the following matters, I will go to see my master now." "

Sikong Changfeng was a little surprised, subconsciously glanced at Zhu Bai, a look of curiosity flashed in his eyes, and then nodded.

"No problem."

Sikong Changfeng had countless questions in his heart, but he did not dare to ask them rashly, but chose to be silent, because he was afraid that he would say the wrong thing and offend Zhu Bai.

Of course

At this time, Zhu Bai did not pay attention to him at all, but looked at Lei Wujian beside him, and his divine mind scanned Lei Wujian's body.

"This product is a good seedling for cultivating immortals..."

After scanning Lei Wujian's root bone, a look of surprise flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes, because he found that the other party's root bone talent was actually quite good.


Zhu Di and these people have not obtained bloodline inheritance, so their talent is not comparable to Lei Wujian's.

Lei Wujian was looked at by Zhu 290 Bai's gaze, and suddenly had a feeling that all the details were completely seen, and he was a little creepy, and goosebumps rose.


He was a little apprehensive and cautiously asked Zhu Bai, "Do you need my help with anything?" "

"Want to cultivate immortals?"

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, looked at Lei Wujian who looked nervous, and suddenly asked with a smile.

"Huh? Cultivate immortals? This..."

Lei Wujian was taken aback, a little stunned: "I've been practicing all along, my goal is to become a land immortal..."

Li Hanyi and the others listened to Zhu Bai's sudden question, and their faces also showed a look of surprise, and they looked at Zhu Bai with some doubt.


Seeing that everyone's eyes fell on him, Zhu Bai smiled indifferently and said lightly: "Your so-called cultivation is not a real way of cultivating immortals at all. "

Everyone: "?!! "

Ours is not the way of cultivating immortals?!

So what the hell are we practicing?!

How did Li Changsheng and these people become land immortals?!

Everyone was dumbfounded!


For their dumbfounded, Zhu Bai did not explain much at this time, but fell his gaze to Li Hanyi: "Quickly take me to meet your master." "


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