Chapter 132: Land Immortals are not considered immortal cultivators, Daming is now a true immortal cultivator!

The serious injury retreat of Li Changsheng, a land immortal powerhouse, is now known to everyone, and it is precisely because of his serious injury retreat that Xueyue City was almost broken by the Demon Sect Alliance.

The appearance of the army of Daming Xiu Immortals completely broke the plan of the Demon Sect Alliance, not only did not take Xueyue City, but was killed to the ground.

Right now

Zhu Bai, who looked at the least a strong person in the Land Immortal Realm, proposed to see Li Changsheng, which surprised Sikong Changfeng, Lei Wujian and the others, and did not know what he wanted to do.

However, they did not dare to ask more. I could only look at Li Hanyi with doubtful and curious eyes, hoping that she could say something.


Li Hanyi was not in the mood to talk to them more now, and what Zhu Bai said just now had a great impact on him.

In order not to appear the situation that Zhu Bai said, Li Hanyi no longer hesitated, nodded to Zhu Bai and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see my master, please follow me." "

Li Changsheng's retreat is not for everyone.


Only Li Hanyi can get close to Li Changsheng's retreat.

Li Hanyi's figure flashed, and he instantly walked in the direction of the depths of Snow Moon City.

Zhu Bai followed closely and went straight in the direction of a palace deep in Snow Moon City.


Deep in Snow Moon City, inside a huge palace, the lights were bright at the moment.

Land Immortal Li Changsheng was sitting in the palace.


Li Changsheng's face was pale, and his breath was quite disordered.


Zhu Bai and the others arrived, and they dealt with the army of the Demon Sect Alliance, causing extremely terrifying movements, and Li Changsheng was alarmed.


Li Changsheng wanted to go out, but as soon as he wanted to use True Qi, the injuries he suffered completely erupted to the point of being uncontrollable.


Today, his situation is quite critical.

"It seems that I, Li Changsheng, can't survive this calamity..."

Li Changsheng's eyes flashed with a thick helpless color, and there was a bitter smile on his face: "Land Immortal... The immortals in the world can't escape the cycle of life and death after all..."

He practiced all his life, and his pursuit was to become an immortal and pursue immortality.

But now...

His path to immortality was obviously going to be broken.

"Time is running out..."

When it came to Li Changsheng's realm, he knew extremely well the condition of his body, so he knew that his current situation was quite bad, and he basically had no solution.

In this case, he was helpless about his situation.

It can be said that it is waiting for death.

"It's a little unwilling..."

Li Changsheng, who knew that his time was running out and had long thought that he had seen through life and death, was a little unwilling when he faced death head-on.


He still has a lot of things he can't let go!

Like what

His own apprentice Li Hanyi!

He originally thought that he would live long enough to look at Li Hanyi and break through the realm of land gods, but now it seems that all this has become a luxury!

"I don't know what impact that suddenly appeared mysterious force will have on Snow Moon City..." The other one who couldn't let go was Snow Moon City, thinking of the current situation in Snow Moon City, Li Changsheng was a little anxious.

He wanted to leave some backhand for Xueyue City to ensure the safety of Xueyue City, but from the current situation, he couldn't do it.

"Huh? How about the apprentice..."

Suddenly, Li Changsheng's eyes flashed, and he looked up outside the palace: "No, there is an extremely terrifying aura beside her, it is the breath of that person..."

The keen perception made Li Changsheng sense for the first time that Li Hanyi's breath was approaching, but soon he sensed another breath around his apprentice, this breath was extremely strong!

It was the breath that shocked him before!

"What's going on?! How did the cold clothes bring him over?! A look of doubt flashed in Li Changsheng's eyes, and he stood up directly from the futon, endured the severe pain in his body, and walked towards the gate.


As soon as Li Changsheng found the gate, Li Hanyi's voice came from a distance: "I came to see you, master!" How are you now?! "

As soon as Li Hanyi's voice came, he saw her figure, appeared not far away, and came in the direction of Li Changsheng at great speed.

Li Changsheng locked Li Hanyi's figure for the first time, but after just a glance, he left his gaze, and then locked another white-clothed figure beside Li Hanyi.

Seeing the white-clothed figure, Li Changsheng's pupils shrank suddenly, a look of horror flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he felt a majestic and profound aura like the sea, coming in his direction.

"This person is really not simple..."

Li Changsheng sensed the fluctuation of aura on Zhu Bai's body, and his heart was a little awe-inspiring: "The realm of cultivation is definitely not below me!" This world... Is there really a land immortal that I didn't know?! "

When Li Changsheng's heart was shocked, Li Hanyi had already come to him and looked at him with a worried expression: "Master, how can your face be so pale?" "

Looking at Li Changsheng's face at this time, the worry in Li Hanyi's eyes became even stronger, because she found that Li Changsheng at this moment, his face was like golden paper, and he was quite unhealthy at first glance.


She also found that Li Changsheng was now even older than when she saw it not long ago, and a large number of wrinkles appeared on her face!

This shocked and worried her!

At the same time, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

It also made her believe what Zhu Bai said even more!

Own master...

I'm afraid time is running out!

Now Li Hanyi really can't sit still!

"I'm not a big deal, you don't have to worry."

In order not to worry Li Hanyi, Li Changsheng reluctantly showed a smile on his face, shook his head with a smile and said, "The situation is quite stable. "


His gaze fell on Zhu Bai, his eyes became a little solemn, and he looked Zhu Bai up and down.

"Your Excellency..."

After staring at Zhu Bai a few times, Li Changsheng opened his mouth to ask, but before he finished speaking, Li Hanyi interrupted him: "Master, he is here to save you..."

"Save me?"

Li Changsheng was slightly stunned, and glanced at Li Hanyi with some shock, and found that her face showed a look of excitement, and suddenly felt very puzzled.

"That's right, he's here to save you..."

Li Hanyi thought of what Zhu Bai said, and quickly said: "He still has a way to heal your injuries and let you recover." "

Li Changsheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and a flash of shock flashed in the depths of his eyes.

His current situation...

There is still a way to save?


"Your Excellency, I should have nothing to do with you, why are you willing to rescue me?"

Li Changsheng did not think too much about whether what Li Hanyi said was true or false, nor did he think about whether Zhu Bai could really save himself, but looked at Zhu Bai suspiciously.

There are no benefits in the world for no reason!

He has no intersection with the other party, and he doesn't think that the other party will save him for no reason, so he wants to know what Zhu Bai's conditions are!

... Zero...

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