Chapter 133: Snow Moon City, including Li Hanyi's entire world, creates a Daming Immortal Cultivation Training Ground!

"Your terms are simple."

Faced with Li Changsheng's question, Zhu Bai did not bend any corners and said directly: "You, and the entire Xueyue City, submit to Daming. Xueyue City became part of the Daming Territory, and everything was governed by Daming. "

As soon as Zhu Bai's words came out, Li Changsheng's face suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that Zhu Bai actually wanted him, a land immortal, to submit to him, and also included Snow Moon City in Daming's territory.


He still doesn't know where this Daming comes from, but he still has some ... Hard to accept!

After all

He Li Changsheng, but a land immortal, is the top powerhouse in this world!

"Master, it was they who saved Xueyue City, and..."

Li Changsheng didn't speak, in order to keep him alive, Li Hanyi spoke first: "Even if Xueyue City becomes a part of Daming, it will not be exploited and oppressed, and in addition to accepting the management of the other party, there will not be much difference between the future and now." "

Li Hanyi's words made Li Changsheng frown.

"Master, accept it, I don't want you to die!"

Li Han gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't accept it, not only will Xueyue City be finished, but you will also die, master!" And also...... He told me that as long as Snow Moon City is under the management of Daming, they will promote immortal cultivation in Snow Moon City! "

"At that time, everyone can cultivate immortals!"

"What he said about cultivating immortals..." 000

"It's a real Immortal Dao!"

"It's not the martial arts we're cultivating now!"

Although the strength of the young song world is very strong, in the final analysis, it can only be regarded as a Chinese martial arts world, at most a high-martial arts world!

And real immortal cultivation...

Can't compare!

Li Hanyi's words surprised Li Changsheng, and he looked at Zhu Bai with some shock: "The true way of cultivating immortals? This is..."

He wanted to ask what a real immortal cultivator was.

Zhu Bai didn't say nonsense, the light in his hand flashed, and a pill appeared in his hand, and threw it directly towards Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng subconsciously caught the pill thrown by Zhu Bai, his gaze fell on the pill, looking at the pill that exuded a bright golden light in his hand, and smelling the rich medicinal aroma on the pill, his heart was shocked.

This thing in hand...

It's not easy to see!

"This is a Heavenly Xuan Pill."

Seeing Li Changsheng's shocked gaze looking at (dbdd) himself, before he could speak, Zhu Bai said: "After taking this pill, your injury will be immediately relieved, will not continue to deteriorate, and can save your life first." "

"After saving your life, you can completely recover your injuries within half a month through the method of cultivating immortals, and even..."

"It can take your cultivation realm to a higher level!"


Li Changsheng gasped and looked at the elixir in his hand blankly: "Is it really so amazing?!" My injuries..."

"Yes, you will find out if you try it."

Zhu Bai's eyebrows jumped, and he said lightly: "Of course, if you take this pill, it means that you accept Daming's solicitation and serve Daming." "

Li Changsheng opened his mouth, and for a moment he was a little hesitant.

He doesn't want to die!

I also want to take my cultivation to the next level!


Let him surrender, he has some difficulty accepting!

"Master, don't hesitate."

Seeing Li Changsheng's hesitant look, Li Hanyi suddenly felt a little anxious: "Hurry up and swallow the pill, lest your injuries become more and more serious, and..."

"Even if you don't take the pill and don't surrender Master..."

"Do you think that after you die, we can hold Snow Moon City?"

"Snow Moon City joining Daming will only become more prosperous and powerful, and it will not be as miserable as after being conquered by the Demon Sect..."

Li Hanyi's words were undoubtedly to the point, making Li Changsheng immediately froze, knowing that what his apprentice said was no problem at all.


Seeing Li Hanyi's worried and anxious look, Li Changsheng gritted his teeth: "If this elixir can really restore my injuries, and you will not harm Xueyue City, then I, Li Changsheng, am willing to submit to Daming and be loyal to Daming!" "

Gritting his teeth, Li Changsheng stopped talking nonsense and swallowed the pill in one bite.

The moment the elixir entered, a huge force suddenly merged into his body, this power was very magical, quickly filling his limbs and bones, and constantly repairing his body at an extremely fast speed!

Before he could react, he obviously felt that his body was rapidly improving, the injuries he received were rapidly reduced, and the True Qi in his body was no longer disordered and became orderly!


This miraculous situation shocked Li Changsheng, feeling his body recover rapidly, he felt very incredible, and couldn't help exclaiming: "This is really a miracle medicine!" "


Now his body, as well as his cultivation strength, has not recovered to his peak state, but at least the injury has stopped, and he has recovered about two percent of his strength.

This...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's already terrifying!

"Have you figured it out?"

Seeing Li Changsheng's shocked appearance, Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Do you surrender, or choose to resist?" "

"Daming, who is it?"

Seeing Zhu Bai's calm appearance, Li Changsheng suppressed the shock in his heart: "I need to know what the situation is in Daming before I can make a decision." "

"Daming, from another time and space, is an Immortal Cultivation Dynasty."

Zhu Bai did not hide this matter, and said to Li Changsheng: "We people have broken through time and space and entered this world. "

Li Changsheng was shocked and looked at Zhu Bai in disbelief: "What? Coming across time and space? You are all... Outsiders?! "

Even Li Hanyi was frightened.


As soon as he thought of Zhu Bai's appearance before, she subconsciously believed what Zhu Bai said, and believed that Daming was from outside the sky!

This also made her even more jealous of Zhu Bai and Daming!

Faced with Li Changsheng's shock and doubt, Zhu Bai nodded, did not continue to explain so much, but waited for the other party's decision.

Looking at Zhu Bai nodding, Li Changsheng's heart was extremely shocked, and after thinking a little, he nodded solemnly: "I... Choose surrender. "

"Very good!"

Li Changsheng made a choice, and Zhu Bai nodded with satisfaction: "From now on, Xueyue City will completely become a part of Daming, and will implement Daming's policy." "

"You, as well as your apprentice Li Hanyi, I will take you back to Daming Time and Space to show you what true cultivation is like!"

When Li Changsheng heard Zhu Bai say this, he opened his mouth in surprise: "We people, we can also go to your world?" This..."

"Naturally! Not only can you, as long as I am willing, everyone in this world can enter the Daming time and space!" Zhu Bai said affirmatively: "Moreover, I also intend to completely open the passage between this world and Daming, and in the future..."

"Let the people of Daming time and space travel between Daming and this time and space at will!"

"Moreover, we must build this time and space into a cultivation experience for all the people of Daming!"


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