Chapter 134: Zhu Bai's ambitious plan, Li Changsheng was shocked, you want to swallow the entire song world?

For the world of young songs, Zhu Bai still attaches great importance to it, and has already thought about the arrangement of this world.

This is a high-martial world!

Over here

There are countless masters!

The number of masters is more than the several replica worlds taken before, and the realm level is also higher, which is very suitable for use as a testing ground!


Zhu Bai intends to turn the young singer world into a world of Daming's experience, so that Daming's immortal cultivators can come to this world to experience!

"Make this world a training ground for Daming?" Li Changsheng was shocked by Zhu Bai's words: "Listening to the meaning of your words, do you want to completely take down this side ~ world?" "

Li Hanyi also looked at Zhu Bai with an incredulous expression.

I thought, this Daming's appetite is really a little amazing, and he actually wants to rule the whole world in his own hands!

"That's right!"

Zhu Bai nodded naturally: "Moreover, I have arrangements for you!" "

Li Hanyi was shocked in his heart, and subconsciously asked, "Have arrangements for us?" So what do you want me to do? Wouldn't it... Let me attack somewhere?! "

Li Changsheng was also surprised.

"You two will come back with me to Daming to learn immortal cultivation, and then..."

Looking at the surprised appearance of the two, Zhu Bai's eyes flashed, and he slowly said: "Li Changsheng, you will become the dean of the Immortal Cultivation Academy, responsible for cultivating immortal cultivators for Daming in this world!" "

"Immortal Cultivation Academy?! This...... And what?! "

Li Changsheng was a little confused: "Cultivate immortal cultivators? How do I cultivate it? "

Zhu Bai's plan obviously made him a little confused, and he couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.

Faced with the doubts of the two, Zhu Bai sorted out his thoughts and said again: "First, the two of you will return to Daming with me, first become a real immortal cultivator, and then..."

"Li Changsheng, you returned to this world, built an Immortal Cultivation Academy for Daming in Snow Moon City, recruited a large number of Immortal Cultivation students, cultivated Immortal Cultivators for Daming, and enhanced Daming's strength..."

"Secondly, you must not only establish an Immortal Cultivation Academy for Daming in this world, but you must also start making arrangements to build this world into a world of experience, so that Daming's people can experience and improve their strength!"


"You also have to take Snow Moon City as the center, constantly expand outward, and gradually penetrate this world with the influence of immortal cultivation, and eventually..."

"Take down this world completely for Daming!"

Zhu Bai told his plan, Li Changsheng and Li Hanyi listened to his plan, shocked and a little happy at the same time, because from Zhu Bai's words, they heard that they could all gain great benefits in this plan!

"Understood, right? Any more questions? "

Looking at the joy in the eyes of Li Hanyi and Li Changsheng, Zhu Bai smiled slightly, knowing that these two people were completely hooked.

As long as they get on Daming's ship ...

It will be impossible to go down!

When Li Hanyi and Li Changsheng heard this, they looked at each other, and they both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

"No, not for the time being..."

A smile appeared on Li Changsheng's face, and he nodded with a smile: "As long as what you said is true, then Xueyue City will become a piece of the Daming territory from now on!" "

See him so recognized.

Zhu Bai was quite satisfied.

"I'll go and announce the news now so that everyone in Snow Moon City knows the situation!" After Li Changsheng made his decision, he no longer hesitated, but said decisively to Zhu Bai: "With my prestige, as long as I announce the news, the people of Xueyue City should not have any opinions." "

Ju Bai nodded.


Snow Moon City, inside the city lord's mansion.

City Lord Sikong Changfeng and a group of Snow Moon City experts were gathering anxiously at this moment, all looking towards Li Changsheng's retreat from time to time.

Right now

They were all worried about the situation on Li Changsheng's side.

Sikong Changfeng sat on the chair with a solemn expression, his brows furrowed into a knot, and the terrifying scene of Zhu Bai's previous attack kept emerging in his mind, as well as the terrifying divine power of the Daming army chasing and killing the army of the Demon Sect!

From all the previous things, he could see that the other party was extremely terrifying, and it was definitely not something that Xueyue City could deal with!

"City Lord, if that person really wants to forcibly conquer Snow Moon City, then what should we do? Do you choose to surrender, or fight with the other person? "

A master of Snow Moon City asked Sikong Changfeng with a worried expression.

"Brush brush brush-"

Everyone's gaze instantly focused on Sikong Changfeng.


The looks on their faces were very anxious and worried. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Daming gave them great pressure, so that they didn't know how to deal with it for a while, powerful Daming.

Sikong Changfeng glanced at everyone, looking at their anxious and panicked appearances, and suddenly felt depressed, and a helpless bitter smile appeared on his face.

"Now, we can only pray that the other party is not too malicious, otherwise... We are all fierce. Sikong Changkong sighed leisurely, he really didn't know how to deal with it now.

"City Lord, I don't think the other party should have much malice, after all, that mysterious person didn't make a move on my sister, did he still want to take me..." Lei Wujian saw Sikong Changfeng's helpless expression, and suddenly said: "Perhaps, it is not impossible for us to submit, the other party is so strong, maybe it can give us great benefits..."

Upon hearing his words, many of the experts of Snow Moon City present couldn't help but nod slightly, feeling that what he said seemed to make some sense.

Sikong Changfeng glanced at him, and just wanted to speak, but his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the door.


Zhu Bai, who appeared at the door at an unknown time, was taking Li Changsheng and Li Hanyi and stepping into the hall step by step.

"Mr. Ruxian?!"

Seeing Li Changsheng behind Zhu Bai, Sikong Changfeng's expression changed, and he stood up abruptly: "You... You are..."

Brush brush brush !!

The masters in the hall were shocked by Sikong Changfeng's reaction, and they also turned their heads to look at the door, and then saw the figures of Zhu Bai and the three.

When they saw the three of them, everyone's faces showed shock, and some even widened their eyes in shock, as if they had seen a ghost!


They saw Li Changsheng, who had a rosy face and seemed to have returned to his peak state, and was following Zhu Bai into the hall!

"Confucian ... Did you recover? "

"Your injuries healed so soon?!"


Li Changsheng's state at this moment shocked everyone and felt very incredible! But they knew that Li Changsheng not long ago, to put it mildly, had reached a state of running out of oil!

Almost everyone thinks...

He wants to recover, and he can't do it without three years and five years!


Now he's better?!


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