Chapter 139: Daming added the ultimate meridian and gave the Jiajing Emperor Daming World?

As soon as he completed the task, Zhu Bai heard a system prompt sound in his head, reminding him that he had received a reward.

"Receive reward!"

Without any hesitation, Zhu Bai immediately accepted the reward.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the following personal rewards...]

[Personal reward 1: Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 pieces of the human emperor pen, 10 pieces of the human emperor pen, after integrating into the host's incomplete human emperor pen, the power of the human emperor pen can be increased to eight ten-thousandths, according to the current human emperor pen incompleteness calculation, the host only needs to continue to collect 1000 human emperor pen fragments, you can restore the human emperor pen to the peak state. ] 】

[Personal reward two: Congratulations to the host for obtaining god-level formation talent, god-level formation talent, which allows the host to easily comprehend all kinds of knowledge related to formations. ] Powerful formations are extremely important for immortal cultivators, and the host can use the formation to improve its own strength, enhance national luck, and even kill enemies! 】

[Personal reward three: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Kunpeng Treasure Art, Pixiu Treasure Art, Nine-Character Secret, these three magical secret arts, is the top magical magic between heaven and earth, cultivation to the extreme, will have unparalleled divine power, the host can cultivate by itself, can also be taught to others to cultivate, after others cultivate, the host will get corresponding feedback rewards. ] 】

[Personal reward four: reward the host qi luck doubled, after the qi luck is improved, the host will be smoother in cultivation, it is easier to encounter chance, walking on the road may pick up top magical powers, magic weapons, etc. 】

[Personal Reward Five: Reward the host with the Immortal Medicine Enlightenment Tea Seed, which can take root and germinate in the designated location. The tea leaves grown from the ripe Wudao tea have the effect of making people have an epiphany, and can even make people live a second spring. 】

A series of personal reward prompts sounded in Zhu Bai's mind, prompting Zhu Bai of the various rewards he had received.

"Do you still need a thousand fragments to repair the Human Emperor Pen?"

The corner of Zhu Bai's mouth twitched, and he felt a little headache.

Several times rewards, the fragments of the human emperor pen he obtained, have not yet reached twenty yuan.

If you want to collect a thousand pieces of the human emperor's pen, you have to collect it to the Year of the Monkey?

However, when he thought of the power of the human emperor pen, he was also a little relieved.

The human emperor pen is a top-level immortal weapon.

Powerful and unmatched.

It is many orders of magnitude better than the Extreme Dao Emperor Soldiers!

Weapons of this level are difficult to completely repair, but it is understandable.

"These personal rewards are quite good, which can greatly improve my personal strength, and also allow me to cultivate more powerful tool people..."

For this personal reward, Zhu Bai was quite satisfied, and at the same time curious: "The national award... And what will it be? "

[The host will receive the following national rewards...]

[National Reward 1: Reward the Great Enlightenment Tower for upgrades, and the upgraded Enlightenment Tower will increase all attributes tenfold. ] 】

[National Reward 2: Reward the two top spirit stone veins in Daming. 】

[National reward three: reward Daming, increase the understanding of the entire people by 10%, and increase the affinity attribute of the Dao by 5%. 】

[National reward four: reward Daming national fortune doubled, after the national fortune is strengthened, Daming will be more smooth and rainy, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the imperial dynasty will be more stable. ] 】

[Reward five: Reward Daming Aura concentration doubled, the integrity of the Zhenguo Artifact Void Mirror increased to 50%, three hundred top geniuses randomly appeared, and three hundred heaven-level exercises or more were randomly issued. ] 】

Another series of reward prompts sounded in Zhu Bai's mind, making his eyes light up.

"These national rewards are also quite good, whether it is the increase in the density of spiritual energy, or the enhancement of national fortune, or the enhancement of the attributes of the Tower of Enlightenment..."

Zhu Bai's eyes were a little excited: "This has unimaginable benefits for the improvement of Daming's overall strength, and it will allow me to have more powerful tool people in a short period of time..."

He wants to constantly attack the new world, and from the current situation, the new world of merit will become stronger and stronger.

The new world is getting stronger and stronger, and he needs more powerful helpers!


One day, a copy of the fairy world suddenly brushed out, and it was numb!

[Congratulations to the host for getting the extra reward of the quest! ] 】

When Zhu Baiwei was happy with the reward he received, the system's prompt suddenly came to mind.

[Reward gives away a new world copy.] Jiajing Daming copy. 】

[This copy also has hidden tasks, and hidden tasks will not be refreshed until the host descends to Jiajing Daming.] 】

[Jiajing Daming World Copy, the host can go at any time according to his own time arrangement. 】

"Jiajing Dynasty?!"

The sudden additional reward made Zhu Bai a little surprised, and the expression on his face became a little strange: "Immortal Cultivation Emperor... Emperor Jiajing? It's fun..."

Zhu Bai's gaze subconsciously glanced in the direction of Old Zhu, thinking that if Old Zhu went to see Emperor Jiajing.

Knowing what this strange emperor did, would his angry chest explode?!

This product created a miracle in the history of the emperor, and he ignored the imperial government for decades, and devoted himself to cultivating immortals. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


In this case, the Jiajing Emperor can still control the imperial court to death.

I have to say that this product is still a little different.

Of course

Whether Lao Zhu will look at each other differently, then it is difficult to say, maybe he will be angry to death.

"Bo'er, what's wrong with you? Why do you look at us like this? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking about things, suddenly felt someone's gaze fall on him, looked back, and found that Zhu Bai was looking at him, which made him suddenly feel refreshed.

Because he found that the way Zhu Bai looked at him was quite subtle, even...

A little bit of a good show? What rhythm is this?

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was puzzled, had to ask Zhu Bai about the situation.

"Dad, I now have a new world copy, a world copy that you can go to at any time, a world copy of Daming time and space..."

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to be a little unnatural by himself, Zhu Bai suddenly smiled and said, "And this copy world, I mentioned it to you before..."

"What? Got a new copy of the Daming World? Which dynasty is it? Which emperor? When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his spirits suddenly lifted, and a strong curiosity appeared in his eyes: "You mentioned it to me... Could it be that it is the Jiajing Dynasty?! "

At this time, the gazes of Zhu Di and others also fell on Zhu Bai. What Zhu Bai said aroused their curiosity.

As soon as they heard the conversation between Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, their faces suddenly changed, and they all became a little strange.


They remembered that Zhu Bai had mentioned before that the emperor of the Jiaqing Dynasty was also a person who sought immortals, but...

This is or the way to ask immortals, but it is the same as those faint monarchs before, listening to the words of various ways, taking medicine and cultivating immortals!

"That's right, it's the Jiajing Dynasty."

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's slightly changed face, Zhu Bai nodded and said, "We will soon be able to meet the Immortal Cultivator Emperor of Daming..."


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