Chapter 140: Emperor Jiajing is going to be unlucky, the gate of time and space has appeared, and the current situation of Daming!

Zhu Yuanzhang has already gained a general understanding of the Daming on the original historical trajectory from Zhu Bai's mouth.

Therefore, he knew that the Ming of the previous dynasties was a strange emperor.

What is the name of the Gate Tianzi, the Carpenter Emperor, the Immortal Cultivator Emperor...

Every time he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth in anger.

I can't wait to travel through time and space to kill the past, and blast the humiliating descendants!

"Jiajing Dynasty, right? Very good! Very good..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's face became a little ugly, and he gritted his teeth: "Waste Jiajing Emperor, let's personally go over and let you see what is the real cultivation of immortals!" "

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's gritted teeth, Zhu Bai suddenly shook his head helplessly.

He could understand Zhu Yuanzhang's delicate mood at this time.

The empire he created in his nine lifetimes was destroyed by future generations. "Two, three, three"

In other words, whoever it is, they have to be so angry that they can't sleep.

"Let's not talk about those waste things..."

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was humming angrily, suddenly thought of something, and asked Zhu Bai: "What reward did we get this time to get the world of young singers?" "

"Brush brush brush!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words made everyone's curious eyes instantly fall on Zhu Bai, and their faces showed an expectant look.

"The rewards I got this time are quite a lot, and they are all quite good, and I will take out all the rewards when I return to my Daming." Speaking of the reward received, Zhu Bai had a smile on his face.

He is really very satisfied with the various rewards he received this time, and he feels that he can use the mission rewards he obtained this time to raise his strength to a higher level.


The strength of the Daming Heavenly Alliance will also soar sharply, providing a guarantee for his refreshed, more powerful copy.

"Okay then!"

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai's words, he looked at his faint smile, and immediately became excited, because he could see that the reward Zhu Bai received this time was definitely not simple, otherwise he would not have been allowed to have this kind of performance.


Hong Wu Daming.

Fengtian Temple.

Zhu Biao, the crown prince of Jianguo, has just finished today's court.

"I don't know what is the situation of dad now..." Zhu Biao's eyes showed a look of envy: "I really wish I could go with me..."

For the remaining prison country, Zhu Biao now symbolizes Zhu Bai and goes to conquer the major new worlds together.


Because Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to go, he could only stay in the Hongwu Daming Prison Kingdom and deal with various things.

After thinking about it, Zhu Biao shook his head helplessly.

Who made him the prince?

The emperor is not at home, so he can only come to oversee the country.

While thinking cranky, Zhu Biao walked out of the Fengtian Hall and headed in the direction of the East Palace.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

As soon as Zhu Biao returned to the East Palace, someone suddenly came to report: "Li Shanchang asked for a meeting, saying that there was something important to report. "

"Oh? What the hell is this Li Shanchang? Is there something why not say it in the main hall? Zhu Biao frowned, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Let him in." "


The people who came quickly retreated.


Li Shanchang's figure appeared in front of Zhu Biao.

"Minister, Li is good at seeing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Shanchang walked up to Zhu Biao and saluted him: "Wei Chen has important matters, and he must report to His Highness." "

"What's going on?"

Zhu Biao glanced at Li Shanchang suspiciously, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, and suddenly seemed to think of something: "You shouldn't want to talk to the main palace about the Immortal Cultivation Academy, right?" "

Li Shanchang has been in charge of the affairs of the Immortal Cultivation Academy for a while, but he has never come to report on the specific progress.

Zhu Biao was also busy with a lot of things, and out of trust in Li Shanchang's ability, he didn't keep an eye on the things on the side of the Immortal Cultivation Academy.

"Yes, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

A flash of excitement flashed in Li Shanchang's eyes, and he nodded again and again and said: "Your Majesty previously explained that in Yingtian City, he built Immortal Cultivation Academy and Dan Dao Academy at the same time, and with Wei Chen's efforts, now three Immortal Cultivation Colleges and three Dan Dao Colleges have all been completed!" "

"Right away..."

"You can start enrolling students!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Weichen wants to discuss with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince about the opening and enrollment of the Leisure College, after all, Weichen can't be the master of this matter!"

Zhu Biao's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart was a little happy.

He knew very well how important Xiuxian Academy and Dan Dao Academy were to Daming.

Only by systematically teaching and teaching the method of cultivating immortals can more Daming people become strong enough immortal cultivators in the shortest possible time!

And only with enough powerful immortal cultivators, Daming can under the command of Zhu Bai, regardless of conquering one event after another, obtain countless immortal cultivation rewards, and finally feedback Daming, so that Daming can transform into a super immortal cultivation empire!

"This matter..."

Although Zhu Biao was excited, he was quite calm, and after thinking silently for a moment, he said to Li Shanchang: "I need to wait for His Majesty and King Xiang to return before making a decision!" "

The opening of Hongwu Daming's first Xiuxian Academy is extremely meaningful in Zhu Biao's opinion, so he must not be sloppy at will, and he needs to discuss with his father and his twelfth brother Zhu Bai before slowly planning it....

"Weichen understands!"

Li Shanchang did not seem surprised by what Zhu Biao said, but nodded repeatedly, and took out a wad of letters from his sleeve: "Your Royal Highness, these are several plans for the construction of leisure colleges that Wei Chen has made these days, please look at it, first select a suitable one, and then see what needs to be improved..."

In order to get attention, to make Zhu Yuanzhang happy, in order to make Zhu Bai notice himself.

Recently, Li Shanchang has been working tirelessly, putting all his energy into the construction of Xiuxian Academy and Dan Dao Academy.

He was not in a hurry, and quickly set up the academy, or analyzed the current situation before slowly starting to build.

"Take a look at the main palace..."

Looking at what Li Shanchang handed over, a look of surprise flashed in Zhu Biao's eyes, and then he reached out and took it, subconsciously wanting to open it and take a look.


At the moment when he just wanted to open it, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction outside Yingtiancheng Imperial City.

"It's the fluctuation of the Gate of Time and Space!"

Zhu Biao did not speak 2.1, and Li Shanchang, who also felt abnormal, suddenly showed a look of excitement on his face: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, it may be Your Majesty, they are back!" "

"They should have solved the world of young singers, and the class teacher returned to the dynasty!"

A look of shock flashed in Zhu Biao's eyes, and he felt a little incredible: "Why did you come back so quickly this time?" It's not that the world of juvenile songs... Is it more dangerous and difficult to take down than the previous world?! "


"How did you come back so soon!"

Father, what should happen to them?

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Biao suddenly couldn't sit still, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place, and there was a yellow light, and he went straight to the imperial city to eat!


Chapter 5 is here, absolutely strive to burst more, quality assurance!

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