Chapter 141: Li Hanyi's panic, this is the Daming Dynasty? How terrifying!

Sensing the fluctuations of the breath of the Gate of Time and Space, Zhu Biao quickly headed towards the outside of the Imperial City.

This time, the army came back too quickly, and the speed was unexpected, so Zhu Biao was a little worried that there was something wrong, so he had to rush over to see what the situation was.

The breath fluctuation of the opening of the door of time and space, not only Zhu Biao sensed it, but the entire people in Yingtian City sensed the breath fluctuation of the gate of time and space, and Yingtian was agitated for a while.

Countless Yingtian people, after sensing the fluctuation of their breath, quickly rushed towards the outside of the imperial city, preparing to welcome the victorious return of the Daming army!


Outside the Heavenly City Imperial City, the void was boiling violently, and a huge gate of time and space was slowly opening. As the door of time and space opened, a huge and terrifying aura surged out from within the gate of time and space.

With a dragon groan that made the hundred beasts tremble, the huge body of the old dragon king slowly flew out from the gate of time and space. The moment the figure of the old dragon king appeared, countless Daming Hongwu people suddenly cheered.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang is back!!"

"It seems that this time Daming has successfully won a new world!"

"Every time we win a new world, Daming gets the benefits of huge 08, and all the people of Daming benefit with it, this time we don't know what opportunity we can get?!"


Countless Daming people, excitedly looking at the old dragon king who flew out of the gate of time and space, their eyes flashed with rich expectation, and they had begun to fantasize about what benefits they could get this time.

"Above the towers,

Zhu Biao and a group of civil and military officials of the Hongwu Dynasty were looking up at the heavenly dome, and they also saw the figure of the old dragon king for the first time, and Zhu Biao even saw Zhu Bai on the old dragon king!

"Twelfth brother..."

Seeing Zhu Bai, Zhu Biao suddenly looked pleased, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "It seems that things are going very smoothly this time, and the twelfth brother looks at it without any problems..."

Zhu Bai's state at this time fell in Zhu Biao's eyes, and he could see at a glance that Zhu Bai and these people should not have encountered any accidents and successfully won the world of young singers.

Under the gaze of countless lights, the figure of the old dragon king flew out from the gate of time and space, followed by Zhu Yuanzhang's little dragon king, followed by countless Daming dragon knights returning one after another

On the dragon,

Li Changsheng, Li Hanyi, Sikong Changfeng and other young people in the world of song walking, since the moment they entered the time and space of Daming Hongwu, their eyes couldn't help but look down, and when they saw the scene of Daming Ying Tiancheng below, these people suddenly widened their eyes in shock, and their faces showed a thick shock

They saw the Tiangong Divine Monument that went straight into the sky

Saw the Tower of Enlightenment

I saw the Dan Dao Inheritance Monument

Of course......

What can shock Li Changsheng and these people is the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in this heaven and earth!

"Oh my God, is this Daming? The heaven and earth aura of the Immortal Cultivation World is also too rich, right? I feel that staying in this world, it is entirely possible for my cultivation to passively enhance..."

Sikong Changfeng took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that countless heaven and earth spiritual qi frantically poured into his body, and the rich heaven and earth spiritual energy passively nourished his body, making his flesh and blood bones seem to cheer!

It's a wonderful feeling!

It was something he didn't even dare to imagine before!

Although Li Changsheng and Li Hanyi were still calm, they could see the shock in their hearts at this time from their eyes, because they also clearly felt how terrifying the richness of the Daming Hongwu Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was!

"That sacred monument..."

Li Changsheng's gaze was staring closely at the Tiangong Divine Monument in the distance at this moment, staring at the huge Divine Monument, he suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, it seemed to be affected by the mysterious force, his brain suddenly became extremely clear, his thinking became unprecedentedly clear, something that he felt difficult to figure out before, now he had an epiphany!

"Master, that divine monument is not simple..."

Li Hanyi's gaze also noticed the huge Tiangong Divine Monument, and hearing Li Changsheng's whispered exclamation, she said excitedly: "It seems that the stone monument has the effect of making people enlighten..."

Li Changsheng listened to Li Hanyi's words, his expression was shocked and solemn, he nodded gently, and did not say much, but continued to observe the Daming world below with surprised eyes.

At the time of their shock, Zhu Bai's figure had already soared into the air, and finally fell on the city tower amid countless cheers. Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others also followed his pace at the first time.

"Big brother..."

Falling on the city tower, Zhu Bai noticed Zhu Biao's figure, a smile appeared on his face, and greeted him: "These days, nothing big has happened in Daming, right?" "

Zhu Biao hurriedly walked towards Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, and said with a smile as he walked: "These days, everything in Daming has been stable, everything is thriving, and..."

Saying that,

Zhu Biao turned around and beckoned to Li Shanchang: "Tell Your Majesty and King Xiang about the matter, let them know about the affairs of Xiuxian Academy and Dan Dao Academy..."

When Li Shanchang heard this, he quickly stepped forward and repeated what he had just said with Zhu Biao, Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others.

"The Cultivation Immortal Academy and the Dan Dao Academy have already been prepared?"

Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Li Shanchang's words, and his face suddenly showed a look of joy: "Then you can start enrolling!" Try to recruit as many talented Daming people as possible and cultivate a group of top immortal cultivation masters for Daming! "

Zhu Bai was also quite happy, and said with a smile: "The first batch of cultivated immortal cultivation masters, alchemy masters, can become the seeds of Daming immortal cultivation, let them be responsible for setting up immortal colleges in various places under the Great Tomorrow..." )

When Zhu Yuanzhang and the others heard this, a look of surprise suddenly flashed on their faces.

"Bo'er, what do you mean..."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Bai with some surprise: 117 "This is about to start opening branches of the Immortal Cultivation Academy in various places under the Great Tomorrow?" This rhythm... Wouldn't it be a little too fast?! "


Everyone didn't expect that Zhu Bai's rhythm was so fast.

"That's right, within a year, in the territory of Hongwu Daming, more than a hundred immortal cultivation colleges must be opened..." Zhu Bai's eyes flashed with a hot light, and slowly said: "And this is just the beginning, in the future..."

"There are also more Immortal Cultivation Colleges to be opened!"

"Until one day, I will let all the people of Daming start cultivating immortals from the age of six!"

"All Daming people must receive systematic and comprehensive immortal cultivation training after birth!"

"Discover more geniuses for Daming!"


"Send all the immortal cultivation geniuses selected from all the world's immortal cultivation academies to Yingtian, and then build a higher-level immortal cultivation academy in Yingtian, and I will be responsible for guiding these geniuses!"


Zhu Bai's series of plans immediately made Zhu Yuanzhang and the others gasp, shocked by his grand plan!

He was going to...

Let Daming completely become an imperial dynasty with immortal cultivation as the main melody!


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