Chapter 142: The blueprint of the Daming Heavens, Zhu Zhanji is willing to guard Xueyue City!

The plan that Zhu Bai said made Zhu Yuanzhang and the others extremely shocked, but after the shock, Zhu Yuanzhang's face showed an excited look, and suddenly asked Zhu Bai.

"Bai'er, you don't just want to build a large number of Immortal Cultivation Colleges in Hongwu Daming, right? Are you..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes became hot: "Want to create a large number of Immortal Cultivation Colleges, Dan Dao Colleges, etc. within the scope of the Daming Heavens Alliance to cultivate strong people for Daming?" "

Brush brush brush !!

As soon as everyone heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, their faces suddenly changed, and a thick look of excitement and shock flashed in their eyes, and they only felt that their scalps were numb.

Zhu Bai's ambition...

It's a bit too big!!

"Yes, that's exactly what I thought."

Zhu Yuanzhang realized his thoughts, which surprised Zhu Bai, smiled and nodded, which was regarded as agreeing with Zhu Yuanzhang's statement.

Zhu Bai's ambition is very big, he not only wants to build the Immortal Cultivation Academy in Daming Yingtianfu, but also in the entire Daming, and even ...

In the entire territory of the Daming Heavens Alliance, countless Immortal Cultivation Colleges from low to high level have been built!

Based on this, cultivate countless immortal cultivator tool people for him, and help him constantly attack various new world copies!

"It's also amazing..."

Zhu Bai admitted that Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but smack his lips, only feeling quite shocked: "I really hope that day can come as soon as possible, let us see, Daming at that time... How strong is it! "

In the eyes of Zhu Di, Zhu Biao and others, a strong color of yearning suddenly appeared, and they had already begun to fantasize in their minds about what Daming would look like at that time.

"Dad, twelfth brother..."

Zhu Biao quickly recovered from the shock, suddenly thought of the matter, and quickly said to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Bai: "Daming Xiuxian Academy is about to start enrollment, the first time to open enrollment, should you... Going to show up? "

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up, as the Emperor of Daming, nominally... He was the supreme leader of Xiuxian Academy, and he was the first principal like Zhu Bai!


"Is everything arranged? When does school start? A look of interest flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes: "The matter is arranged, we will definitely pass by then~." "

Daming Xiuxian Academy began to enroll, and Zhu Yuanzhang knew very well how much this matter meant to Daming.


He thought he had to be there!

"Back to Your Majesty, Wei Chen has set three dates, which are three days later, seven days later, and fifteen days later..."

Li Shanchang quickly stood up and said: "These three days are all carefully selected zodiac auspicious days, now wait for Your Majesty, you choose one of these three days..."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he did not open his mouth to choose at the first time, but looked back at Zhu Bai, with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Bai'er, this day... You choose! "

When everyone saw that Zhu Yuanzhang had given such an important and meaningful day to Zhu Bai to choose, a look of shock flashed in their eyes.

From these details, they could all see that His Majesty the Emperor attached great importance to the opinions of His Royal Highness King Xiang.


Many times, His Majesty the Emperor completely followed the advice of His Royal Highness King Xiang!


Thinking of the changes that King Xiang had brought to Daming, as well as his own strong strength, everyone was relieved.

I feel that Zhu Yuanzhang's doing this is very reasonable.

"Then... Fifteen days later. "

Zhu Yuanzhang let himself choose, but Zhu Bai didn't feel much, and after sorting out the recent plan in his mind, he made a decision: "Fifteen days later, Daming Yingtian Xiuxian Academy will open and select the first batch of students!" "


Zhu Bai made a choice, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately nodded, and a satisfied look appeared on his face: "Then fifteen days later!" Now, let's finish dealing with all kinds of things in Snow Moon City..."


Snow Moon City has already been taken, but the follow-up matters still need to be discussed and arranged and various detailed rules set.

Zhu Bai's plan is just a general direction and a big strategy.

The details of small aspects of management need to be discussed by the Chinese and military officials before a decision can be made.

After all

The world of young singers is still very different from the world of Daming, and it is impossible to completely copy everything on Daming's side and use it in the past.

"Biao'er, Bai'er intends to turn the young singer world into a trial world of the Daming Heavens Alliance..."

After setting the date, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said to Zhu Biao: "If you want to build the world of young singers into a trial center, there are many things that need to be done, and you have recently found time to come up with a feasible plan on this matter..." )

"Turn the world of young singers into a world of trials?" Zhu Biao was taken aback when he heard this, and asked in disbelief: "Dad, twelfth brother, in the end... What's going on? "

The first time he heard this sentence, Zhu Biao looked a little confused, a little shocked, and did not understand thoroughly.

"Fourth, you know this matter, you should explain it clearly with your eldest brother in the evening, and then discuss it together..."

Seeing Zhu Biao's puzzled appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly said to Zhu Di on the side: "After discussing a good plan, you go to the incident of the Young Song Trip and stay in Xueyue City with Yu Qian!" "

"What the hell?! Let me...... Going to guard Snow Moon City? "

When Zhu Di heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, he was immediately dumbfounded: "Dad, why let me go?" I'm not going! "

He refused while shaking his head frantically.

Although the world of young singers is much better than the orthodox Daming and Yongle Daming, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has also been revived.


In Zhu Di's opinion, these worlds could not compare to Hongwu Daming, and they had a great impact on his cultivation!


He didn't want to go!!

".brush !!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's face darkened in an instant, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, glaring at Zhu Di angrily: "What we said... You can't listen anymore, can you?! "

Zhu Di looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's black face and gloomy appearance, and his scalp suddenly became numb, and he took several steps back, for fear that Zhu Yuanzhang would beat him.

Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaoxu, looking at the young father, was frightened by the imperial grandfather, his face turned pale, and he looked panicked, and his face showed a worried look, and he subconsciously wanted to stand up and speak for his father.


Before they could stand up, Zhu Zhanji behind the two suddenly stood up.

"The Crown Prince..."

After Zhu Zhanji stood up, he quickly said: "If you don't let me replace my grandfather, I am willing to go to the world of young singers and serve Daming!" "

As soon as he stood up, everyone present immediately showed a look of surprise on their faces, and their eyes focused on him.

"Good grandson..."

When Zhu Di saw Zhu Zhanji stand up, he looked overjoyed when he suddenly (King Zhao's), his eyes showed a look of relief and excitement, and he nodded at him repeatedly: "You are worthy of being a good grandson of grandfather, it's really good, grandpa supports you to experience in the world of young songs..."

Saying that,

Zhu Di's gaze returned to Zhu Yuanzhang, and he was a little proud: "Dad, don't you need me to go now?" I have a good grandson, just let him go..."

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at Zhu Di sharply, and then his gaze fell on Zhu Zhanji, and his brows furrowed.

"Are you sure you're going to the world of Shōnen Song? This goes... You don't know when you'll be back! "

Zhu Yuanzhang stared at Zhu Zhanji closely, a flash of appreciation flashed in the depths of his eyes, but his face looked serious: "Before you completely take down the world of young singers, you need to stay over there!" You..."

"Have you figured it out? Tail! "


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